Favorite Narrator?

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Favorite Narrator?

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Jul. 31, 2007, 12:55 pm

Who's everybody's favorite narrator? I'll give my thoughts later, but I haven't read Haunted or No Humans Involved yet, so I'm not really informed about all of them.

Aug. 1, 2007, 12:32 pm

I love the ones narrated by Elena best of all, but I also adored the most recent one, No Humans involved, narrated by Jaime Vegas - I hope she gets to be the voice of another one yet!

Sept. 10, 2007, 2:14 pm

Well, that took me longer than I thought.

Now that I've caught up with the series so far, Paige is still my favorite. Maybe it's because I started with Dime Store Magic, but that was because it was the one that was specifically recommended to me. I like that she basically knows what she's after in her own head, even if she hasn't learned how to deal with some of the things the world throws at her yet. Besides, the only character in the series that I like more than her is Lucas- what can I say, I'm a pushover for nerds.

Eve and Jaime are pretty close for second place, but Eve might get a slight edge just for being such a good example of an anti-heroine. I liked No Humans Involved, but Jaime as a sympathetic figure is much less of a challenge.

And then there's Elena, whom I didn't really decide I liked at all until Broken. I could appreciate Kelley Armstrong's ability to write such different first-person narrators in distinct voices, but I'm glad that I went with the instict to borrow Bitten from a friend instead of buying it after reading Dime Store Magic. As you might be able to tell from my opinion of Paige, I can forgive a heroine a lot more easily for not being sure how to handle a strange outside threat than for not being clear on her own motivations. I don't really buy the whole having sex almost by accident thing any more in fiction than I would in the real world- if she wasn't cheating on the Phillip guy (that was his name, right) with Clay, then she had been cheating on Clay in her entire relationship with Phillip, and I expect a character to feel a bit conflicted about that or at least think about it if I'm going to like her as a person. I'm not sure it's really an author's job to make me like a character as a person, since so much of that is the reader's individual taste, but I'd still dock Bitten by half a star or so in comparison to the books with narrators I do like more. I wasn't really sure I was going to read the other Elena books at all, until I read Industrial Magic and it sank in more that narrators from one book would appear in the others. By Broken, I decided that Elena had her head more together and wasn't going to continue to annoy me as much as she did in Bitten, but I'm still not sure I'd go back and read Stolen again- if it really took until her third book for me to decide I liked her or if it was just that I hadn't decided to give her another real chance after Bitten yet when I read Stolen. I *know* I'm not ever going to have my own copy of Bitten on my shelf.

Sept. 12, 2007, 1:28 pm

I'm looking forward to Personal Demon (no touchstone yet) coming out next Spring (another new narrator - Hope Adams, who was introduced in No Humans Involved). Apparently she's looking to do one from Savannah's point of view too, which I think will be very interesting.

Bearbeitet: Sept. 12, 2007, 11:28 pm

Hope has already been a narrator in a novella which is part of Dates from Hell. I didn't include her because she's only gotten a hundred pages or so, so far. And Lucas will be narrating, too! I'm excited for that. Also for the Men of the Otherworld collection of the novellas previously published online, since I didn't get a chance to read The Case of El Chupacabra before it was pulled.

I get the impression that the soonest we'll be seeing a Savannah book is number ten, since she's put off Cassandra to number nine. The series is contracted that far, though, and Savannah should be college age by then, so we can hope she'll narrate the tenth book.