January Book: Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld


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January Book: Afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld

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Dez. 13, 2014, 2:19 pm


Dez. 13, 2014, 2:26 pm

What does AYABC stand for? Sorry, just trying to get context. I see the group in based in Pasadena, Texas -- I used to work at that public library (I live in Clear Lake). Is this an in-person book group or strictly online through LibraryThing?

Bearbeitet: Dez. 15, 2014, 4:00 pm

Amy-This is the group that meets at the Pasadena Barnes & Noble once a month. AFTERWORLDS is the book we will be reading for the January meeting.

AYABC =Adult Readers of Young Adult Book Club. :)

Jan. 17, 2015, 5:30 pm

What is our new read? Can't wait to start it.

Jan. 23, 2015, 2:03 pm

21 Proms (short story collection) and Whatever Life Throws At You by Julie Cross