Roux's 100 in 2016

Forum100 Books in 2016 Challenge

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Roux's 100 in 2016

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Bearbeitet: Mrz. 13, 2016, 3:21 am

Haven't done this before, so am not sure how to participate, but we'll give it a go.
Roux's 100 Books in 2016
1. Lean on Pete: A Novel --------- Willy Vlautin
2. The Empty Chair: Two Novellas -------------- Bruce Wagner
3. The Rosie Project: A Novel ------------ Graeme Simsion
4. The Rise & Fall of Great Powers: A Novel ------------------- Tom Rachman
5. Broken Glass Park ------------------ Alina Bronsky, Tim Mohr (Translator)

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 13, 2016, 3:22 am

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 21, 2016, 4:40 pm

I've been re-reading Hilary Mantel's "Wolf Hall" for about the last three weeks. I like this novel very much, but for some reason am finding myself unable to read for very long before getting restless and doing something else (or falling asleep). My intent is to read it before starting on the sequel, "Bring Up the Bodies."

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 13, 2016, 3:25 am

7. The Quick: A Novel -------------- Lauren Owen
A book about vampires in Victorian London - not my thing, but it was well-written, and the somber atmosphere of dread and horror somehow kept me reading. I can't recommend it, except to people who like this sort of thing.

Mrz. 21, 2016, 4:39 pm

8. Soil: A Novel ------------------- Jamie Kornegay
A debut novel in the best tradition of the literary Southern Gothic, this dark tragicomedy held me in a dreadful grip right to the end.

Mrz. 21, 2016, 4:52 pm

I see that it's highly unlikely I'll read 100 new books this year. Truthfully I don't care, except for an OCD-related concern that perhaps I shouldn't be in this particular group, which I'm choosing to dismiss as an absurd scruple.

Mrz. 21, 2016, 8:00 pm

Just read what you like!( and how many is up to you)- you have to enjoy your reading- I finally gave myself permission to stop reading books I did not like and then give them away.

Mrz. 26, 2016, 9:06 pm

Cheers to you for giving yourself permission! I think most of us need that. As for the '100 Books in 2016' group, I think the 'Books Read in 2016' list might be a better fit for me. Or I could do both and see which is more useful. You're right, what's important is finding books I like - a bit of a challenge because I'm kinda fussy.

Mrz. 30, 2016, 5:19 am

9. Dollbaby ------- Laura Lane McNeal

Apr. 4, 2016, 4:44 pm

10. Harriet Wolf's Seventh Book of Wonders ------- Julianna Baggott
This was a peculiar story about a peculiar family, at least two of whom are somewhere in the autism spectrum, as well as being agoraphobic. It is told in first person by the the great-grandmother, who is a famous author, her daughter, and her two granddaughters. I had a hard time getting engaged with it but managed to do so by not reading the chapters in the order given.

Bearbeitet: Apr. 4, 2016, 11:22 pm

11. Who asked you? ----------- Terry McMillan

Joys and tribulations of a black matriarch and her family living in L.A.

Mai 20, 2016, 9:13 pm

Books read in April and May - some of the books I read might be missing due to memory voids.
12. A Man Called Ove -------------------------------------Fredrik Backman
13. A Spool of Blue Thread -------------------------------Anne Tyler
14. Holy Shit: a Brief History of Swearing --------------Melissa Mohr
15. The Girls ----------------------------------------------- Lori Lansens
16. Gold Frame Citrus ------------------------------------ Claire Vaye Watkins
17. Other People's Children ------------------------------ Joanna Trollope
18. The Affinities ------------------------------------------ Robert Charles Wilson
19. The Quality of Life Report --------------------------- Meghan Daum
20. Bone Gap ---------------------------------------------- Laura Ruby

Jun. 23, 2016, 5:52 pm

Books read in May and June:
21. The Silver Star ---------------------------------- Jeanette Walls
22. Two Sisters: a Novel ---------------------------- Mary Hogan
23. Happy Mutant Baby Pills ----------------------- Jerry Stahl
24. Help for the Haunted --------------------------- John Searles
25. Eat, Drink, and Be from Mississippi ----------- Nanci Kincaid
26. Hunting and Gathering ------------------------- Anna Gavalda, trans. Alison Anderson ***** Added to 'Favorites' collection

Bearbeitet: Okt. 26, 2016, 1:59 am

27. A Reunion of Ghosts ---------------------- Judith Claire Mitchell
28. The Art of Crash Landing ------------------ Melissa DeCarlo
29. Lost Lake ---------------------------------- Sarah Addison Allen
30. The Portable Veblan ----------------------- Elizabeth McKenzie
31. Between, Georgia ------------------------- Joshilyn Jackson
32. When Breath Becomes Air ---------------- Paul Kalanithi
33. Baby Doll ---------------------------------- Hollie Overton
34. Dante's Dilemma -------------------------- Lynne Raimondo
35. The Expatriates ---------------------------- Janice Y. K. Lee
36. The Wallcreeper ---------------------------- Nell Zink

Bearbeitet: Jan. 8, 2017, 1:59 am

37. The Godfather ------------------------- Mario Puzo
38. A Royal Pain --------------------------- Megan Mulry
39. The Rosie Effect ----------------------- Graeme Simson
40. The Harder They Come ----------------T. C. Boyle
41. The Children --------------------------- Ann Leary

So much for "100 books" in 2016.

I didn't push myself to read more than I wanted to. I had no idea how many books I read in a year, had never thought about it or paid attention before. (A couple seconds of mental math would have helped in selecting the appropriate challenge category.) I'm not diligent about entering books right after I read them, and I not infrequently forget the titles before I record them. So I'm sure there are a few more titles that should be on the list. But the number I read this year was 50 max.