Latter Rain Question

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Latter Rain Question

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Sept. 25, 2006, 2:40 pm

Perhaps we should start with the question "Does the Latter Rain movement have both positive and negative features?"

2elijahx Erste Nachricht
Feb. 11, 2007, 2:24 pm

yes much of what started out as a pure move
went into false doctrine and what dick iverson calls racketeering

Sept. 12, 2008, 8:09 pm

You will be really surprised to see that someone else is interested/concerned about this topic. In discussion at coffee yesterday with an ex AG person gone Baptist (but a COOL Baptist church here in Detroit) She stated that her memories from childhood of this movement were that there was a lot good, but as it went on pride, and conformity got in the way and corrupted it. Perhaps the same is happening today with Toronto, Lakeland, and other movement. There is good, but a lot of lack of wisdom.
Presently reading The Toronto Blessing, by Beverley and Paul Basden Exploring the worship spectrum 6 views.

Jan. 13, 2009, 9:45 am

I guess this topic gets "once a year" coverage? I agree with the thesis myself.