Adding fields in cataloging record, and modify fields display in the search result

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Adding fields in cataloging record, and modify fields display in the search result

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Okt. 17, 2018, 11:24 pm

I am new to the LibraryThing, have just manually added my first book entry. May I know how to add LC Subject headings field? Currently I can only found "tag" in the record adding page.

As well, I found only empty LC Classification and LC Subject in the search result page, but our own call number is not there. How to change the LC Classification to our own call number?

Thank you.

Okt. 18, 2018, 12:57 am

>1 ECCClibrary: I'm afraid that the LC Subject Headings are not editable at this point. That data can be pulled in if you're cataloging from a library data source, and we have a lot of good ones! Check "Search where?" on the left-hand column of the Add Books page. The Library of Congress is, of course, probably your best bet for getting this information.

Call numbers, on the other hand, are another story: those you certainly can edit, and there are a couple of ways to do that. One is to click the pencil icon to the far right of a record on the Your Books page. This will take you to the Edit Book page for that item. Look for the field labeled "LC Classification" and enter your call number there, then click "Save".

If this is an operation you'll want to perform often, I'd recommend another method. Add the LC Classification field to at least one of your Display Styles, and then you'll see it as one of the columns on the Your Books page. From Your Books, you can double-click on the LC Classification field to edit it.

To add LCC to your Display Styles, head over to Your Books and click the gear icon labeled "Settings" in the menu bar at the top of the page. On that page, you can drag and drop fields to reorganize them as you like, and you can save up to five Display Styles (labeled A-E).

Bearbeitet: Okt. 18, 2018, 9:59 am

DO NOT change the LC classification to your own random call number. The LC classification is shared data, and your change has the potential to affect everyone. LT has the "custom call number" for this purpose (a library using classification schemes other than Dewey or LC), which you're free to edit however you want.

You can of course edit the LC classification to be the LC classification that you use in your own library, but DO NOT edit it to any other classification system.

Okt. 18, 2018, 11:32 am

>3 lorax: Yeah, I didn't read that as using the LCC field for custom call numbers—I think they're asking how to enter their own LCC numbers.

In the event that they're not, details on setting up LT to use your own custom call number system can be found here:

Okt. 18, 2018, 9:49 pm

Thanks lorannen and lorax for your quick response to my inquiry. I have spent lots of time locating the help page and the setting for my book record....

My library use Dewey class no. and LC subject headings. I have originally put our own call number in the Dewey Box. Now lorax has pointed out the impact of using the box for our own, I have removed our call number to "other call number system".

Referring to lorannen's attached link to use our own custom call number setting, I saw the "personal and custom system" but this term is not in our working document.

Our collection is mainly printed in Chinese (traditional and simplified Chinese characters). They are mostly published and available from Logos Publishing (HK), and some other publishing companies in Hong Kong.

I use WorldCat (OCLC) a lot as my cataloging reference because our items are rarely found in Amazon or LC. I hope in the near future we will have the flexibility to add our own subject headings for each item because they are very important to our library users. Right now, I just use tags field for that purpose.

By the way, I haven't start using the TinyCat. I am not sure if the series title will be displayed in the detail report because right now this field didn't appear in the detail report.

Thanks again lorannen and lorax for your help,


Jan. 5, 2020, 2:20 pm

The lcc Numbers are missing for most of my books on Library Thing, though these are books with lcc numbers. I’d really like to be able to add the lcc numbers to my books in library thing. Is there no way to do this?

Bearbeitet: Jan. 5, 2020, 2:53 pm

You can add the LCC field to your catalog display, then double click to edit it.

You can open the record and edit your specific book, with the LNC field about 2/3 of the way down the page.

When you chose a book source, chose something OTHER than amazon to get LLC numbers and subject headings.

Jan. 5, 2020, 3:10 pm

>6 hcbrown: OCLC Classify is a good source for both LC and Dewey numbers. And then you can edit as mentioned above.

But it won't bring in the LC Subject Headings, the original poster asked about. To get them, you have to bring them in with the other data when adding books, or wait for them to trickle into your records. As gilroy mentions, you'll want a library source. Some have better LCSHs than others, you can view them by clicking the little gray question mark that appears on the far right when searching for records.