Berea contacts

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Berea contacts

Bearbeitet: Dez. 2, 2022, 3:25 am

Rankin Climate will be doing an assessment for the college this spring. Heard on the college radio broadcast. Is Sue Rankin a graduate?

Their website is bs:

Okay, never mind. They are talking about the cultural climate

Dez. 3, 2022, 8:02 am

Electricity Co-op need feedback comments by December 15.

Dez. 3, 2022, 2:36 pm

The Eastern Kentucky Power Cooperative recently released its 15-year plan to the Public Service Commission (PSC), which regulates Kentucky's utilities.

This plan ignores the needs of over 1 million Kentuckians who get their electric from the EKPC, and is committed to business as usual:
- No plan to lower our outrageous utility bills.
- A renewed commitment to fossil fuels and coal.
- No plan for sustainable energy.

We deserve a better plan for the future. Leave a public comment before December 15. You can use information and tips from Kentuckians for Energy Democracy at

Dez. 3, 2022, 2:59 pm

Lower Madison County is Blue Grass Energy Co-op.
Northern Madison County is Clark Energy Co-op.

Here is a report (72 pages) evaluating and criticising the EKPC 15 year plan:

Here is the plan (257 pages):

Public Services Commission filings page:

Only one public comment has been filed:

Here is the link for filing your own comments:

Jan. 17, 2023, 11:08 am

One of our board members’ 7 children all attended the Berea Community Schools. So he is passionate about helping the schools upgrade with electric busses and whatever else can be done.
I suggested we connect with one of the congressional or senatorial offices to get information on funding in the Inflation Reduction Act.
We accomplished that today. A community member arranged to have one of Senator McConnell’s field rep meet with the school administration.
The schools are very proactive in planning upgrades and pursuing DOE grant funding. In fact, Tony T. Described a grant request package that will be submitted next Monday.
Stephanie, the field rep. promised letters of recommendation from McConnell as well as other congresspeople.
Just that made the meeting worthwhile.
But there was further talk about other plans, such as solar panels and lighting, and the busses. So this connection will flourish in the future.

Tony also says that the school district is labeled as “urban” for federal funding purposes; which limits which Monroe’s they are eligible for. The urban designation is absurd!
Stephanie said she might be able to nudge a process to have that re-examined.

Bearbeitet: Apr. 22, 2023, 8:27 pm

Nov. 11, 2023, 7:25 am
