Amy's reading journal 2024

Forum75 Books Challenge for 2024

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Amy's reading journal 2024

Mrz. 13, 9:41 am

Hi all I have just joined!!
My name is Amy. My favourite genres include literary fiction, queer fiction and science fiction. I am also attempting to read more classics this year (I recently discovered that I love Jane Austen despite putting off reading her for years).

So i am slightly behind posting wise but not reading wise thank god! I am on my 28th book of the year. That book is Dune by Frank Herbert, i saw all of the excitement for the second movie so finally decided to give it a go. I am liking it so far although fantasy is not my go to genre (except for GOT). I tend to read multiple books at a time so if my posts are a bit muddled its because my reading is too!

Other current reads include:
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston
Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin
Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott

I hope i have gotten this introductory post and thread right!

Mrz. 13, 6:58 pm

Hi and welcome!

Mrz. 14, 10:09 am

Welcome, Amy! There aren't any rules, so yep, you got it right. 😀

Looks like you've made a good start to the year.

Mrz. 14, 1:33 pm

28th Read:
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enriquez
This book took me a long time to read despite being short. The final quarter of this book i found really fun and exciting however it didn't make up for the first three quarters.

I was wrong in my first post! Dune will be read soon enough!! (Lol)

Thanks for welcoming messages!

Mrz. 14, 4:27 pm

Yet another current read:

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh

Very excited for both of these, have been meaning to read Rebecca for months. Eileen I finally got to pick up from my library, reading it to tackle my quest of reading all the booker prize shortlist over the years and also due to my love of Ottessa Moshfegh!!

Mrz. 14, 9:59 pm

>1 highlandcow: Hi Amy!

I’m relatively new to LT, too!

I’m not quite as across the reading as you though! 🤣

I’m always so impressed everyone reads so quickly! ☺️

I read a lot daily as an academic, mostly journal articles! But I sometimes get the chance to read my books! I also read with my kids, but I’m not counting those in my 75!

Keen to hear about your reading ☺️

Mrz. 15, 11:24 am

>6 KB23: Hi KB!!
Glad I'm not the only newcomer!

I only get through books quickly because i hardly do anything else! (lol) I also study english literature so I have to be reading!!

I'm sure you'll get there! Hopefully the summer will give you more time for reading for pleasure!

Mrz. 15, 11:29 am

Book 29: So Late in the Day by Claire Keegan

I am a big fan of Claire Keegan, she is a really brilliant writer for both the nuanced and mundane topics. She ascribes significance to every word on the page, so despite this book being short (47 pages) the way it makes you think lives on much longer than your reading time!!

Would highly recommend this book but also her other shorter writings, Foster and Small Things Like These.
I am most definitely going to be reading more of her soon.

Mrz. 20, 3:27 pm

Current Read: Animal's People by Indra Sinha

Reading this for a class on eco literature
Also as part of my life goal to read all booker shortlist books!!

Mrz. 20, 4:40 pm

>7 highlandcow: studying English literature would be a great way to be across reading!

I’m slowly getting there! I just am glad to have my head in books again

Mrz. 25, 10:32 am

Book 30: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Wow!! This book had me on the edge of my seat for the duration! The gothic setting alongside the haunting feeling made for a very enjoyable read. I cant wait to read more Du Maurier!

Book 31: Goodnight PunPun Volume 2 by Inio Asano
I enjoyed this manga but maybe not as much as the first volume. I have heard so much about this online but only in vague terms so I am reading the whole manga out of curiosity!

Mai 24, 3:19 pm

I have not updated in so long! I have read 20 books since so I shall update accordingly:

Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi ★★★☆☆ (3.5)

The Constitution of the Lacedaemonians by Xenophon ★★★☆☆

Dune by Frank Herbert ★★★☆☆ whilst positively obsessed with the movies this book was quite difficult for me. I really adore the world but it was just a bit too much for my liking/understanding but i can really appreciate it as a brilliant book.

What I'd Rather Not Think About by Jente Posthuma ★★★★☆ (4.5)

Lost on Me by Vernoica Raimo ★★★★☆ (4.5) You will start to notice that my taste really lean towards lit fic!! These last two I read for the International Booker Prize and truly enjoyed them. I read both in a day whilst traveling to vist my friend in Sweden!

Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin ★★☆☆☆ (2.5) I love ASOFAI but I didnt love this book as much due to the form of it! Can really appreciate Georges extensive world building though! IT IS SO IMPRESSIVE.

The Abbess of Crewe by Muriel Spark ★★★★☆

Girl Meets Boy by Ali Smith ★★★★☆ MY HEART

One Day by David Nicholls ★★★★★ My 6 month stint in Edinburgh did not help my heart whilst reading this book. Also read within my final month of college, the thoughts of growing up and moving on is soul crushing but David Nicholls writing to explain it MIGHT help.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro ★★★★☆ (4.5)

Mai 24, 7:13 pm


Medea by Euripides ★★★★☆

The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green ★★★★★ WOWEEE could'nt recommend this one enough the way John Green writes about life and the world around us is so beautiful i could not put it down

Happening by Annie Ernaux ★★★☆☆ (3.5)

Autumn by Ali Smith ★★★★☆ currently typing this with Winter sat beside me so I feel that conveys that I enjoyed this book

Electra by Euripides ★★★☆☆ (3.5)

Just Kids by Patti Smith ★★★★★ exquisite writing style that simultaneously makes you both laugh and cry. I want to be Patti Smith when i grow up!

The Duke and I ★★★☆☆ The Viscount Who Loved Me ★★★☆☆ An Offer From a Gentleman ★★★☆☆ by Julia Quinn. Clearly was going through a Bridgerton phase at the beginning of May, kinda my guilty pleasure books I will be reading them all

Familiar Thinks by Hwang Sok-Yong ★★★★★ second time reading this year and I still love this book

The Spartans by Andrew J. Bayliss ★★★☆☆

Hope this is all of them!! I will be posting more often and keeping this thread updated on my future reads

Mai 24, 7:16 pm

Currently reading:

- Down the Drain by Julia Fox
- Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn (told you the obsession would persevere)
- Identitti by Mithu Sanyal

A few more but these are my most active! A bit of a mix. If anyones read any of them let me know your thoughts

Jun. 1, 11:07 am

Book 53: Down the Drain by Julia Fox ★★★★☆

Jun. 1, 11:07 am

Book 54: The Wife of Willesden by Zadie Smith ★★★☆☆

Jun. 1, 11:09 am

Book 55: Romancing Mister Bridgerton ★★☆☆☆ I really didn't love this book... and i found the other ones middling sooooo...

Jun. 1, 11:10 am

Book 56: Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica ★★★☆☆ (3.5) this was okay i just dont understand why they went to harvesting humans before just accepting veganism??