That was tricky...

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That was tricky...

Mai 20, 5:02 pm

OK, I signed in today: that was tricky putting "Desert animals" (or whatever that was) in the pictures where you are only supposed to click on food-related books. I almost clicked and then had to think: one or two S's...?

Mai 20, 5:40 pm

Ha! That's pretty funny.

Mai 20, 6:47 pm

>2 Bookmarque:

FWIW, I constantly have trouble with those things. I'm autistic, and literal-minded, and the descriptions of what to look for are often not specific enough. Too much Lewis Carroll thinking plus bad eyesight is a recipe for trouble. (Dessert trouble, no doubt.)

Mai 20, 7:38 pm

I was taught to remember dessert has the extra S because you want seconds.

Bearbeitet: Mai 20, 7:45 pm

I think accuracy of picks is not as important as the rate of assessment and movement of the mouse on the regular captchas--that's how the "I am not a robot" checkbox captcha works. But LT may be different.

I got one the other day that asked me to identify crosswalks, and there were none visible, just a couple of cross-hatch painted road shoulders. I used the "Give me a different test" button on that one.

Mai 20, 8:08 pm

I'm pretty sure accuracy of picks is not strictly important. I believe staff has said somewhere that you can misclassify one of the covers without being deemed a robot.

Mai 20, 9:27 pm

>4 Taphophile13: Hah! That is clever!

Mai 20, 10:39 pm

>4 Taphophile13:

I learned a variation on that. Dessert has double S because you want it to last longer. Desert has one because you want to rush through it.

Mai 21, 12:35 am

I think they also keep track of ones that many people get wrong.

Bearbeitet: Mai 22, 5:07 am

>5 paradoxosalpha: I think I remember that Tim said that the algorithm checks that you choose the right books (not the SF ones, even if somebody could have some doubts about , whose title translates to "Memoirs of a spaceship cook"), but you are allowed a mistake, since someone a blank cover may be shown.

Mai 21, 5:12 pm

>8 sqdancer: I like that too!

Mai 21, 5:32 pm

The opposite of desserts is stressed. So if you are stressed you need to counteract that with desserts. Deserts won't work.

Mai 21, 5:54 pm

>12 MarthaJeanne: Love this!!!

Mai 22, 3:27 am

Hahaha, I love those "donkey bridges" for deserts and desserts.

(A donkey bridge is a dutchism for a silly mnemonic.)

Mai 22, 8:13 am

>14 Ennas:
Doubtless from pons asinorum. The shift in meaning is interesting.

Mai 22, 9:17 am

My favorite slightly-confusing example is

But as others have said, you get one free mistake.

Mai 24, 7:13 pm

Sahara is a desert (one ess) and strawberry shortcake is a dessert (two esses)

Mai 25, 8:19 am

but is it cakessss, preciousssss?

Bearbeitet: Mai 28, 8:35 pm

>18 MrAndrew: Of course, Gollum. It wasssss very much cakessss, preciousssssss.