Running Lately

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Running Lately

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Jun. 14, 2009, 4:46 pm

What have you been running lately?

This weekend I ran my 16th marathon. Mom, dad, and I are running one in every state so this one was the West Virginia Hatfield/McCoy Marathon. It was lovely! We really enjoyed the course. It was hilly, but in WV, any course will have hills! We loved running through the mountain scenery, most of the time with streams running alongside us. The water was much faster than we were, however! ;)

It was one of our slower marathons, at 6 hours 14 minutes. None of us had run a long run in months and dad took a bad fall while out running last week. His right knee and ankle were bruised and a little swollen but of course he ran the marathon anyway. He's nuts. But we all finished, which was the point. Another state down!

Jun. 14, 2009, 11:12 pm

Have you done one in Arizona yet?

Jun. 15, 2009, 9:19 pm

Not yet! We will probably try to do two in a week for that -- Arizona one Saturday and New Mexico the next. It makes them a bit cheaper than taking separate trips. Do you have a favorite Arizona marathon?

Jun. 16, 2009, 3:50 pm

I've got my place booked in the Birmingham Half-Marathon on Oct 11 and have been just doing a few short runs to get my hand back in after the horror of the "Fun" Run. Did 3.15 miles today on a hot evening. I have downloaded a trainnig plan, the same one as last year and it lasts 16 weeks; hopefully I can complete it all this time and will have a proper go at the speedwork etc.

Have fun with your plan Lefty, that's really cool! Hope your dad's feeling OK now.

Oh - do you get to do Alaska and Hawaii too?

Jun. 16, 2009, 8:16 pm

There are not many Arizona marathons. A few small ones where no other runner would be near you for many miles/hours...boring, if you ask me...and then the Rock'n'Roll Marathon in January which is a major party of 30,000+ and a great, fun time. You can't beat AZ weather for running in January either.

Jun. 17, 2009, 8:21 pm

Good luck with training, Lyzzy! Let's avoid any injuries this time around! ;)

And dad is getting better. He's not running all week to make sure he's recovered and doesn't do any more damage.

We will be doing Alaska and Hawaii! Everyone wants to come with us for the Hawaii one, of course. I think I'm looking forward to Alaska more though. :)

Once, Arizona in January sounds like the only way to go! I can't imagine a marathon there this time of year!

Jun. 18, 2009, 2:56 am

Thanks Lefty. Now I have the leg sorted out, I am reasonably confident I will be OK, bar any actual accidents... Also, I haven't really slacked off after the Fun Run like we did last year - so starting the Half Training on Monday from a position of running happily this week, rather than starting from scratch after about 6 weeks off (the Half was 3 weeks later last year)

Jun. 23, 2009, 10:21 am

I did an easy 3 miles last night. It was hot and humid and my first run since the marathon so slow and easy seemed the way to go. I certainly wasn't in a hurry.

Jun. 23, 2009, 12:12 pm

Well done lefty. It's humid here too!

I have my first training session tonight - a 2 mi easy run (I doubt even I can run at 12:53 min per mile but I'll go as slow as feels comfortable) but I'm already worrying about the 5 mile tempo run on Thurs (1 mile warm, 3 miles @ 11.16 pace which is faster than I normally go, 1 mile cool) but I'll see how I do. I have to plot out some 1600m and 800m bits for the next week. I am going to try to manage a bit faster for the right distances rather than giving up on that idea wholly like I did last year and just going for the full distance. But I might need some cheering from the sidelines!!

Jun. 23, 2009, 12:36 pm

I've never liked running at a predetermined pace! But I know it's really good for building speed and must be done sometimes. Good for you for doing it, Lyzzy! I'll be doing tempos soon too to be more prepared for November's marathon. We can commiserate on speedy runs together. ;)

Jun. 23, 2009, 4:31 pm

Lefty - cool - that will help! I did some thinking while I was out today running a bit faster than I should have... and came to this conclusion:

I realised that last time round I think I put the emphasis too much on the long runs on a Sunday, I remember doing them faster than the plan said... but actually need to put my effort into the Thursday interval/ speedwork runs. When you look at how many really scary ones of those there are, it's not that bad. And I get plenty of flexitime so I think I will probably take off at least 1 in 4 Thursdays or Thursday mornings and do them then, well fuelled and with some protein for lunch afterwards. Might be better than dragging round after work for hours trying to make myself run faster.

Any thoughts on that plan, anyone?

Jul. 7, 2009, 12:35 am

That's a good plan, Lyzzy. You might be more motivated that way. I always do best with a more flexible schedule.

Jul. 7, 2009, 4:21 pm

Well I didn't do well on my speedwork last week but I did SOME of the speedwork and the full distance and it was VERY hot and muggy. Did 4 instead of 6 mi on Sunday as was v tired and in Edinburgh (so hilly). Still tired today so not running today but will do Wed / Fri / Sun. Am being less hard on myself than last year!

Hope everyone else is feeling OK and doing well!

Jul. 28, 2009, 9:57 am

Cross country season has begun! Husband and I coach a junior high team. We are doing "optional" practice right now. Official practices start in a couple more weeks. For now some of our runners are still on vacations, at camp, etc. Last night was our biggest turnout so far with 19 kids.

I've been bringing Miles to about every other practice. He can run 2 miles with me pretty easily but starts to tire soon after that. I don't like to push him since he's not even 4 months old. I don't want him to grow up not to love running with me!

Jul. 28, 2009, 3:23 pm

Cool stuff!

I am in week 6 of my half-marathon training and doing better than last year as I have found some flatter routes to do the tempo and speedwork runs on.

Going to a half-marathon seminar at the University tomorrow - luckily taking running partner Jen so we can be old and unfit compared to the rest of em, together!!

How's everyone else doing?

Aug. 21, 2009, 3:05 pm

We've been a quiet group lately! Have we all stopped running in the August heat?

Husband and I are running with our CC team on weekdays. I've been bringing Miles to practice too. The kids love having him run with them. He's sort of our mascot. Miles loves it too. I'm pretty sure running is the highlight of his day. Today is an interval workout for the team so I'm letting Miles stay home. We ran about three miles just the two of us out in our college's home CC course. They have a hundred acres or so of CC trails. It's all grass and the trails are mowed, the not-trail-areas are waist-high grass. It's such a great place to run but hardly anyone ever goes there. Makes it that much better for me!

Aug. 23, 2009, 1:27 pm

I've had a bit of a lack of running as my weaker foot/ankle were hurting a bit. Did cross-training to keep my hand in, for a week - was mainly paranoid about wrecking my foot for our holiday! Said holiday in Italy, well I took gear but the weather was REALLY HOT! In the 80s and very humid. Managed 2.2 miles on Friday, what with the humidity and being higher up, I think it was about a 4 miler here!! Anyway I gritted my teeth and went out for my scheduled 9 miler this morning (got back yesterday evening) and it went fine - I was close to home and round and round the park (seeing Mr LyzzyBee every now and again as he did faster circuits*) and all fine if a bit slow - but then I've hardly had any proper fuel while on holiday, all white not wholemeal and not much meat - so pleased with that.

* mr LB did his first 3.5 mile run - So proud of him!!

Aug. 24, 2009, 10:01 am

Oh, I love Italy, Lyzzy! Great spot for a vacation! Humidity is horrid, isn't it? Definitely one of the worst running conditions. Congrats to Mr LyzzyBee! He's becoming quite the runner!

Sept. 1, 2009, 9:49 am

Mom and I did 6 miles on Saturday. Miles did the first 3 with us. I don't like to take him too far yet since he's less than a year old. I haven't done more than 4 miles in a while so it was nice to do something a little longer. And extra great because I got to run with mom and chat the whole time! :)

Sept. 1, 2009, 12:18 pm

I did 10.5 miles the other night. I'm training for the Chicago 1/2 marathon in about a week and a half.

Sept. 1, 2009, 12:19 pm

Diese Nachricht wurde vom Autor gelöscht.

Sept. 1, 2009, 1:16 pm

Excellent, Ink! I've never run that half or full but I've heard great things about it. Has training been going well?

Sept. 1, 2009, 3:44 pm

Ooh good luck inkdrinker! I did 10 miles on Sunday - my half marathon is in 6 weeks and it feels good to have got to this distance this far ahead after my awful injury and will-I-won't-I think last year!

Mind you I'm shattered now! Not from the running though - from the rest of the long weekend! The running was brill! And ***shh*** I met OH Matthew in the park for the last 2 miles after my fave 8 mile loop, he had done 1 mile already... but he couldn't catch up with me. Oh YESS!

But he did well to rack up 3.5 mi again and just trotted round the 2 miler we were meant to do together this evening. Go Matthew!

Sept. 1, 2009, 4:01 pm

Thanks all.

Yeah, trainings going fairly well... Except when the heat and humidity are up. Then I feel like I'm sucking oatmeal through a tube. I'm going to run a short one tonight (6-7 miles).

Sept. 1, 2009, 6:50 pm

lol -- sucking oatmeal through a tube is a good way to say that. I know how that feels. We get a lot of humidity around here.

Sept. 21, 2009, 12:42 am

So I'm 3 weeks from the half marathon now - doing quite well for me, most of the training sessions done even if I don't do quite all of the speedwork - and I have got faster too!


1. running partner (I haven't been training with her but we do our races together every time) has had to drop out due to a health issue which has affected her training - I completely understand but it was a bit of a blow. How to cope with it on my own now, esp that bit at the beginning when everyone is in groups or pairs of friends?

2. I was at 10 miles yesterday, a pedestrian stepped in front of me, I cannoned off him and skidded on my side up someone's drive. Ouch! Want sympathy!!

Hope everyone else's running is going well!

Sept. 21, 2009, 8:00 am

Oh, ouch!! Do you have road burn? You definitely have my sympathy! Take a day off or something. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Too bad about your running partner too. It is more lonely to run a race alone but you'll be great anyway. Hooray for seeing the effects of speed workouts! That makes them easier to keep doing.

Jon and I went camping this weekend and took our pup too. We ran 8 miles on Saturday morning and 5 on Sunday, all on trails through the woods. It was lots of fun. Miles had the time of his life. Today I am a little stiff and sore in spots but that's what I get for doing a bunch of trail miles when I'm used to roads. Trails are more fun though!

Sept. 21, 2009, 10:41 am

Lefty - luckily I fell over sideways quite slowly (felt like my centre of gravity went slowly over) so I just got a few scrapes up my right forearm, but I'm really stiff on the right upper arm (now mouse use and typing is difficult) and my knees and leg muscles in general hurt where I must have kind of buckled. Wah! I went into work but came home again for midday and I've been on the sofa with rubbishy celeb magazines since. Think I'll have an anti-inflammatory with my dinner and I don't have a hard run scheduled till Thursday, hopefuly will be ok by then (but will be aware of how I feel)

Thanks for the encouragement about the run. I should have plenty of people around teh route, plus it's teh WORLD half-mara championships ahead of us, Paula Radcliffe and all -how cool is that, so I can think I am in their footsteps. I made friends on the race last year when I did half of it on my own cos Jen had to drop back - it's just a bit daunting.

Trail weekend sounds a lot of fun. I am pleased my OH comes out running with me now (esp as he was there to pick me up and get me home as just behind me on the run) and it is a cool thing to do. How did the pup do? Enjoy the trails, I bet!

Sept. 21, 2009, 6:30 pm

Oh goodness, Miles LOVED camping and running in the trails. I think he feels like home is really boring now. But he was completely worn out by the time we left Sunday afternoon. For the first time in his life, Saturday night he chose to nap instead of hang out with us even though we were making s'mores at the campfire. Usually it doesn't matter how tired he is, if something is going on, he's part of it. At least now I know he does get tired. It just takes some long trail runs and chasing smells through meadows for a couple of days to do it!

Sept. 28, 2009, 8:24 pm

Hey everybody :D I've been lazy about posting around here, but it is nice to see that there is still a group of you staying fairly constant. Running season is slowly creeping to it's finale, and I hope everyone's training is going well!

I've been keeping up with my barefoot running, and I'm considering a race for late October. If I go for it, I'll be shooting for either a marathon or 50k, but we will see how my training goes over the next few weeks.

Okt. 8, 2009, 7:53 pm

I, too, have been absent from these posts for a long time, but have kept my running going and now my wife and I run a 10K every Sunday AND I run in Vibram five fingers. I love them, but I sure feel every small rock...and the desert has a lot of them.

Okt. 9, 2009, 6:56 am

I'm here, munching a lot of veggies, fruit and wholewheat as I have my half-marathon on Sunday. Whee! Actually trained for it properly this time too!

Okt. 11, 2009, 8:29 pm

OnceaRunner, that is awesome to hear that you have made the switch. It is certainly a different experience. Right now I am reading my way through Lore of Running and working on developing my knowledge and form. This winter I am purchasing a pair of VFF Treks to help me run through the cold trails this winter. Hopefully the first winter I will have trained all the way through... Michigan winters were much more difficult to run in.

First the knowledge base, then the training base; maybe next year I can work up to something genuinely incredible.

Okt. 12, 2009, 5:19 am

I did my half-marathon yesterday, report here: - and apparently there was a guy running it barefoot - but carrying his trainers! A suddern convert to the cause??

Okt. 16, 2009, 9:49 am

I'm doing a half tomorrow. Race start is supposed to be 33 degrees F (Yeee-uck). I ran a short (5.5 mile ) run last night and it was painfully cold. After tomorrow, I retreat to my treadmill until very early spring training for two half marathons.

Okt. 16, 2009, 10:32 am

Ooh inkdrinker good luck - though you'll warm up as you run, won't you?

Okt. 26, 2009, 6:56 am

Ink, I hope your half went well! Running in the cold certainly takes a lot of motivation. But I would rather the cold than a treadmill. I don't think I've ever gotten farther than 3 miles on a treadmill.

I've actually been running quite a bit lately. A friend and I have started running together in the mornings 3 times a week with our dogs. The pups are loving it too! Yesterday husband and I ran 6 miles and found a wooded area with trails that is supported by the local university and open to the public. We are very excited about it!

Okt. 26, 2009, 8:55 am

Lefty that sounds lovely - both the runs with the friend and the new area to run in.

I went out on Sunday and did 5.5 miles quite happily (some round the park then off when OH went home round the roads and through the other park). I'm having to up my game a bit (and keep a food diary - ech!) as I've managed to win 3 months of personal training from the Running4Women online group I belong to (it is UK Athletics linked so I get all the benefits of that without having to go and run round at the back of a group) anyway I need to be doing something before I start training properly! Might even blow up the silver ball thing for doing sit-ups with...

Okt. 27, 2009, 3:51 pm

The half that was a nightmare...

In the first 1/4 mile there was something in my shoe. It was rubbing sooo much, I knew it would be a blister very quickly if I didn't take care of it. So, for the first time ever, in a race, I stopped. After taking my shoe of and putting it back on several times, I finally realized it was the sock.

Okay, so I've got that fixed. I'm pissed that I've lost 1 - 2 minutes, but if I keep going, I might be able to make up the time.

7 miles in, a blister I had gotten the day before the race (just walking... and I never get blisters) starts to hurt horribly. I talk myself out of the pain and I keep running.

10 miles in, my head starts to get extremely light and I nearly pass out/fall over. About a 10th of mile past the 10 mile marker, I start walking and grab two waters. I walk all the way to the 11 mile water station and grab two more waters.

A short ways past the 11 mile water, I start to feel better. So, I start running again. This race was a Marathon and a Half Marathon. At the split for the two races, I go right and keep on jogging. I get to a 13 mile marker and I can't hear or see the finish anywhere. I turn around and look at the runners behind me. Their tags are all yellow. Mine is pink. Son of a ^%$#@ I've gone the wrong way. At this point I'm sooo pissed off that I turn around and walk to the Half finish line... I've now run/walked approximately 15 miles. My time is pathetic and people are at the finish cheering people on saying things like: "Hey great job!" or "You did it!" I was so mad at myself, I wanted to do some not so nice things to those very nice people.

gah gah gah gah GAH!

Okt. 27, 2009, 4:56 pm

Oh no! So sorry to hear about this, what a nightmare!!

Onwards and upwards I suppose... really feel for you though - these things are so easy to have happen.

Okt. 27, 2009, 9:26 pm


I signed up the next day for another half in the spring.

(I started on a new medication a week before the last half. I think it dehydrated me more than usual and that's what caused the nearly passing out thing.)

Okt. 31, 2009, 7:40 pm

Wow Inkdrinker. That sucks or bites or whatever term you might use depending on where you live. That is certainly a horror story.
A few races from now and it will be in your past as a distant, horrible story.
Get 'em next race!

Nov. 7, 2009, 6:28 am

Not many active runner readers?

Or maybe we are to busy running to sit online :)

Suprised to find this group on here.

Been running for a couple of years now.
Finished my first full marathon in Kansas City October, 17. They day after my 34h birthday :)

Good to see others here.. keep putting one foot in front of the other!

Had an amazing week here weather wise. Beautiful calm clear mornings around 40-50 degrees with the full moon setting on one side and the sun rising on the other. Beautiful Fall runs rock.


Nov. 7, 2009, 12:22 pm

Hi Andy - did you come over here on my suggestion, there was someone in the non-fic readers' group who mentioned a few running books they were planning to read...

Anyway, welcome. We come and go a bit with the threads I think but I've certainly found welcome responses and support in here.

I am so enjoying the autumn weather here in the UK - lovely crisp days and nice cool rain - I don't like running in the heat! Planning a 7-8 mile slow tomorrow... want to slowly build up to my spring half-marathon having done my October one fairly recently!

Nov. 8, 2009, 8:19 am

That was probably me.

About half way into Once a Runner. I am not used to fiction reading though so it has been an adjustment.

Ultramarathon Man is next.


Nov. 8, 2009, 8:39 am

How are you finding Once a Runner then? I do like reading running books although I'm careful not to read too many; want to retain some kind of an identity apart from Liz The Runner (she says, sitting here in her running gear, clicking away to check her route...)

Nov. 8, 2009, 9:41 am

Thought I'd say 'Hello!' I guess there aren't many running readers using this site...

I'm just returning to training after 4 months out with a stress fracture. I missed the whole summer, and now I have a cold wet winter to look forward to.

Anyway, have any of you read 'More Fire: How to run the Kenyan Way', and what did you think?

Nov. 8, 2009, 1:19 pm

Ok, Parker's writing style is alittle over the top with adjectives for my taste. I am used to reading biographies and history though.


Nov. 8, 2009, 3:01 pm

Hello third cheek and welcome. How did you do your stress fracture - was it a running injury? I prefer cold wet winters for training... anyway hope you enjoy getting back into it.

I'd love if more runners kept these threads active - I have found people on here really supportive, even though we're all quite different (we have someone who does cross-country barefoot, then there's slow old me with my big trainers and my love of roads...) and not the injokes and testosterone of some of the running websites...

Andy - I have to admit I've read mainly running biographies rather than novels - is it based on fact though? Sounds a bit flowery but I will give it a go if I come across a copy.

Nov. 8, 2009, 6:51 pm

Welcome, Andy and Third Cheek! We all check in from time to time on here, just not daily. Glad to have you!

Andy, I loved Ultramarathon Man. He is way more dedicated than I ever could be, but it was a fun read.

Third, what a bummer to be healed just in time for the cold. We've been lucky weather-wise this fall. I'm in northern Indiana and today was about 70 and sunny.

Lyzzy, do you use Google Maps? I love that for checking route distances.

Nov. 8, 2009, 8:37 pm

It's 3C and snowing here. The cold wet winter will soon become a cold dry winter, which is stunningly beautiful but shockingly bad for the legs. My stress fracture came about from spending the long winter running on ice. It was down to -21C at its worst in February. The ice didn't clear until early April, so you can imagine that preparing for a May marathon puts knees, ankles, shins, everything at extra risk.

I'm hope to avoid repeating the same injury this time around. New shoes, reduced mileage, and no hill sessions or speed workouts until the ice is clear.

Here's hoping.

It's Estonia, by the way!

Nov. 8, 2009, 11:55 pm

Lefty - I use - it's free and you can save your routes and look up other people's to get new ideas - really excellent. Plus the people that run it are approachable, have a blog about their own running etc, on twitter and facebook too. It's been a great resource over my time as a new and established runner.

Third - wow - actually running on ice? how do you grip? I am hoping it's not going to be an icy winter here in the (obviously milder) UK, as I really fear slipping over and I've got an April half-marathon. I've never 'met' anyone from Estonia - is there a big culture of running there? It's really gained a lot of interest in the UK in the last few years, even - loads of people out whenever I go.

Nov. 9, 2009, 5:07 am

Lyzzy - Running on ice isn't so bad as you might think. You have to experiemtn a little with shoes and style but generally the difficulty depends on the kind of ice. Wet ice is slippiest as you'd expect. Fresh snow is ok but hard work. Slush is unpleasant but refrozen slush is worst overall - hard, slippery and very uneven. Hard compacted snow-ice is fine - if you continue steadily in a straight line. What caused my injury was uneven hard ice, from compact snow and re-frozen wet ice. It's like running on very uneven and icy cobbles - bad for your ankles and knees!

Running is very popular here, though if the winter is good then cross-country skiing is the biggest mass-participation sport. Estonia's top marathoner recently was Pavel Loskutov. He ran 2:08:53 in 2002, and was second at the 2003? European chamionships. He retired last year. I should mention that I'm English, but I've been living in Estonia for several years.

Nov. 9, 2009, 11:59 am

This morning I ran with Miles (my pup), my friend Lindsay, and her dog Sunny. We were running through grass trails on the local university's cross country course. The course is great for running, especially with dogs, so we love going there. Today after running for about a half hour, I realized my car key was no longer on my person. I always run with it in my pocket and have never lost it before. So we backtracked walking and thankfully found it within about a half-mile. I was more worried about it because it's one of those keys with the keyless entry attached so it would have been a couple hundred dollars to replace!

After that, we ran for another half hour then let the dogs run around off leash without us for a bit before heading home. Miles is so well behaved after these runs!

Nov. 10, 2009, 10:22 am

Third - wow - interesting stuff. Actually I'm sure wet leaves are as problematic as ice really. Anyway am really going to try to train properly through the winter so we'll see. THanks for the info on running in Estonia - interesting.

Lefty - what a nightmare! Glad you found them again!

I'm reeling from managing 2 miles @ 10 mins 16 secs per mile. That's VERY fast for me! And the whole 4.14 miles in 44:26. Whee!

Nov. 10, 2009, 11:15 am

Hi from Australia. I've been lurking for a while and thought it was time to say hello. I'm an older runner (50s) and have been running for about 18 months. I've done a hand full of half marathons so far. The weather's getting warmer here and there are not many longer events on the calendar so I've been doing shorter runs recently.

I often take my dog, a dalmatian/jack russell cross, on runs up to 10km. I'm sure he adds about 1 minute/km just keeping his attention and making sure he stays in position. There's an extensive network of bike paths where I am so crossing roads isn't a big problem. I have a long extendable lead and he starts out way in front but lags back after 4 or 5km, especially if I'm doing hills or sprints. He's always very eager but I sometimes feel sorry for him not knowing whether he's going to get a gentle jog or something a bit more challenging!

Bearbeitet: Nov. 10, 2009, 1:54 pm

Hi gimboid

A friend of mine a little older than me (25 years?), who was a competitive cross-country runner in the hayday of British middle-distance running in the late 70s, told me that he did around 50% of his running with his dog. However, he took him off the lead most of the way. He would run through the Yorkshire Dales, the dog trotting along and occasionally lagging behind to sniff a tree-trunk, and if the dog went hurtling ahead after a rabbit he would pick up his running pace for couple of minutes until he'd caught up. In effect it was a fartlek session. His other running was done alone over longer distances at a steadier pace. He thought it worked pretty well for him, though I guess letting the dog off the lead might be risky, depending on his temperament and your environment. He would start and finish with the dog on the lead, which was pretty short - old school.

However, he had a Border Collie - they run all day...

Nov. 10, 2009, 12:49 pm

Hi Gimboid and welcome! I'm impressed you're doing half-maras after only 18 months or less - took a few years to build up to that!

Love the dog stories!

Nov. 10, 2009, 5:41 pm

Welcome to the group, Gimboid! I'm glad you spoke up. I'm sure your dalmatian/russel is happy to run with you regardless of what the pace ends up being.

Third, I would love to run with Miles off leash but he's still young and I don't trust his attention span. We've started practicing off leash for small things, like going to get the mail, and I have hopes that I'll be able to run off leash with him someday but right now he is too puppy-spastic. Miles is a Pointer, another breed that runs all day. He loves to run, which is perfect because I wanted a running buddy.

Jan. 5, 2010, 8:01 am

So husband, Miles, and I ran 3 miles yesterday while the day was at its warmest -- 19*F/-7*C. I think we'll need to invest in face masks if this cold keeps up!

Jan. 7, 2010, 9:02 am

It's so icy here that I have had to resort to joining the gym and running on the treadmill, which is so BORING! and hot...

I do like the weight machines and yoga class though, so it's not all bad and I'm getting more of an all-round fitness.

Jan. 18, 2010, 9:10 am

I've always wanted to get into yoga. Perhaps someday.

Our ice and snow is finally clearing up. We had about 6 inches of snow on the ground the past couple weeks. It got into the upper 30's (F) so everything has at last been melting.

I haven't been running much of late. I was thinking of going out today though.

Jan. 18, 2010, 1:23 pm

All our snow has GONE now, it's marvellous. Of course, I've gone and caught a cough from someone at work, annoyingly, just when I can get out and run outside again...

Yoga has been going well, well I'm rubbish at it but I find it relaxing - although it's turned into something called "Body Balance" today, not sure what that is, as the tutor is away!

Hope you get out there again soon!

Jan. 25, 2010, 8:01 pm

This morning Miles and I ran on trails. I don't know what I was thinking. Yesterday it was warm enough to thaw the ground and today the course was a complete mud pit. At one point the mud sucked my shoe off my foot! Miles and I came back thoroughly mucky. I had to wash Miles, my shoes, and then the tub too!

Jan. 26, 2010, 2:53 am

Crikey! What a nightmare! Actually sucking your shoe off - wow!

I have been out and about and managed 12.3 miles on Sunday - at faster pace than my last half-marathon so pleased about that. Still using the gym when it's cold and/or icy, and enjoying yoga.

Jan. 26, 2010, 8:07 am

Great run, Lyzzy! I haven't done that kind of mileage in a while. I probably should because I'm supposed to do a trail marathon in April.

Feb. 14, 2010, 10:32 pm

Miles and I did 6 miles today. It was super-slow, but it was rather icy and I didn't want to sacrifice good footing for a better time on a run that matters not at all except to be out there moving.

Feb. 15, 2010, 3:41 am

No running for me for a bit - I have Shin Splints. Man, they hurt. I was nearly unwell on the pavement after .75 miles on Saturday. To be honest, I've had a niggle in the right calf for a week or so but thought it was just an adjustment pain like I get in the left.

I blame it in part on the treadmill running as I was fine long distance and fast on the roads before, and have only been increasing mileage and speed very gently. But the contrast between treadmill and roads seems to have done it.

I'm trying to be positive - I will not work through pain, and I know shin splints can turn v nasty if not respected. I have that gym membership so will concentrate on low/no impact cardio work and the weights and the yoga, get myself stronger and more balanced and then start again. No Stratford Half for me but there are other halves, where there aren't other legs.

Any good stretches for splints that don't involve someone standing on my foot (left foot is still slightly weak and I don't want to compromise it) happily accepted - and happy running everyone else!

Feb. 15, 2010, 9:42 am

I've had shin splint trouble before and I'm always glad not to have them! Do you have a second pair of running shoes? Sometimes changing between two pairs of shoes can help. So wear pair #1 to run on Tuesday, pair #2 to run on Wednesday, that sort of thing. Or just wear the second pair several times in a row and see if that helps. Different shoes make you step differently which seems to help ease shin splints a lot.

You're right not to run through the pain though. This is definitely the kind of thing that won't get better by just pushing through it.

To stretch, try putting one foot on a step or put your toes against the wall. Then lean down and forward. You'll probably have to play with it a little until you feel it stretch your shins. You can also try holding your leg behind your back while standing, like we'd usually do to stretch quads, but don't put your knee behind you so that your quad isn't stretching but your lower leg is. Does that make any sense?

Ice and rubbing your shins can help too. So can running on trails or grass instead of roads. I would totally blame the treadmill but maybe I'm a little biased against treadmills anyway. ;)

Get healthy soon! Good idea to take advantage of your gym membership in the meantime.

Feb. 24, 2010, 8:01 am

Husband, pup, and I went for a 12 mile run Sunday. We all felt pretty good! I haven't done that sort of distance in a while and husband has only run about 4 times since Christmas, but it was a good -- though slow -- run anyway. We ended up with a pace of 11:33.

Miles was ready to do another 12 when we finished. His energy seems to have no bounds. But I was encouraged by that because I'm hoping he'll run a marathon with me in April.

Feb. 24, 2010, 11:14 am

I did my first 8 mile run in several months last night. It felt great. During winter months I run on the treadmill in my basement (I'm a wimp when it comes to running the extreme colds... I don't mind the 40's, but much below that and I get cranky. Besides, I look at the winter months as a reduce impact time for my legs.)

I've been working my way up to running shoeless. I started with a few minutes and have been slowly adding time. Last night I did 3.5 miles sans shoes. Then I put them on and finished the rest of the run. Going on a cruise next week and I'm looking forward to being outside and running.

Mrz. 2, 2010, 7:58 am

How warm does it have to be for you to run shoeless outside?

I've been a bum this week and haven't run at all. I am just so tired of winter. It takes a whole pile of clothes to go out running and it just feels like too much effort to put all that on! Later this week it's supposed to get up to the lower 40's. I'll hold out for that!

Apr. 24, 2010, 12:06 pm

Ran in my first 5k this morning. I met my personal goal, and I'm looking forward to doing another race.

Apr. 24, 2010, 1:06 pm

Well done Zwoolard - bet we all started with a 5k, some of us continued there, some of us went longer. I'm a long and slow person myself (well, half marathons so far) but like 5ks too - can't stand a 10k myself though, as I've just got into my stride when I have to stop!

Apr. 24, 2010, 6:46 pm

Did a 10k today. It is a local event for Domestic Abuse awareness.

Won it for the 3rd year in a row :) 6.15m in 44:24 according to my Garmin 305.

Felt good so I went out and did 3 more miles after the awards and door prizes festivities.

Was a blast.


Jul. 4, 2010, 7:43 pm

Anyone running in the heat? I've gotten big enough with the pregnancy that running is just starting to be a bit uncomfortable sometimes, so I probably will have to switch to walking soon. We had some really nice temperatures the past week that helped me feel better though. Today is back to humid. :/ But hopefully others have been running well!!

Jul. 5, 2010, 2:49 am

It's been really warm here in the UK - I've taken to running before breakfast, but hoping it'll cool down a bit enough days through the summer as I'm training for another half marathon in October so need to start running long in August!

I'm not training madly this year, though - a couple of runs, a couple of exercise bike sessions, two gym sessions and a yoga class per week. I like the all round fitness I'm getting from the gym, plus I've started a business and still doing the day job, so it's just training to get round this year.

Jul. 10, 2010, 4:28 pm

Hey gang, I'm back but not really with a vengeance. I'm managing about 10 miles a week with a persnickity knee and achilles tendenosis. At least I'm out having fun again!

All those gradiose plans for marathons have drifted away, but I still have a few half marathons left in me. It's great to be back on the trails with my crazy dog at my side.

Jul. 15, 2010, 2:32 pm

"Hello" to all - I've missed hearing what everyone is up to. Lefty33 is in my thoughts. I switched to walking about six-seven months into my pregnancy lo those many years ago and it made a huge difference in how I felt after my daughter was born. Keep us posted!

Like LyzzyBee I'm looking towards a half at the end of October. About three weeks after said daughter gets married. Think I'm going to return to a 13-week training program I found in Marathon &Beyond which is a good 'un. I'm also trying to focus more on core work and weights.

Hang in there, Sandydog1. Are you getting PT or working with a massage therapist?

Jul. 16, 2010, 10:21 am

Congrats on starting a business, Lyzzy! I'm impressed you're managing to find time for exercise at all. Good work!

Sandy, I bet your pup is happy to have you out running again. :) Take care of yourself. Injuries are so frustrating!

BookBully, I am really hoping the exercise will help me feel better postpartum. I'm 28 weeks now and still feel great, but walking is more comfortable than running. How are wedding plans going? Are you involved in that much or is daughter making all the decisions?

Jul. 18, 2010, 9:20 am

Thanks Lefty, I'm building it slowly but it's hard work doing 2 jobs. Today I proofread a thesis 5.15-11 am then went for my run! But I managed over 6 miles for the first time in ages so I must be doing something right...

Jul. 18, 2010, 9:08 pm

Good Lord, LyzzyBee! Please tell me you are a 20 or 30-something with tons of energy. I'm tired just reading about your day...good luck with the business. Hats off to you and stay steady.

Yes, Lefty, 28 weeks sounds about right for making the switch to walking. Even though I wound up with an emergency C-section, I felt being in shape helped. Especially with getting back after the surgery. Again, you have so much to look forward to.

My daughter lives in South Carolina, so almost 3,000 miles away. I visited in May to help out a bit but she and her fiance are doing the lion's share of the planning. That's probably a good thing because my daughter is a "girly girl" and her mother is not. We talk about three-four times a week and she keeps me posted. It's tough being so far away but we're very proud of her and what she's accomplished. (She's an amazing third-grade teacher.)

See what parenthood does to you? Makes you a braggart. Here the running is going well although I miss my running partner and best friend who moved to Sweden on July 5. Just ain't the same going on out my own most days.

Okt. 25, 2010, 4:39 pm

Report of the Birmingham Half-Marathon. Done on woeful training as I am working full time and running a business so I did a lot of cross training and not much running then got a tweaky knee...

Very tired but wanted to get this down...

The night before I suddenly realised I was actually going to have to run this on little training and a taped-together knee. Gulp! I was determined to give it a go and get a lift back to the start if I fell apart. So I was very pleased and a little surprised to say I did it!

Start was a farce - too crowded and took ages to get to the right bit. So so cold, too. Walked to and THROUGH the start! Saw Matthew on the left as we ran down towards the markets. I started with Anna but could see she would be faster than me so sent her off as arranged at about mile 1. Didn't see mile 1 marker but at 2 I was at 23 minutes so pleased with that, and at 3 I was at 35 minutes, carried on with 12 min miles to mile 8 so really pleased about that. Down Pershore Road and we saw the fast people coming back - also saw Blind Dave at this point which was a bonus, and saw LUCIA friends and then a little later the banner; knowing I would see them on the way back up was a real bonus. I was pointing at my logo on my shirt the whole way round and encouraging people to shout "Lucia!" - really helped me on. The loop at 5-6 had some steep bits and some downhills and then there was LUCIA again - I managed to coincide with one of the other girls running for the charity and we had photos taken and video as we ran along - most fun! Anneka appeared at the cricket ground - hooray!

Miles 8-9 in Cannon Hill park I found hard but teamed up with a lovely chap called Mark who was then with me to the end, thanking me for dragging him through it! Saw Anneka again as she'd cycled round, then 9-10 in Balsall Heath were amazing - kids and grannies out with orange squash and jelly babies, lots of cheering. And I saw Sarah from the gym who shouted LIZ rather than Lucia! 2 hours 2 at 10 miles - better than my last training run, but sloooooowwww from then on in.

10-12 were quite hard - a bit of Middleway under lots of concrete bridges only a Brummie who loved Bham even more than me could love! but firemen blaring their fire engine horn and cars beeping cheered us. Up and up and up through Edgbaston - doing Action of Running now, v slow, and hips aching (but knee ok!). Anneka, Paul and the chap they had been cheering on appeared near Five Ways - amazing! and then on to Five Ways, under the underpass and I felt GREAT on the last mile in! Head up, big BIG smile (look for those films and photos on the website!) and running well.

I did it in 2:45:23 which I was very pleased with under the circumstances. Matthew and Jen, plus Anna with her creditable time of 2:31:08 were there at the end. A hot cross bun, got my lovely medal and bag, then a pizza at Pizza Express. Back home and popped in the gym to say thank you as they really got me round (Phil the Physio did 1:34!). Shower, and bed.

I am more proud of myself this time than any of the others! I am literally amazed I got round!

Oh - and the lad who I ran with and encouraged found my charity page and sponsored me - how lovely!

Okt. 27, 2010, 8:47 am

Did the Kansas City Marathon Oct 16. 3:38 even. I was very happy :)

Okt. 28, 2010, 3:15 am

Wow - good going! Well done!

Jan. 12, 2011, 5:42 pm

Just ran my second marathon at Disney World. I'm glad to have a little respite before training for a 5-miler in March and my 9th half in May.

Jan. 22, 2011, 5:18 pm

Lyzzy, a very late good work! That was your first half, right? Congrats! Are you ready to do another yet? Sometimes it takes a while before running sounds fun again. ;)

Andy, well done!! That's a fantastic time.

Lemontwist, did you like that marathon? I've been considering doing that one. Congrats on your finish!

Jan. 22, 2011, 7:38 pm

87> Disney is the best marathon ever, not that I can compare it to anything else because it's the only one I've run. You get to run through all 4 parks, lots of characters, music and comedians, etc, on the course to keep you entertained. It helps for me because I like having a goal in mind, and it's good to think "4 miles to the next park" instead of "20 miles until I finish." Also, it's great for spectators as there are several spots throughout the course for them to watch. That way they don't have to stand around at the end for 5 hours. This year on top of getting a t-shirt and medal the marathon finishers also got a one day ticket to any park at WDW.

Jan. 23, 2011, 2:11 am

Lefty - crikey, no - my third! No way would I have done my first Half based on the minimal amount of training I did and having my knee strapped up!!! But I took a calculated risk, based on the fact that I'm very sensible and was fully prepared to stop if I needed to, and was fine!

I seem to have committted to doing this race every year now, as I did the first and second iterations and that was the third!

I've not run huge amounts since, recovery and then got back into it but I've had a cough since December that won't go away (everyone's got it, and it is improving!)) but will be going out this morning!

Jun. 4, 2011, 4:59 pm

So... Mr LyzzyBee has started running, and he decided he'd like to try the Great Midlands Fun Run as his first race - an 8.5-miler a few miles outside Birmingham. We practised runnning and he's done 9.4 miles and several 8 or 8.5 so all good. However, this is a race I don't like - if it's hot, it can be unremitting struggling across Sutton Common in the blazing sun ... last time I did it, in 2009, I got overwhelmed by the heat, felt I was going to be ill if I carried on running hard and had to sit down and have a little cry! But to encourage Mr LB, even though we agreed I could run on ahead if I wanted, I signed up to do it with him.

Mr LyzzyBee has a bad cough/cold and a dodgy knee.

Guess who's doing the damn run on their own ...

Jun. 4, 2011, 9:53 pm

Well, maybe you will catch Mr LB's cold. If not, drink lots of water!

Jun. 6, 2011, 1:37 pm

Oh but look: it went really well! Here's my race report in full cos I don't have time to cut it ...

I'd looked up my times for when I ran this 8.5 miler in 2008 and 2009 and they were 1:38 and 1:47 respectively (in 2009 it was REALLY hot and I had to walk a lot of it). I wasn't sure I could manage 1:38 as that seemed a bit faster than what I've been managing lately on longer runs, but as Matthew wasn't able to do it I thought I'd just get my head down and push through it.

Felt a bit lonely in the pen at the beginning, as Jen had walked up with me but had to get back to prepare for her party (and it's hard to see people at the start anyway) and lots of people seemed to be running in groups, but I chatted to a fellow standing next to me and he cheered me up.

Started after 11 as usual. It had been cloudy but now the sun started to break through and I was getting flashbacks of 2009. But I have been training in the midday sun, so knew I'd continue to run, whatever, and at whatever speed.

Started off and it almost immediately went uphill. Lots of people started at, or slowed to, a walk, and there was a bit of ducking and diving - but it was fine and I was further forward than I have been, which helped. I had a large bottle of squash and some jelly beans so hoped I would be reasonably self-sufficient.

Through the streets of Sutton Coldfield and uphill still into Sutton Park. I failed to see the 1 and 2 mile markers, but knew I was going fairly consistently and strongly. Suddenly saw the 3 mile marker - at 33:44 or almost exactly 11:15 minute miles, a speed I'd hoped to get so I could beat the old PB (but didn't think I could achieve long term).

I didn't feel great up to this point - the sun had started beating down and I was getting hot, and I was at the point at which I'd stopped and cried (I know!) last time. But the time at 3 miles cheered me and off I went.

We had some ups and downs - I slowed a bit for the ups, but kept going, and my hill training paid off in the downs, as I felt confident to let it go and go faster, letting gravity help me, which means I could pick off a good few minutes here and there. The next mile split was 10:41, taking me to 4 miles in 44:26 - really pleased with this. Through the dapply forest it was lovely going. I didn't really talk to anyone else; I was pushing it a little bit, but enjoyed the cameraderie and running alongside similar people from now on in. I hit half way in 46-odd minutes so was pleased with that and knew then I had a chance of beating the PB.

Mile 5 was a bit slower at 11:31 but still 55:57 was just under my 5 mile PB so that was good. Up and down a bit in the woods and coming up to the big hill. I was still hot, but the breeze was cooler. Had a few swigs of water from cups and remembered how hard it was to drink from them when I first tried, and had a lovely sponge of cool water at one point. People were, as usual, hanging over their back garden walls with hoses - so lovely!

Mile 6 started to rise as we were facing the big hill. I was a bit tired here and slowed to 11:43, but still better than I often trot along at, and 1:07:40 was about the same as my 10 k pb. "Cardiac Hill" now rose in front of us. It's not that bad, a long slow hill, but it was long. I did "action of running", as I call it, i.e. running very slowly, but not walking. Most people in my cohort did walk but I pushed it up there and it was GREAT to reach the top! That mile was 12:45, though - although I can't blame myself for that and I get about that when training on the hills around here.

The rest of the distance was pretty well downhill so I started trying to pick up some speed and if the measurement of the course length was correct, I did the last 1.5 miles in 15:36. As I said above, I'm good on the downhills, and I did push it as I realised I could probably beat the 2008 time. In fact on the last bit, downhill, then flatter and a bend to the right under one balloon arch and heading for the real finish, I did an actual sprint, like I've never done before in a race ... wheee!! and through pressing my watch for 1:36:03, knocking 2 minutes off my previous PB, 11 minutes off last time, and feeling pretty good for it!

So, there we go! 11:29 minute miles on average, sustained across the race and getting a good speed up at the end. If that big hill hadn't been there and I'd got an 11:30 on that mile I'd have had an 11:15 average, which I'd be very proud of indeed!

Jun. 6, 2011, 6:10 pm

Congratulations on the personal record! Is your husband sorry he missed it?

Jun. 8, 2011, 5:56 am

Thanks! Yes, he was gutted - it was going to be his first race, too! He wants to try for the Birmingham Half-Marathon in Oct - he was running up to 9 miles so should be fine - but I need to find him something to do before then so that's not his first!