Pink Palace Museum Little Free Library

3050 Central Avenue (Lafayette side of campus)
Memphis, TN 38111

United States


Little LibrariesLittle Free Library® (#19098)
The Memphis Pink Palace Museum’s Little Free Library started over a lunch table discussion. The staff eating lunch that day slipped into talking about books, one of our favorite topics. We often discuss what we have been reading for work and for fun and make recommendations. That afternoon our bookish conversation changed course towards Little Free Libraries. I had recently visited The Dixon Gallery and Gardens, another local museum which has a LFL for its visitors and staff. As we talked, George Henderson, our preparator who designs, fabricates and fixes exhibits, said he wanted to build one and make it look exactly like our mansion.
The Pink Palace has a very distinctive look. The mansion was built in the 1920s and is clad in pink Georgia marble. It has a green tile roof, elaborate curves, and has been described as having a “Romanesque, rambling design.” George Mahan, one of our building’s architects, said that the stone had a “rustic or natural finish of variegated gray and pink colors of a million shades or variations.” George developed a painting technique that took four coats of paint to achieve the same look. He also added Plexiglas windows to the top and used stir sticks for the details on the doors.
The inside of our two story library is collaged with photographs of the mansion’s interior. Corie Walker, our assistant preparator who is finishing her BFA in Studio Arts at the University of Memphis, used overlaying pictures that make the inside appear “logical and illogical at the same time.” Several staff members helped with taking photographs, and Cynthia Williams, our exhibits graphic designer, printed the images. The first attempt at decoupage failed because the photographs were printed on paper that was too thin so Cynthia reprinted everything on cardstock. George and Corie used polyurethane to coat the library to make it waterproof.
We hope that hosting a place for our neighborhood to exchange books is a way that the museum can be an active part of our community—both to the people who visit and the ones who live next door. If you find yourself in Memphis, please come borrow a book from our unique Little Free Library. While you’re here, come visit us at the museum!
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