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Making Their Mark: Women Artists Move into the Mainstream, 1970-85

von Randy Rosen

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"This book chronicles the work of several female artists from 1970 through 1985. It demonstrates how conditions have improved for women artists, as well as defining areas where improvement is still needed, such as one-person exhibitions. Backed by statistics, included for reference, this book is a great tool for further scholarship on female artists. Also includes many color photos of the magnificent work by these diverse artists, too numerous to list."--Amazon.… (mehr)
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Reflects the diversity of the paintings, sculptures, photographs, performances and videos by 87 women artists. A careers section charts the representation of women artists in exhibitions, art magazines and corporate collections. Biographies are provided for each artist, followed by a list of the major group exhibitions of the period, annotated with the names of these artists who participated in them. A variety of essays examine the phenomenon of the rapid development of women artists during the 1970s.
Editorial Reviews
From Library Journal
First capturing the reader with a lavish visual tribute to contemporary mainstream women artists, this book suggests that women artists should be celebrating. Yet several of the eight essays that compose the text question this assumption. While all agree that these artists have added a welcome pluralistic dimension to the mainstream, several remain skeptical about the permanent inclusion of women in the establishment. Is their recognition proof of a new egalitarianism, or has one generation of women successfully infiltrated the patriarchal structures while leaving prejudices intact? Pondering this question, the essays go on to offer insights into the sources, images, and ideas of the artists represented and the impact of their work. While this book definitely deserves much praise, its exclusion of recognized artists who work in clay, fiber, and other media limits the pluralism it intended.
- Lucy Breslin, Portland, Me.
Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Sponsored by Maidenform Inc., this exhibition catalogue enumerates the obstacles to women's mainstream success in black and white statistics. The percentages of women included (or not included) in NEA grants, prestigious art house sales, gallery and museum shows, and every facet of critical and financial success for artists during this period are chronicled. Women's influence on the recent course of art and their infusion of life into art and art into life is richly illustrated, and their contributions in every medium are represented by examples of individual work. Here, the artists and work are illuminated in the context of the women's movement, social justice and its contribution as influential fine art. The quality of the work militates on every page for better opportunities for women in the art world. This is an inspirational work on women's protean contribution to mainstream modern art and will be of interest to anyone who loves the arts. -- From The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women; review by Marisa Giesey
  bildwechsel_gast | Jan 23, 2013 |
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"This book chronicles the work of several female artists from 1970 through 1985. It demonstrates how conditions have improved for women artists, as well as defining areas where improvement is still needed, such as one-person exhibitions. Backed by statistics, included for reference, this book is a great tool for further scholarship on female artists. Also includes many color photos of the magnificent work by these diverse artists, too numerous to list."--Amazon.

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