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The Mediterranean and Middle East. Vol.6, Part 2, Victory in the Mediterranean., June to October 1944

von Gen William Jackson

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The penultimate volume in the eight books of the 18-volume official British History of the Second World War on the war in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatres, this work describes the Italian campaign from June to October 1944. This gruelling summer campaign, Operation Dragoon, cleared central Italy of German forces, pushing their Army Group C back on the Gothic Line, which ran across the Italian peninsula from Lucca on the western coast to Pesaro on the Adriatic. But after the Line was breached, the Allied advance bogged down again, despite strenuous attempts in the early autumn to break into the strategically vital Po valley. In the face of continued German resistance, and worsening allied morale, General Alexander in October decided on a second winter in Italy, limiting his objectives to capturing Ravenna and Bologna. He was constrained by the demands of simultaneous campaigns in Normandy and southern France. Meanwhile, as the Germans, hard-pressed on other fronts, began to withdraw from the Greek islands, British forces moved in to fill the vacuum. With three appendices, and 29 maps and diagrams.… (mehr)
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As WWII winds down, it was interesting to visit a side-show that had enormous potential. Though the Americans always dismiss the Med. as a distraction from the Normandy campaign, Cold Warriors were full of regret about the possible Balkan investment that America shunned in 1944-45. An Albania with a democratic government, A Yugoslavia more firmly in the Western camp, a Greece with less strife than the post-war period provided? All good things, but instead there was the "Dragoon" landings in the South of France. They occurred on August 15th 1944.
The St.Lo breakout had started July 25, and by the time the Allies started north up the Rhone, the battle of the Falaise Gap was in full swing. If the Allied troops used in these landings had stayed in Italy, then it was very likely they would have been in Western Yugoslavia by the winter of 1944/45. Admittedly the strategies in this volume advance the British Case, but it is still a very enticing picture for the WWII historian.
Very regrettably due to economy, the maps in this volume are quite disappointing. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Jun 11, 2015 |
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The penultimate volume in the eight books of the 18-volume official British History of the Second World War on the war in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern theatres, this work describes the Italian campaign from June to October 1944. This gruelling summer campaign, Operation Dragoon, cleared central Italy of German forces, pushing their Army Group C back on the Gothic Line, which ran across the Italian peninsula from Lucca on the western coast to Pesaro on the Adriatic. But after the Line was breached, the Allied advance bogged down again, despite strenuous attempts in the early autumn to break into the strategically vital Po valley. In the face of continued German resistance, and worsening allied morale, General Alexander in October decided on a second winter in Italy, limiting his objectives to capturing Ravenna and Bologna. He was constrained by the demands of simultaneous campaigns in Normandy and southern France. Meanwhile, as the Germans, hard-pressed on other fronts, began to withdraw from the Greek islands, British forces moved in to fill the vacuum. With three appendices, and 29 maps and diagrams.

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