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Visions: Paintings by Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Chang Dai-chien, Georgia O'Keeffe and California Impressionists Seen Through the Optic of Poetry

von Marc Elihu Hofstadter

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Poetry. VISIONS, a new collection of Marc Elihu Hofstadter's poetry, documents the attempt to reify the optics of paintings into the text of poetry. "Marc Hofstadter wields an optical instrument that captures the rays that emanate from the interiors of things, rather than from their outsides. This is what makes him a poet, an excellent one. I believe, as he does that the moment is the key to the eternal and color the key to the invisible"--Yves Bonnefoy. "To read Marc Hofstadter's VISIONS is to feel you're walking through an intimate museum.Zen-like, Hofstadter sets his spare evocations against 'reality, white,/which is unknown to us,' so that we're left to contemplate again the mysteries of art and artist, color and consciousness, and to remember that 'sometimes life's joys are small'"--Kim Addonizio.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonbeekiebun, Sarah.Avery, rolandperkins, Esta1923, Hofstadter
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This collection of poems is both a delight and a source of frustration! Hofstadter saw the paintings but we can only extrapolate from his words. (I had the good fortune to see the Chag Dai-Chien, and the Georgia O'Keeffe, and the California Impressionists, but how wonderful it would be to see the paintings again, as we read.)

His preface and his note on the paintings set the stage. Readers can have an "armchair" experience until they are able to go to the museum (or find a good art book with reproductions). ( )
  Esta1923 | May 31, 2011 |
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Poetry. VISIONS, a new collection of Marc Elihu Hofstadter's poetry, documents the attempt to reify the optics of paintings into the text of poetry. "Marc Hofstadter wields an optical instrument that captures the rays that emanate from the interiors of things, rather than from their outsides. This is what makes him a poet, an excellent one. I believe, as he does that the moment is the key to the eternal and color the key to the invisible"--Yves Bonnefoy. "To read Marc Hofstadter's VISIONS is to feel you're walking through an intimate museum.Zen-like, Hofstadter sets his spare evocations against 'reality, white,/which is unknown to us,' so that we're left to contemplate again the mysteries of art and artist, color and consciousness, and to remember that 'sometimes life's joys are small'"--Kim Addonizio.

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