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Eternal Captive (2012)

von Laura Wright

Reihen: Mark of the Vampire (Book 3)

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

In the third entry in Laura Wright's Mark of the Vampire series, Lucian Roman must fight his uncontrollable desire to kill Bronwyn Kettler and save her life when a dangerous enemy threatens her.

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So good! I love how multiple story lines are intertwining. I love how this book kept me sitting in my car listening even after I reached my destination. Bronwyn is an awesome Chickie! And Lucian knows he is truly lucky to have her. ( )
  bookjunkie57 | Apr 17, 2015 |
Lucian feels he's destine to be a Breeding Male and Breeding Males don't have mates so why has Bronwyn Kettler consumed him? He allowed Bronwyn to drink from him and Lucian is starting to feel a connection to her but Bronwyn is to be mated to Synjon. Lucian decides to wait outside the Veracou Hall, thinking once he sees her with another that the feelings he has will go away but the unexpected happens and he's on the hunt to find the missing Veana. There are so many twist and turns in this book it will keep you glued to your seat. By far my Favorite book in the Mark of the Vampire series. From the beginning of this series I liked Lucian, his witty comments and the take no crap attitude. After reading his book I have completely fallen in love! From the first page this book will take you on a journey of intense lust, heartache and determination. I love how the book ended and I can't wait to read more! ( )
  bluesun1218 | Mar 9, 2012 |
Wow! I am struggling with words for this book. It was just so awesome; my heart was going a mile a minute for the last fifty pages! Alright, I am going to try and calm down and put my incoherent excited squeals into actually words, haha. So, we are back with the Roman brothers and I will admit that this is the book I have been looking forward to the most. Lucian has always commanded my attention whenever he was mentioned and I could not wait to see what trouble he was going to get into! I started it one night hoping to get about halfway through and I ended up consuming the entire thing in one sitting. I could not do anything else until I read every single word.

Onto the characters, let’s talk about Lucian, shall we? I really liked the other two brothers, Nicky and Alex, but I LOVED Lucian. He is such an obnoxious, arrogant, pompous jerk. You would think those would be bad qualities, but not when it comes to Lucian. He manages to spin those normally negative qualities into something incredibly lovable in spite of his rough demeanor. I don’t know how Bronwyn resisted him for so long because I know that could not have been easy. Out of the three brothers Lucian’s journey is the toughest. He is sure he will be the breeding male and that thought terrifies and torments him. My heart broke for him when he thinks he is never going to have love for himself and yet he desperately craves it. Bronwyn is just as tormented trying to guard her heart from someone that will never have a true mate, but fails miserably. It is impossible not to feel for these two and pray that they find a way to be together.

The plot in this story was addicting! I was going to read until I found a good stopping point for the night, but that never happened. There is so much going on and so many stories that tie into this one that I could not bear to part with it. So many lives are affected in this book and Laura does an amazing job of developing the characters so you care about what happens to each and every one. Lucian and Bronwyn’s journey has so many twists and turns that I did not see coming and it kept me on the edge of my seat. There is not a dull moment with the action or the romance and Laura’s writing just keeps getting better with each book.

The secondary plots in this story are equally intriguing. We get to see brief glimpses into the mind of the villain, which I always find fascinating, Synjon, the paven Browyn is set to marry and we get to see what Gray and Dillon have been up too. Synjon is a character I did not expect to like since he is in direct competition with Lucian, but he grew on me as the story progressed. He is a puzzle and has a tragic past that helped me empathize with him. I cannot say too much more about him without spoiling things, but I am desperately hoping we get to see more from him. The way we left him at the end of Eternal Captive was heartbreaking and I would love to see his story develop further. As for Gray and Dillon, wow! There is a huge revelation about her and I am hoping that she and Gray will get their own book so we can see this explored further as well.

The only thing that caught me off guard was the ending. It just happened so fast, I did not realize things would wrap up that quickly. I just wanted there to be a little more detail there, but overall the book was still fantastic. It could also be that I was reading so quickly the resolution just snuck up on me. Either way, it did not at all dilute my love for this book.

I could keep going on about all the reasons why I love this book, but instead I am just going to tell you to go read it. I dare you to try and read this book without finishing it all at once. I don’t think it is possible actually, it is just too good. So, what did we learn from this review? Go read this book and if you have not read this series, then go to your bookstore, find Eternal Hunger and start! Or download it to your e-reader immediately! Got it? Good! ( )
  ABookwormsHaven | Feb 10, 2012 |
Eternal Captive, Mark of the Vampire Book #3
Author: Laura Wright

Synopsis: Since feeding her his blood, Lucian Roman has struggled with his obsession with Bronwyn Kettler-fighting an uncontrollable desire to kill her, if he has to, and the vampire she has sworn to wed. But when a dangerous enemy threatens Bronwyn, only Lucian can save her life. Even if it means sacrificing his own...

Our Review [by Michelle L. Olson – LITERAL ADDICTION’s Pack Alpha]:
From the moment I picked up Eternal Hunger, Mark of the Vampire became one of my favorite paranormal romance series. Laura writes with such passion, such intensity, it’s hard not to be drawn in immediately.
After reading Eternal Kiss I knew that this series was destined not only to be great, but really and truly special and I couldn’t wait for Eternal Blood and Eternal Captive.
After devouring Eternal Blood, I was lucky enough to receive an Advance Reading Copy of Eternal Captive, book #3 of the series, from Laura and put aside all other reading to dig in...
In a word, Eternal Captive was incredible! I’m not sure there are enough positive adjectives in the English language to describe everything this book has to offer, but let me try a few:

• It was completely riveting and captivating. From the first page Laura hooks you as a reader, especially if you’ve invested in the 2 ½ installments prior to EC, and it doesn’t let go… ever, because after the last page, you STILL want more.
• It was thoroughly sensual. All Laura Wright fans know that Laura packs the heat, but this book was downright scorching. Take Laura’s sexy, sultry narrative coupled with Luca’s smart-ass nature and you have one hell of a combo.
• It was insanely action-packed and thrilling. The series plotline of Mark of the Vampire has been exhilarating the entire way with the Romans fight against the Order, their internal struggles with themselves and within their small family, etc, but this installment was so intense I literally felt myself holding my breath at times.
• It was all together intriguing and intense. The twists and turns, the secrets revealed, the continual flow of story and evolution of character… all made for one heck of a ride.

This book gave so much to me as a reader it’s really hard to write a proper review for it because a) I feel like I’m not doing it justice, and b) I can’t tell you anything without spoiling it, so let me just say that this book was everything I wanted and more, and recommend it and its 2 ½ predecessors to EVERYONE..

LITERAL ADDICTION gives Eternal Captive 5 Skulls and suggests that everyone go and pick up this book the instant it is released! If you haven’t already taken the time to read Eternal Hunger, Eternal Kiss, and Eternal Blood you have a little time before Eternal Captive hits your mailbox or eReader. I promise you won’t be disappointed. ( )
  LITERALADDICTION | Jan 19, 2012 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

In the third entry in Laura Wright's Mark of the Vampire series, Lucian Roman must fight his uncontrollable desire to kill Bronwyn Kettler and save her life when a dangerous enemy threatens her.


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