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The Art & Craft of Fiction: A Practitioner's Manual

von Victoria Mixon

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Based on Mixon's work as a successful independent fiction editor, this book brings together in one place everything you need to know about writing a novel, an in-depth exploration of the myriad aspects of creating fiction in a warm, entertaining voice that welcomes you into the greater fellowship of all writers.… (mehr)
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There are a lot of writer 'how-to' manuals out there these days, some good, most only so-so, and a whole lot outright harmful, but this one ranks up there as one of the more practical ones. First of all, Victoria Mixon is a bona fide DEVELOPMENTAL EDITOR, so Art & Craft of Fiction approaches your writing the way that an editor would, starting with the spark of the story, and then drills down into first plot & pacing, then into finer and finer layers such as dialogue and some line-editing stuff. Secondly, Ms. Mixon has a pleasant, chatty voice which makes it feel as though you are sitting down, going through your manuscript over a cup of tea with a friend instead of getting red-inked in front of the entire classroom back in elementary school as many how-to books make you feel.

Favorite Chapters:

- Action - how much action do you need to keep your reader interested? How can you spiff up a scene that is starting to drag? How do you inject the impression of action into a genre novel that isn't, by nature, action-oriented (such as literary fiction)? I think I liked this section best because it explained, in a way that has fallen flat in most other writer how-to books, how to build 'action' into even the most passive genre.

- Dialogue tags - goes far beyond the usual 'he said/she said' advice to give lots of practical examples of good and bad ways to use dialogue to convey the action and how (when) to use action-tags instead of 'said' without making it appear clunky. I found the comparison between good and bad examples especially helpful. Some of the 'bad action tags' made me giggle.

- Plotting your way out of a paper bag (chapter) - this chapter was helpful for a pantser like me who hates to over-plot.

- Revision - she uses zombie analogies :-) Need I say more? Anybody who has ever picked up their manuscript after it's 'gone cold' for a while and had to beat into submission knows what I'm talking about. Bra-a-a-i-i-n-sss...

Critiques: good solid advice. My only critique would be that some of good/bad example references were best-selling literary fiction and I'm a trash-talking genre fiction reader and writer, so I wasn't familiar with all of the works referred to. I'm sure there were a few things that floated right over my head.

If you are on a limited budget to buy writer how-to books, this one should be on your acquisition list because, unlike a lot of writer how-to books, it's focus is on how to improve the book you already wrote without squelching the voice you already possess, not on how to copy X-McAuthor's pre-existing writing style. ( )
  Anna_Erishkigal | Dec 28, 2015 |
Here are my highlights from reading the Art and Craft of Fiction (2nd Edition) by Author Victoria A. Mixon. You can also watch my 2-minute-video review here:

Favorite Section - definitely the revision sections. Her tips for revising the first draft would complement my own revision process seamlessly.

Not-So-Favorite Section - learning how to develop plot by analyzing not one BUT SIX stories simultaneously. Trying to follow all SIX plotlines put my brain into overload.

I give this book 4 of 5 stars.

Would recommend this book to beginning writers or those who have completed 1-2 books. ( )
  M.E._Anders | Sep 17, 2011 |
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Based on Mixon's work as a successful independent fiction editor, this book brings together in one place everything you need to know about writing a novel, an in-depth exploration of the myriad aspects of creating fiction in a warm, entertaining voice that welcomes you into the greater fellowship of all writers.

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