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Ancient Indian Artifacts Volume 1 Introduction to Collecting

von Jim Bennett

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413,516,283 (3.5)Keine
Written with the beginning collector in mind, Ancient Indian Artifacts, Volume 1, Introduction to collecting, is the first in a new six-book series. Volume 1 provides new collectors the basic information needed to begin a journey into the hobby of collecting ancient American Indian artifacts. With the use of hundreds of full-color photos, topics such as understanding ancient timelines, and how to build an artifact collection, as well as important information on artifact identification and values are covered in an easy to read, yet detailed manner. Rowe s Glossary of Artifact Terms & Definitions is also included in the final chapter to assure that readers will have a full understanding of the topics discussed throughout the book. It s a must-have for Indian artifact collectors and enthusiasts. 2008 values.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonNEARA.Library, powderriver, kjdunc9443, billsearth
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Bennet doea a thorough job of introducing the reader to ancient Indian artifacts. There is a strong focus on finished flint objects and their value, but other types are in the book and discussion of topics such as collecting, displaying, and searching are covered.

Photos are numerous and excelent.

There is a glossary but no index.
The last two pages are advertising. ( )
  billsearth | Nov 8, 2011 |
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Written with the beginning collector in mind, Ancient Indian Artifacts, Volume 1, Introduction to collecting, is the first in a new six-book series. Volume 1 provides new collectors the basic information needed to begin a journey into the hobby of collecting ancient American Indian artifacts. With the use of hundreds of full-color photos, topics such as understanding ancient timelines, and how to build an artifact collection, as well as important information on artifact identification and values are covered in an easy to read, yet detailed manner. Rowe s Glossary of Artifact Terms & Definitions is also included in the final chapter to assure that readers will have a full understanding of the topics discussed throughout the book. It s a must-have for Indian artifact collectors and enthusiasts. 2008 values.

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