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Daywalks around Victoria

von Glenn Tempest

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Features 36 daywalks that best represents Victoria¿s diverse and often unique geographical regions. Many of these walks have been popular to generations of Victorian walkers, while others are almost unknown. A handful of these walks are easily among the best in Australia. Daywalks Around Victoria is the first book of its kind where each described walk can be freely downloaded as a GPX file for use in a hand-held navigation device, or as a KMZ file to be opened directly in Google Earth.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonCaesia, dwids, DimityEvans, David_Sisson, stevage
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Bought a copy after seeing Glenn’s article in the Wilderness Shop newsletter. We intended to do #19 Pyrites Creek on Sunday, but due to the rain on Saturday (and the warnings to avoid it in such circumstances), we did a different Pyrites Creek walk (from Tyrone’s 150 walks book) instead.

Have to say I’m seriously impressed by the book. It’s beautiful to read, the layout is great, there is a *lot* of information to help decide which walk to do. Best of all for me, is many of the walks seem quite innovative, with off-track walks (can’t wait to do #20 Mt Kooyoora) and off-the-beaten-track walks (ditto #33 Mt Cobberas).

The .gpx downloads are a huge bonus – no more stressfully wondering whether you’ll spot that “minor, overgrown trail barely visible through bushes to your right and easily missed”.

I particularly like that they’re all proper “day walks” – all except one are listed as 4-7 hours.

Also, the maps are really, really good. Comparing them to Tyrone’s 150 walks is chalk and cheese – the route clearly stands out against the contours, alternative routes are clearly marked etc etc.

I’m struggling to think of any suggested improvements, which isn’t like me at all. Basically, I’m excited, and inspired to get out and get through them all now :)

[originally posted at ] ( )
  stevage | Nov 30, 2011 |
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Features 36 daywalks that best represents Victoria¿s diverse and often unique geographical regions. Many of these walks have been popular to generations of Victorian walkers, while others are almost unknown. A handful of these walks are easily among the best in Australia. Daywalks Around Victoria is the first book of its kind where each described walk can be freely downloaded as a GPX file for use in a hand-held navigation device, or as a KMZ file to be opened directly in Google Earth.

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