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Mend It Better: Creative Patching, Darning, and Stitching

von Kristin M. Roach

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Don?t hide that patch, make it a bold, beautiful embellishment! Repair holes with bright thread and a creative darning stitch; revive a stained shirt with fun embroidery! In Mend It Better, popular craft blogger Kristin M. Roach puts a new spin on mending by adapting traditional techniques for today?s crafty sewers. With detailed photography to show each step, she teaches a wide range of patching, darning, and repair stitches using both hand and machine sewing. The how-to text is accompanied by dozens of inspiring examples from Kristin?s own work and that of other craft bloggers and artisans. You'll love the innovative solutions using appliqués, patches, brightly colored accents, and intricate lace details. With Mend It Better, every garment and fabric repair is a chance for self-expression and fabulous creations. --Publisher.… (mehr)
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This book covers very, very basic techniques and aims to give the complete novice the confidence to repair their own clothing and do other fibre crafts, eg. make a tote bag out of damaged household linens. If you already know how to do things like thread a needle (there is literally a full page on this very topic, including two photographs, and the facing page is entirely devoted to knotting your thread), there will be information in this book that is unnecessary. However, it builds up gradually, step by step, to develop useful skills and provide instruction that would be useful to any mender or garment re-user. Some mending and darning techniques are handy to have in a thoroughly illustrated form for reference and review, and they're likely to be found in this photo-filled volume.

This being said, Mend It Better does take exciting excursions into less mainstream techniques. Darning with a sewing machine is one, although I could use more information than consult your manual and stitch back and forth in rows 1/16" apart. Another is how to create an in-seam pocket on a pocketless garment EVEN IF that garment is lined. Pockets in any garment? Every woman's dream! I would almost buy the book for that alone. You'll also find instructions about how to re-pleat a wool skirt -- if you need it, that's invaluable information!

Then there are directions for making a darning egg, since you can't just go to the store and buy one. Wonderful and practical idea, but perhaps Ms Roach didn't think out the finishing very well. Glitter, charcoal, paint, markers? I think nobody needs to be told what a bad idea glitter is, unless all your garments are 100% sparkly already and it won't show; Roach had already complained early in the book about charcoal on her hands rubbing off on her mending; and paint is not a bad idea but one of my antique darning eggs is painted and it does scratch up under the constant use of needles. Best stick to her "or just use a simple stain" and definitely "seal with acrylic varnish" (that would tame the markers, at least).

Lengthening a hem when there isn't enough hem is a really good looking project. And there is an ENTIRE CHAPTER on zippers, one aspect of mending that most books largelynignore. One that I've reviewed even has reasons for it (the author is mainly concerned with historical sewing techniques and re-enactment costuming) but most seem to be just using "what I have seen in other mending books" as a template and frankly, to ignore zippers is very 19th century! And she's got a pattern for a really fabulous sewing/mending kit that I absolutely covet, which requires zippers...

Kristin Roach hasn't copied anyone else's work. She has created an A-Z of basic mending, covering what she herself considers useful and necessary and the perceived needs of her friends, family, and students. Well done! ( )
  muumi | May 11, 2024 |
nonfiction; sewing/mending. Inspiration for even veteran sewists, but certainly of the most help to those who have a pile of stuff they want to salvage but don't know where to start. ( )
  reader1009 | Jul 3, 2021 |
What a neat book! Filled with the basics and beyond, Mend it Better is a toolbox for anyone who's hesitated to get rid of something previously loved just because it's stained, has a hole, is a bit outdated, has a bleached spot, etc. It's a great source to have on hand these days, whether your concern is saving a much-loved garment, helping the environment, or preserving the contents of your wallet. Roach writes in a non-threatening manner, explaining everything in just enough detail for the truly clueless to be comfortable and yet manages to keep those who have some subject knowledge interested as well. After just a quick read through of this book, I've already found several ideas and projects I want to try and am on the lookout for more ideas every time I sit down to do laundry or go through boxes of last season's clothes. I can't wait to sit down with this one and spend more time giving it a good, cover-to-cover read. ( )
  beckymmoe | Apr 3, 2013 |
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Don?t hide that patch, make it a bold, beautiful embellishment! Repair holes with bright thread and a creative darning stitch; revive a stained shirt with fun embroidery! In Mend It Better, popular craft blogger Kristin M. Roach puts a new spin on mending by adapting traditional techniques for today?s crafty sewers. With detailed photography to show each step, she teaches a wide range of patching, darning, and repair stitches using both hand and machine sewing. The how-to text is accompanied by dozens of inspiring examples from Kristin?s own work and that of other craft bloggers and artisans. You'll love the innovative solutions using appliqués, patches, brightly colored accents, and intricate lace details. With Mend It Better, every garment and fabric repair is a chance for self-expression and fabulous creations. --Publisher.

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