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Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging:…
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Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (Original 1999; 2001. Auflage)

von Louise Rennison

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4,2541942,892 (3.79)90
Presents the humorous journal of a year in the life of a fourteen-year-old British girl who tries to reduce the size of her nose, stop her mad cat from terrorizing the neighborhood animals, and win the love of handsome hunk Robbie.
Titel:Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Autoren:Louise Rennison
Info:HarperTeen (2001), Paperback, 272 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:teenager, cat, snogging, kissing, make out, boyfriend, british, uniform, private school, embaressment, diary, confession


Frontalknutschen: Die Bekenntnisse der Georgia Nicolson von Louise Rennison (1999)

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This was my second time reading this and wow, it was so much better this time than last, can't wait to read the rest. ( )
  CaitlinDaugherty | Aug 28, 2023 |
The first in the series. This book made me laugh out loud. I read the paperback which was wonderful, and I read the audiobook, and the narrator was wonderful. Not entirely a deep book, but it captures the mind of a typical teenage female. Quick read, light-hearted, and very funny. ( )
  LinBee83 | Aug 23, 2023 |
I am so glad my teenage years are well behind me. This book has been around for a while but it's the first time I have picked it up. I was thrown into immediate laughter with the eyebrows incident. But I could really relate to this from my own teenage years, so was nodding and laughing all the way through. ( )
  StressedRach | Jun 2, 2023 |
TW: massive, massive anti-lesbian statements stuffed into nearly every page of this book. Misogyny is even more common. Classism is on display, as is age-ism and some incest. I firmly believe this character is related to Bella Swan, or mayhap sociopathy in teen girl book characters makes me think they are. The character says she's fifteen and a half but I am convinced she's an unusually literate six years old and got into what she thought was sugar and most adults would say coke. How the fuck is anything in this book funny? And it became a SERIES?!.
Georgia isn't six years old, however, because she obsesses over boys when she's not utterly fixated on how icky lesbians are. She is vapid, completely self-absorbed and self-centered, has absolutely no empathy, feels no loyalty to her friends, cannot shut up about herself, forgets about everyone except herself, has no boundaries with her toddler sister. Her selfishness knows no bounds. She hates every single other teen girl in existence. At least she hates girls she deems uglier than her (nearly everyone) as much as she hates girls she thinks are hotter than her (a few girls who might be trying to steal her crush who she's never actually spoken to). At least she enjoys things: insulting her best friends; whining when people don't call her every hour; obsessing over boys; insulting her teachers for enjoying teaching; sleeping; complaining about how absolutely hideous she is when boys are stated to think she's cute; and trying out wacky makeup stuff. Oh, and stealing things.

I briefly looked through some reviews people I'm following on Goodreads wrote and at least I know where they stand. I'm surprised at myself for being so horrified--a lot of support of non-heterosexual folx is still very performative. I read and enjoyed a series by a transphobe who proudly froths at the mouth about her views. I PUT A DISCLAIMER ON MY GOODREADS REVIEWS EXPLAINING WHY I OCCASIONALLY STILL READ THE BOOKS UNTIL EARLY 2022, WHEN I SWORE THEM OFF THE FINAL TIME. IT'S NOT HARD, PEOPLE. Donate to charities that help queer folx after reading this book and I will be somewhat less upset. And to think, I was hoping this book would be silly. It's mind-numbingly stupid when it's not incredibly hateful.. ( )
  iszevthere | Jul 26, 2022 |
How many times have we read this ridiculous book? Let me count… oh wait, we dislike doing maths just as much as Georgia, so we will desist! Considering that we’re officially well into our 30s, we should probably stop finding so much laughter in the ridiculous antics of Georgia Nicholson, but somehow her laughs remain eternal throughout the years. Managing her semi-domesticated wildcat, chasing after ungettable boys, typical highschool drama, and realistic family dynamics make this book almost timeless, even if we are aware that Georgia is a relatively immature teenager and some of her opinions don’t age well. She’s an idiot teenager, and (let’s get real) we were all just as ignorant and silly at that age – especially before the dawn of the internet, when it became significantly easier to self-educate. Though, we all know Georgia would just have used the internet to stalk her crushes and get into more drama, so it’s maybe better that she came along at a more disconnected time in the world – she sure gets into enough highjinx already! ( )
  JaimieRiella | Jun 5, 2022 |
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To Mutti and Vati and my little sister, also to Angus. His huge furry outside may have gone to cat heaven, but the scar on my ankle lingers on. Also to Brenda and Jude and the fab gang at Piccadilly. And thanks to John Nicolson.
Erste Worte
sunday august 23rd

my bedroom


10:00 a.m.

Dad had Uncle Eddie round, so naturally they had to come and see what I was up to.
August. La marche avec mystere. Sonntag, 23. August. In meinem Zimmer. 10:00 Dad hatte Besuch von Onkel Eddie, und natürlich sind sie reingekommen und mussten hier rumschnüffeln und rausfinden, was ich mache.
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He puts his arm around me. I think of putting my arm round him but I don't because I remember the stuffed-olive incident. Then, with his other hand, Peter turns my face towards his. It's a good thing he didn't try that yesterday when I had rigor mortis of the head. Then he says, "Close your eyes and relax."
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Presents the humorous journal of a year in the life of a fourteen-year-old British girl who tries to reduce the size of her nose, stop her mad cat from terrorizing the neighborhood animals, and win the love of handsome hunk Robbie.

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Durchschnitt: (3.79)
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2 84
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3 307
3.5 57
4 411
4.5 29
5 349

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