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Love Finds You In Daisy, Oklahoma

von Janice Hanna

Reihen: Love Finds You (Oklahoma - 50)

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442591,026 (4.33)Keine
Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Love blooms in unlikely places.

In 1912, two years after a tornado left many children homeless, the town of Daisy, Oklahoma, needs help with its orphanage. Enter Rena Jewel, 38 years old and still single, who longs to do something important with her life. A lover of flowers, Rena believes the letter from Daisy to be a sign from the Lord, and she promises to help. Sheriff Gene Wyatt is a widowed father struggling to control 23 unruly orphans—and to keep his own two boys from burning down the town. So, when he receives word that help is on the way, Gene rejoices... that is, until he meets Rena—a genteel and far-too-pretty woman whom he assumes is not up to the challenge. And after meeting the children, Rena begins to agree with him. At her wits' end, she helps the children plant a garden and slowly earns their respect and obedience. The new orphanage director arrives just as the garden begins to bloom, and Rena must decide whether she can leave the town, the children, and the man she's come to love.

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The year is 1912 and you find yourself in the small town of Daisy, Oklahoma. The orphanage in town needs someone to help run it, someone who can survive more than a few days trying to control the 17 unruly orphans. That is where 38 year old Rena Jewel, who is single and wanting to make a difference in someones life, steps in. Rena soon realizes what a challenge her new job will be, but she is determined and has a lot of love to give.

Sheriff Gene Wyatt is a widowed dad trying to keep the orphanage running, along with his job and two boys that are way beyond control. Although there isn't instant attraction to the new lady in town, he does see the goodness inside of her and soon (with the help of a few mischievous orphans) love will start to bloom.

Although it was a fun story in many ways, the sheriff's boys got a little annoying. Some discipline is always needed in the life of a child and when left to themselves utter chaos occurs. The love though that these children needed was given by Rena and it was good to see the change that occurred when lots of love and care was given to them. Also enjoyed the whole "daisy" theme throughout this story. ( )
  judyg54 | Jan 9, 2018 |
Sometimes you feel like God is pulling at you, calling you to greater things than you ever felt possible. Seeing a vase of daisies it seemed like something had been missing from Rena Jewel's life, something more than just the emptiness she felt from the loss of her parents when she was 14. It was more than just her Aunt and Uncle who came immediately and offered her a home filled with love. Despite all her charitable work for the Mission Society, Rena felt God calling her. She knew she found her answer in a letter advertising for help running an orphanage in Daisy, Oklahoma from the local sheriff.

Could daisies be the sign that confirmed her next path in life? All Rena knew is that she had such a passion and fire for loving children that she immediately sent her reply to Sheriff Gene Wyatt, informing him that she would arrive in October and was looking forward to helping out in any way she could. If only the letter truly explained what awaited her in Daisy, Oklahoma.

Perhaps Gene should have been a little more truthful when sending his request for help running the orphanage, but when Mrs. Wabash, the former director ran out on him, he didn't have much choice. He would let Ms. Jewel decide for herself whether she would be able to handle running the orphanage for 17 children, most of them boys, if he could only convince her to stay for a day without running away herself.

I received the novel, Love Finds You in Daisy, Oklahoma by Janice Hanna compliments of Summerside Press for my honest review, and literally finished this one in a half a day because I could not put it down. It was funny, heartwarming, sad and filled with the promise of hope and the never ending power of what love can truly do.

This reminded me of the old Disney movies, like the Apple Dumpling Gang where you have a band of orphans that are so used to being left they have no choice but to push their boundaries on the town's residents who more than want the orphanage closed. I kinda saw the interactions with the children a bit like the movie Nanny McPhee only based in 1912, in a small western town. The characters are enjoyable and truly believable and Janice Hanna did an exceptional job at giving each of the 17 children beautiful and unique personalities. In the end, I don't think I could have left any of them because they won me over and I fell in love with all of them. I rate this one a perfect 5 out of 5 stars and again have found a forever home for this lovely novel on my permanent book shelf. ( )
  ReviewsFromTheHeart | Jul 5, 2012 |
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Love Finds You (Oklahoma - 50)
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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Love blooms in unlikely places.

In 1912, two years after a tornado left many children homeless, the town of Daisy, Oklahoma, needs help with its orphanage. Enter Rena Jewel, 38 years old and still single, who longs to do something important with her life. A lover of flowers, Rena believes the letter from Daisy to be a sign from the Lord, and she promises to help. Sheriff Gene Wyatt is a widowed father struggling to control 23 unruly orphans—and to keep his own two boys from burning down the town. So, when he receives word that help is on the way, Gene rejoices... that is, until he meets Rena—a genteel and far-too-pretty woman whom he assumes is not up to the challenge. And after meeting the children, Rena begins to agree with him. At her wits' end, she helps the children plant a garden and slowly earns their respect and obedience. The new orphanage director arrives just as the garden begins to bloom, and Rena must decide whether she can leave the town, the children, and the man she's come to love.


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