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A Scottish Journey

von David Paterson

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Photographer David Paterson travels the length and breadth of Scotland, from the Borders to the Shetlands and from Aberdeenshire to the Outer Hebrides, in search for the landscapes that will reveal and define the country he loves. The photographs are introduced by writer David Craig whose book On the Crofter's Trail was widely acclaimed and did much to bring the story of the Highland Clearances back to a wider public. Despite previously producing six books on the Scottish Highlands David Paterson has never before tackled Scotland in its entirety, and this book fills that gap. Though Highlands and Islands are well represented with many new images, the book also covers areas often neglected such as the Borders, Central Scotland, and the North East. An "all-Scotland" book from Paterson has been requested by readers and correspondents for some time and here it is.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonDerekCoia, EmGunn12, MontysMum, artheart, ThomasK
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An absolutely magnificent book. In superb photographs David Paterson is able to capture what Scotland as about. Even the introductory text by David Craig is an exquisite companion to this journey. ( )
  ThomasK | Jun 24, 2012 |
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Photographer David Paterson travels the length and breadth of Scotland, from the Borders to the Shetlands and from Aberdeenshire to the Outer Hebrides, in search for the landscapes that will reveal and define the country he loves. The photographs are introduced by writer David Craig whose book On the Crofter's Trail was widely acclaimed and did much to bring the story of the Highland Clearances back to a wider public. Despite previously producing six books on the Scottish Highlands David Paterson has never before tackled Scotland in its entirety, and this book fills that gap. Though Highlands and Islands are well represented with many new images, the book also covers areas often neglected such as the Borders, Central Scotland, and the North East. An "all-Scotland" book from Paterson has been requested by readers and correspondents for some time and here it is.

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