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Honor Bound: My Journey to Hell and Back with Amanda Knox

von Raffaele Sollecito, Andrew Gumbel

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556485,957 (3.5)1
A gripping memoir from Amanda Knox's Italian ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, chronicling his relationship with Amanda and the four years they spent in an Italian prison for a crime they did not commit.
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonlmauro123, ccarolinee, NafizaBMC, dapbookstf, Nysidra
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if you have a doubt about this case please read this book. It shows the lack of evidence and also the nightmare that was created by prosuctors to tell a story rather then find the people the did this horrible crime. It was well written and heartbreaking. This man as been put through hell and he finally got his chance to tell his side and i believe him. Give this book a chance and see what he has to say. ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
if you have a doubt about this case please read this book. It shows the lack of evidence and also the nightmare that was created by prosuctors to tell a story rather then find the people the did this horrible crime. It was well written and heartbreaking. This man as been put through hell and he finally got his chance to tell his side and i believe him. Give this book a chance and see what he has to say. ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Raffaele's story is both touching and disheartening. I never felt that the two, Raffaele and Amanda, were guilty. After hearing Raffaele's side, I'm doubly convinced of thei innocence. I'm also bothered by the injustice of the Italian legal system. ( )
  CassandraSabo | Dec 5, 2015 |
If you should happen to mention the name Amanda Knox, most people would know to whom you were referring. Mention the name Raffaele Sollecito and if anyone (anyone not doggedly following the court case that is) knew who he was they would probably say something to the effect of “oh, wasn’t that Amanda Knox’ boyfriend?” Despite the fact that he was convicted equally in the murder of British student Meredith Kerchner and received only one year less jail time than Amanda herself, Mr. Sollecito’s name has not become a household word. He was depicted as a quiet, introverted, dare I say “nerdy” young man who was beguiled and corrupted by the “evil wiles” of a young, brash, uninhibited American student studying abroad. This book is his side of the story told in his own words. Frankly, the book does not go far towards dispelling the “quiet, introverted, dare I say, nerdy” impression but, it does show that Mr. Sollecito has some moral fibre when it comes to what is right or wrong. Despite the fact that he did not allow himself to get bullied into turning on Amanda to save himself (kudos where kudos are due!) he still seems a little like a lamb being led around on a leash. He wrote this book himself (with a little help from Mr. Gumble, obviously) yet still comes across as a little bland. He accuses the media of pushing him to the side and deferring to Amanda, but often throughout the book he did the same.

For anyone who has avidly followed the trial this book would definitely be an interesting add-on. Mr. Sollecito does reveal some behind-the-scenes secrets of the trial and most definitely much insight as to how he was feeling while it was all going on. Any reader not deeply familiar with the case would do better to pick up something else first (may I recommend Murder in Italy by Candace Dempsey).

Ms. Knox is reported to have signed a huge multi-million dollar book deal to publish her own version of the happenings in Perugia. Knowing that, I came to this book with the pre-conceived idea that it was a case of “get my book out there before Amanda publishes what is sure to be a block-buster”. After finishing this book … I have not changed my mind about that.
( )
  ChristineEllei | Jul 14, 2015 |
A bad book by a good guy who went through a nightmare of injustice most of us would fear to dream about. ( )
  dysmonia | Apr 15, 2014 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Raffaele SollecitoHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Gumbel, AndrewHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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A gripping memoir from Amanda Knox's Italian ex-boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, chronicling his relationship with Amanda and the four years they spent in an Italian prison for a crime they did not commit.

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