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Meghan and Colin Jacoby are looking forward to a typical summer vacation, which means their guardian (and uncle) will pull into the Cobbscott Campground just off the coast of Maine and park his travel trailer for three full months. Normally, they'd never spend more than a few weeks in any one place, their uncle preferring to stay on the move. Why did he do this? The twins have never thought to ask. Their only concern is that their friend Sebastien will be in Cobbscott as well . . . He's the one person who also happens to know their secret-the twins are telepathic and can read each others' minds. It's a supernatural secret they've never even told their guardian. Within hours of arrival, Meghan and Colin are making plans to meet up with Sebastien, but before they can, unexpected guests arrive. Guests with reserved campsites-reserved, but unused for years. And even more mysterious is that within hours, it's clear these new visitors did not come alone. Something else has followed them. Something dangerous, and evil, with an eerie shadow that flies across the tree tops screeching out a warning that can have only one meaning: We know where you are . . .… (mehr)
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This is more outside of what I normally read, but I figured I'd try something new.

The author chose to expand on standard tropes Twins with telepathy and gypsies that aren't trustworthy. They also added a different twist with Giant wolf-bats and magic and such.

Kinda glad the author doesn't have a love triangle yet, but I don't expect it to form, as one of the main male characters is her brother. There's hints of a possible love interest but not a triangle.

I feel like a lot of this book suffered from trying to do too much. You have the kids approaching their 13th birthday and what that entails. You have the a second storyline linking them to the gypsies. You have world discovery (which technically links the two.) It felt compressed for time, like one would edit a movie to fit time allotted. Interesting book, but the next in the series isn't an immediate need. ( )
  gilroy | Jan 10, 2020 |
Fabulous story loved every turn of the page amazing characters my kids really liked this thrilling story and now they want to read more of Fated Saga as wee all engoyed reading this book. My heart felt thanks to the wonderful author Rachel Humphrey D'aigle for the privilege & pleasure of reading this gem of a story. This book I would be so delighted to recommend this book to all my friends so happy, happy reading to all from wee me. xx♥☺ ( )
  weelinda | Sep 18, 2015 |
I am giving this 3 1/2 stars.
The plot itself is good, but the grammar and spelling errors made it a bit hard to read.
I was confused for a bit too. Were the twins 12 going on 13? 13 going on 14?
Once the mistakes are cleaned up, this book will be a whole lot better.
The book focuses on family, friends, growing up, and magic.
I would let my 13-year-old niece read it. ( )
  AhRee | May 23, 2015 |
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Meghan and Colin Jacoby are looking forward to a typical summer vacation, which means their guardian (and uncle) will pull into the Cobbscott Campground just off the coast of Maine and park his travel trailer for three full months. Normally, they'd never spend more than a few weeks in any one place, their uncle preferring to stay on the move. Why did he do this? The twins have never thought to ask. Their only concern is that their friend Sebastien will be in Cobbscott as well . . . He's the one person who also happens to know their secret-the twins are telepathic and can read each others' minds. It's a supernatural secret they've never even told their guardian. Within hours of arrival, Meghan and Colin are making plans to meet up with Sebastien, but before they can, unexpected guests arrive. Guests with reserved campsites-reserved, but unused for years. And even more mysterious is that within hours, it's clear these new visitors did not come alone. Something else has followed them. Something dangerous, and evil, with an eerie shadow that flies across the tree tops screeching out a warning that can have only one meaning: We know where you are . . .

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