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Oath of Servitude (The Punishment Sequence # 1)

von C. E. Wilson

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this book didn't really do it for me, but looking at all the other reviews I'm in the minority.

The book is well written, characters are well developed, as is the environment.
I guess I just found a story about pixies and humans a little odd, and for some reason the story didn't pull me in. That doesn't mean its a bad book by any means. It is definitely well written by the author.
So if you like pixies or want to read something completely different from anything you've ever read, then by all means read this and don't let my personal preference deter you. ( )
  katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
this book didn't really do it for me, but looking at all the other reviews I'm in the minority.

The book is well written, characters are well developed, as is the environment.
I guess I just found a story about pixies and humans a little odd, and for some reason the story didn't pull me in. That doesn't mean its a bad book by any means. It is definitely well written by the author.
So if you like pixies or want to read something completely different from anything you've ever read, then by all means read this and don't let my personal preference deter you. ( )
  katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
this book didn't really do it for me, but looking at all the other reviews I'm in the minority.

The book is well written, characters are well developed, as is the environment.
I guess I just found a story about pixies and humans a little odd, and for some reason the story didn't pull me in. That doesn't mean its a bad book by any means. It is definitely well written by the author.
So if you like pixies or want to read something completely different from anything you've ever read, then by all means read this and don't let my personal preference deter you. ( )
  katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
My review is also on my blog:

Actual Rating: 3.5 stars
First of all, I want to thank C.E. Wilson for providing me with a copy of this book.

This was a fun read, not exactly action-packed, adventurous, or anything else you'd expect from a book in the paranormal genre, but it was still entertaining.

I'll start with the not-so-good qualities of this book. Firstly, the writing, at times, was kind of awkward. There were a few instances when the wording didn't make sense. Another thing about this book was that some secondary characters were a bit...dry. I wish that the author had developed those characters more, so that the readers would have understood them more.

The ending would have affected me more if the author had explained the pixis and Cailin's family better. I know that the author left questions unanswered to give the book more suspense and to make us want to read the next installment, but leaving that much information unknown just confused me.

Since I have stated what I disliked about this book, I will now go on to what made me like this book. I loved the idea of pixis and the author's originality. With the YA genre being taken over by vampires, its nice to have a different type of paranormal creature being introduced.

I also liked Cailin's character. She is not what anyone would expect a pixi to be like; she has a lot of pride and is very stubborn. Her ignorance of modern day things is amusing to read about (her explanation of baseball is hilarious). Teague was a character that I didn't love, nor did I hate. I felt bad for him, but at the same time, he didn't exactly act like a normal 19-year old. He was too whiny and acted more like a twelve year old. Cailin and Teague's relationship was cute, and I liked how Teague depended on Cailin a lot, not the other way around (unlike other YA couples).The nonstop banter that was a common occurence between Teague and Cailin was enjoyable to read.

Personally, I thought that this book was okay. I was looking forward to read a book with a fresh take on pixis. Sadly, it didn't go in depth about this topic. Most of the novel was Teague and Cailin's relationship and their gradual acceptance of each other. This is a book for people looking for a quick, short read. It had moments when it shined, but it also had some mediocre moments, so I gave this book a 3.5/5 stars. ( )
  Summer_Missfictional | May 23, 2014 |
of Servitude (The Punishment Sequence #1), by C.E. Wilson

Melissa Cushing's review
Aug 15, 2013

4 of 5 stars

[polldaddy rating="6971359"]

Published September 2012 by C.E. Wilson

The Punishment Sequence #1

ebook, 159 pages (look below to read a description of the book from Goodreads)

So I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review..... and I want to thank C.E. Wilson for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the process. I give this book 3 and a 1/2 stars honestly, but I am unsure of how to do that..... do I give 3 stars or round it to 4? So, I have rounded it to 4 stars. OK.... the first thing I have to mention is that C.E. Wilson has a very beautiful writing style..... very clean and easy to follow and the editing was great! I really did not notice typos and such..... So all in all, the book was nicely written and nicely edited! I will say that I thought at times the story may have moved a bit slow for me..... and really did not get to the "good" part until the last 40% of the book. I actually re read the ending of the book last night and have decided that I would really like to read the sequel because I have so many questions that I want to know the answers to..... I really want to see where the author goes with it. I believe in many book series..... or trilogies..... that there is usually one book that is slower than the others.... so I am really thinking the next book is going to be packed with the answers to my questions (or a lot of them anyway :)) and in turn move along at a pace that will make it hard for me to tear myself away from it. My only other issue with the story was that I had a hard time with the love story of the book. I am all about the romance of any story. The romance or the build up of a love story is typically what draws me in and keeps me there. What can I say, I am sucker for romance. OK.... so that is where I run into an issue with this love story.....Cailin is a pixi and Teague is a human. Cailin is 12 inches tall..... which is abnormally large for a pixi. Most of her pixi clan are more like 6 inches tall. BUT..... having said that, it is hard for me to wrap my head around her falling for a full grown young man. Or vice versa.... keep in mind Teague is blind due to an accident that happened before he ever met Cailin.... so he is not able to see her and does not know that she is a pixi until the story kicks in to the "good part" (around the middle of the book). I do know that at one point in the book it was mentioned, I believe that a pixi could somehow become human sized??? Do not hold me to it.... but I am pretty sure that was quickly mentioned which is why I believe maybe that problem will be solved eventually.....? Not sure.... that is why I will have to read the sequel. Still the idea is unique and interesting..... again I have to state that the book is well written and nicely edited and has serious potential to be amazing... I just need a little more to keep me involved. I need a little more action and I need to somehow believe that this love story can truly come to fruition because at this point that is hard for me. I actually found myself liking Sariel..... the evil pixi Lennox's son who is in love with Cailin. He tries to protect her from his fathers wrath, and then there was their little steamy kissing session in the woods near the end of the book where Sariel tells Cailin how he feels for her and she promises herself to him, kind of caught up in the moment..... but unfortunately for him, I believe her heart is already Teague's. Sorry I did not give a blurb of the book.... you can read that here on Goodreads, I just wanted to give my opinion of it. It is a clean, straightforward, delightfully different read, that was a little slow and hard for me to get into at times because of the love story situation........ BUT it leaves you with a promising future.... because I do believe this story can really go somewhere wonderful! Very imaginative and creative! That is always refreshing. Thank you C.E. Wilson!!!
  mcushing7 | Aug 15, 2013 |
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