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Modern Greek

von Andy Harris

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69Keine396,242 (3.71)Keine
Delicious and healthful, redolent of the flavors of the Mediterranean, and perfect for the way we like to eat today-its no wonder that Greek food is so beloved. Modern Greek offers 170 recipes for everything from meze to luscious pastry desserts. This delightful cookbook draws together ingredients from the everyday Greek kitchen-all readily available-such as cheeses and yogurt, vegetables and legumes, rice and pasta, seafoods and meats, and, of course, olives, and transforms them into easy, exciting dishes with a seasonal twist. There are savory pies stuffed with greens and herbs in autumn; slow-cooked one-pot stews for winter warm-ups; braised lamb and baby vegetables to welcome spring; and simple grills for relaxing summer evenings. Many of the recipes are traditional, while others are updated interpretations adapting traditional Greek foods and cooking techniques to contemporary kitchens. Beautifully photographed, Modern Greek reveals this much-favored cuisine in a fresh and contemporary light.… (mehr)
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Delicious and healthful, redolent of the flavors of the Mediterranean, and perfect for the way we like to eat today-its no wonder that Greek food is so beloved. Modern Greek offers 170 recipes for everything from meze to luscious pastry desserts. This delightful cookbook draws together ingredients from the everyday Greek kitchen-all readily available-such as cheeses and yogurt, vegetables and legumes, rice and pasta, seafoods and meats, and, of course, olives, and transforms them into easy, exciting dishes with a seasonal twist. There are savory pies stuffed with greens and herbs in autumn; slow-cooked one-pot stews for winter warm-ups; braised lamb and baby vegetables to welcome spring; and simple grills for relaxing summer evenings. Many of the recipes are traditional, while others are updated interpretations adapting traditional Greek foods and cooking techniques to contemporary kitchens. Beautifully photographed, Modern Greek reveals this much-favored cuisine in a fresh and contemporary light.

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