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Eternal Beauty

von Laura Wright

Reihen: Mark of the Vampire (Book 4.5)

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1911,175,338 (4.33)Keine
He is captivated by the one who saved him from death?until he finds out who she is... When his lover is murdered by evil vampire-beast, Cruen, the grief-stricken Synjon Wise believes his life over. Enraged, he flashes her away to a remote spot in South America to give his beloved's body a proper burial. But when the sun blazes overhead and takes her body before his eyes, Synjon's mind completely unravels. Mad with the need to join her, he walks into the sun a morphed male, prepared to die. He awakens to find himself amongst a breed known as Shifters. As he is nursed back to health by Petra, who saved his life, Synjon feels no gratitude?only anger and guilt that he is still alive. But this female is strong and refuses to let Syn waste away. For the bond that will form between them will be enduring: as nurse and patient, male and female, savior and saved. Betrayer and betrayed...… (mehr)
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Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:

Eternal Beauty is an intense & sexy novella!

As the series has been subtly doing, with the growth of the cast, the world has been expanding as well, and this novella takes a journey into yet another new corner of the wonderful MARK OF THE VAMPIRE world.

Eternal Beauty gives us a wonderful peek into the dark and revenge-bent mind of Syn, and some more in depth knowledge of where Petra has been all of these years.

I'm very excited to read more about Syn and Petra and see how things play out with their insinuation into the rest of the Roman/Impure/Mutore society. This couple is sexy as sin (forgive the pun) and this is a story that cannot be missed for all MOTV fans!!

LITERAL ADDICTION gives Eternal Beauty 4 Skulls. ( )
  LITERALADDICTION | Apr 30, 2013 |
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He is captivated by the one who saved him from death?until he finds out who she is... When his lover is murdered by evil vampire-beast, Cruen, the grief-stricken Synjon Wise believes his life over. Enraged, he flashes her away to a remote spot in South America to give his beloved's body a proper burial. But when the sun blazes overhead and takes her body before his eyes, Synjon's mind completely unravels. Mad with the need to join her, he walks into the sun a morphed male, prepared to die. He awakens to find himself amongst a breed known as Shifters. As he is nursed back to health by Petra, who saved his life, Synjon feels no gratitude?only anger and guilt that he is still alive. But this female is strong and refuses to let Syn waste away. For the bond that will form between them will be enduring: as nurse and patient, male and female, savior and saved. Betrayer and betrayed...

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