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Long Way Round : Chasing Shadows Across the…
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Long Way Round : Chasing Shadows Across the World (Original 2004; 2004. Auflage)

von Ewan McGregor

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
1,2372016,438 (3.72)19
In this highly entertaining book, fellow film actors and bike enthusiasts Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman travel 20,000 miles around the world by motorbike. They will encounter many troublesome situations on the way, ranging from extreme and threatening weather to impenetrable terrain, and will face challenges such as caviar fishing in the Caspian sea, wrestling with the Mongolian Olympic team and riding with the Canadian Mounties. Whilst throwing themselves enthusiastically into the culture of each new country - from Alaska to Mongolia, from Canada to Kazakhstan - the two friends will also have to rely on each other's good humour, as the journey tests their relationship and their stamina to the limits. Long Way Round is the action-packed account of the trip and a true portrait of friendship in extremis - as irreverent, engaging and articulate as Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman themselves.… (mehr)
Titel:Long Way Round : Chasing Shadows Across the World
Autoren:Ewan McGregor
Info:Atria (2004), Edition: 1st Atria Hardcover Ed, Hardcover
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:motorcycle, adventure, travel, mongolia, road of bones, ewan mcgregor, r1150gs


Long Way Round - Der wilde Ritt um die Welt von Ewan McGregor (Author) (2004)

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Dark side of "friendly company" trip is here. Bright side too, but not very bright. All of it was in the TV series, but not with such moody contrast. Hm, best and positive travel reports that I've read (not many by all means) was done solo. Makes me think. ( )
  WorkLastDay | Dec 17, 2023 |
Unfortunately too many years have passed since I watched the Long Way Round docuseries to say whether or not this book offered anything new. I will say I probably enjoyed the docuseries more as the distinctions between Ewan and Charley’s personalities are more apparent on television and obviously there’s the visual component. That said though, this book is still worth reading if you enjoy either actor or crave a vicarious road trip.

The book switches back and forth from Ewan and Charley’s points of view, indicating who is speaking at the start of each segment. I have no doubt that these accounts of the trip came from Ewan and Charley, it’s just that the editor or whoever went through and polished things up polished them so thoroughly that Ewan and Charley’s “voices” as well as the few snippets of dialogue often sounded too similar. While Ewan and Charley share similarities like choice of profession, love of motorcycles, etc, I do think they are probably more distinguishable from one another than it tended to feel here.

Like I mentioned it’s been a long time since I watched the television series of this trip, so I also don’t recall whether Ewan and Charley’s whining felt as prominent on TV as it does in this book. During their most recent docuseries trip, maybe because they’re older, they seemed more laid back about things than they do here. There really is a tremendous amount of complaining here for two people who are being paid to go on dream vacation. Sometimes I was like, well, we’re all occasionally guilty of whining about things that aren’t really worth whining over, it’s human, and good for them that they’re willing to include that flawed side of themselves here rather than presenting as perfect, but other times it just really got on my nerves since like I said, they were being paid to go on a dream vacation.

The content of the trip itself, the countries they visit that aren’t places often visited or documented, issues with the bikes, the moments where they reluctantly place their trust in strangers, it’s all interesting stuff, but I think it could have been that much better, had the book gone with slightly different formatting. As is too often the case with many books, there are photo sections rather than interspersing them throughout the book where they could have actually lined up with the timeline of the trip. It also seemed that the appendix in the back thoroughly detailing dates and destinations was so wasted there when I would have appreciated such specific details throughout the book where the sense of time in relation to place was often more vague than I would have preferred. ( )
  SJGirl | Feb 1, 2021 |
I am fine with the fact that I will never ride a motorcycle around the world. Therefore, I'm grateful for this book since I was able to ride along through their adventures. And it certainly was a fun ride. ( )
  CherieKephart | Aug 3, 2017 |
Brittliäiset näyttelijät Ewan McGregor ja Charley Boorman tekivät moottoripyörillä matkan maailman ympäri. Kirjassa McGregor ja Boorman kertovat niin matkan vaatimista valmisteluista kuin monenlaisista kokemuksista matkan varrella. Neljä kuukautta kestänyt matka sisälsi vaihtelevia sääolosuhteita, huonokuntoisia teitä, ongelmia poliisin ja byrokratian kanssa, onnettomuuksia ja väsymystä, mutta myös paljon mielenkiintoisia ja anteliaita ihmisiä, uskomattomia maisemia ja ainutlaatuisia elämyksiä. Kirja sisältää matkalla otettuja valokuvia.
  RiikkaPoyry | Jan 10, 2014 |
Většině motorkářů nestačí jenom jezdit po městě. Za chvíli je ovládne nutkání jezdit pořád rychleji a na vzdálenější místa a podlehnou lákadlu otevřené cesty. Ježdění na motorkách není jenom o tom, že tam prostě napálíš nejvyšší rychlost. Je to taky o tom, že si dáváš načas, pomalu polykáš kilometry, křižuješ silnice, necháváš se unést kamkoliv tě cesta zavede, neděláš si starosti s tím, kam máš dojet a užíváš si jízdu. Tento příběh jistě znáte z televizního pořadu, který byl u nás vysílaný pod názvem Na mašině kolem světa. Kniha přináší hlubší a otevřenější pohled na často strastiplnou cestu na dvou kolech , byť s podpůrným týmem v zádech.
  guano | Sep 14, 2013 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (8 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
McGregor, EwanAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Boorman, CharleyAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Bonnar, MarkErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Degas, RupertErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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For my sister Telsche, whose presence I felt throughout my journey, and whose memory still lives on. - Charley Boorman
This is for my Eve and our children Clara and Esther. - Ewan McGregor
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EWAN: On the last day, I walked down to the harbour. Having slept late, I had breakfast on my own and went for a wander. I wanted to get to the ocean; I needed to see the Pacific. Not knowing the right way, I stumbled down the hill, through rows and rows of tenements, nodding, smiling and waving at the people I passed, eventually arriving at the waterfront. I turned around, lifted my camera to my eye and took a photograph. There it was: Magadan, Siberia.
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This is the book, please do not combine with the videorecording.
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In this highly entertaining book, fellow film actors and bike enthusiasts Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman travel 20,000 miles around the world by motorbike. They will encounter many troublesome situations on the way, ranging from extreme and threatening weather to impenetrable terrain, and will face challenges such as caviar fishing in the Caspian sea, wrestling with the Mongolian Olympic team and riding with the Canadian Mounties. Whilst throwing themselves enthusiastically into the culture of each new country - from Alaska to Mongolia, from Canada to Kazakhstan - the two friends will also have to rely on each other's good humour, as the journey tests their relationship and their stamina to the limits. Long Way Round is the action-packed account of the trip and a true portrait of friendship in extremis - as irreverent, engaging and articulate as Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman themselves.

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