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Conversations with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Vol. 2 (Revised and Addendum)

von Dolores Cannon

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The second book in the series contains 143 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself. Dolores Cannon has pierced the veil of the space/time continuum by her use of regressive hypnosis, to bring us warnings of events to come. Nostradamus emphasized that humanity could change the future if they knew which of the multiple time-lines they were traveling on, and what the results of the path were. Humanity is not powerless. Through the power of informed minds much of the horror seen by Nostradamus can be averted. These new revised editions of the Conversations with Nostradamus trilogy contain updates of events that have already occurred since the original printing in 1989. Will the others also occur? Fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a mind blowing ride with this one! You're about to take a flight into a place where time doesn't exist. Where the famous quatrains are decoded by no-other than The man Nostradamus himself. These two volumes are an exciting journey into the realms of timeless and metaphysical adventure. "Fabulous reading and extremely well written." - Friends Review. This volume includes: More about the rise and the location of the Anti-Christ, including his horoscope. The correlation of 666 (the mark of the beast) and computers. More about the third world war and what countries will be affected. How AIDS was a planned disease by those in power, and when the cure will be found. Dangerous new technology to control the weather and earthquakes. Maps showing the portions of the continents that will remain after the axis shift and the melting of polar icecaps. Horoscopes estimating the date of the Earth shift, as based on Nostradamus' quatrains. The role of Space Visitors during this time of tribulation. A look at the world of future after the war and the shift.… (mehr)
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This is another great book by Dolores Cannon, Nr. 2 in the series about Nostradamus.

John, the astrologer, meets with Nostradamus in his own time on different occasions. He does this by being hypnotized by Cannon and sent to “a spirit state between lives”. He then easily makes his way to the “Tapestry Room” (described in Cannon’s book “Between death and life”), where the Guardian of the room allows him to enter the tapestry and follow Nostradamus’s thread. The thread leads him to a room containing Nostradamus.

As in the first volume we are presented with the concept of “simultaneous time”, since John meets with Nostradamus alive in his time, in fact Nostradamus at different ages. Moreover, Dolores cites Nostradamus as stating in one of his books that he was helped in the writing of the quatrains by the “spirits of the future”. She has a strong suspicion that these spirits include herself, since in their various sessions she herself reads aloud to him (and often has to spell out the words for him), both the original French version of his own quatrains and the English translations, and John reports that Nostradamus writes everything down. It is a bit mind-boggling to think that Nostradamus can have been helped by Dolores dictating something to him that had already been published 400 years ago. But it does make sense, precisely because Dolores and John communicate with Nostradamus during various periods of his life, If Dolores reads and spells out the quatrains to him before he’d written them, then she could indeed have “written them for him”.

We’re again confronted with predictions about the Anti-Christ. As regards his date of birth Dolores presents conflicting information. First she cites N as stating that he would be born in February, 1962 (no date). By consulting his ephemeris, John later finds that the date was to be February 4, 1962. At the end of the book D quotes the modern prophet Jeane Dixon as stating that the birth date of the Anti-Christ is February 5, 1962. (However, at one point N confirms John’s suggestion that the Anti-Christ was to be born on December 16, 1968.)

No matter what the correct date of birth, the fact is that N predicts that the Anti-Christ and his evil actions should have been well under way by the mid 1990’s, in fact by that time he should have used nuclear weapons. He should have been born in Jerusalem, his parents would be murdered and from an early age he would come under the influence of an extremely evil Imam. He would grow up to become an “intelligent and beautiful man with a magnetic aura about him that draws people to him”. Now we’re already nearing the end of 2010, and I for one have no clue about the identity of the Anti-Christ, and he certainly hasn’t invaded the South of France or anywhere else, as far as I’m aware.

Now as regards the Shift. I can’t see that N himself (as reported in this volume at least) indicates a date for it, and as the Shift is not included in the index, it’s hard to check. A woman astrologer friend of D, Mae, concluded that it should be October 24, 2029, while Mark, the publisher of an astrological magazine, after much research, indicated that 2002 would be the year.

Well, we now know it wasn’t 2002. I can’t remember whether N indicated a date for the Shift in the first volume. But I think nowadays it is generally agreed, with reference to the Mayan prophecies indicating that two major cycles (one lasting 25,625 years and one lasting 5,125 years) end on December 21, 2012, that the Shift will occur on this date. Much has also been written about the coming Ascension of Gaia, the other planets in our solar system and humanity itself (see, for example, the channelled works by Patricia Cori). According to what I understand (but I may be wrong), this ascension should take place on the stated date in December, 2012. Nostradamus does not at all refer to the Ascension process (not that I can see from this volume or the previous one, at any rate).

A chapter has been devoted to the state of the world subsequent to the Shift with accompanying maps showing the new land areas. Re Britain, N states that only the mountains between England and Scotland will remain, though from the map we can see that several other inland areas also remain. Italy will disappear, together with the country I myself live in, Denmark. These are just examples, as many other countries will disappear too. Australia will “suffer damage but it will look basically the way it does today” – though it will have a new location. Most of the North American continent will disappear, including New York, Florida, the Hawaiian Islands and most of Alaska.

As regards the last pope, also known as the tool of the Anti-Christ, his birth date will be April 4, 1932. He has a physical deformity of some sort, has a swarthy complexion and blue eyes. The present pope, as far as I can make out, is Benedict XVI, and his birth date is 16 April 1927.

Nostradamus may have been quite wrong as regards his prophecies about the Anti-Christ and the date of the Shift (though I think many accept that it will occur.) But he did make many accurate minor prophecies, for example, about AIDS originating in monkeys, and its spread to mankind being deliberately engineered among gays by the US government. (This was reported in an article in Wildfire magazine in 1989.) N also predicted that chimps would be taught to communicate via sign language (confirmed in the October 1978 issue of National Geographic ).

Of interest to me was a quatrain about the assassination of “King Charles”, i.e. Prince Charles after he has become king. The quatrain (I-521) states that a great man will be murdered in his room, when two evil influences are in conjunction in Scorpio. N explains that these evil influences are Mars and Saturn and that the quatrain refers to King Charles of Britain. Mars and Saturn are in exact conjunction in Scorpio on August 26, 2014 according to D (or August 25 according to my ephemeris).

There is no mention of the fact that Charles was himself born under the sign of Scorpio, but I happened to know this and have personally checked that his Sun is at 22 degrees in Scorpio. Thus in August 25, 2014 the exact conjunction of Mars and Saturn at 17 degrees in Scorpio will also be conjunct Charles Sun. As stated above, D fails to mention this, but in my opinion this additional detail from an astrologist’s point of view certainly makes N’s quatrain (or his interpretation of it in this book) even more likely – i.e. it will be even more likely that Charles is assassinated on this date or in this period. If, that is, he survives 2012!

Also, a later quatrain (III-98) interpreted as a deadly feud between the two sons of Prince Charles is interesting!

Quite apart from the matter of N’s prophecies, the book reports a dramatic event regarding N himself. One day when John arrives to visit him, N has a heart attack. John manages with great difficulty to ring a bell and alert others in the house to come and help him. They do so and give him his heart medicine, which he had been neglecting to take, and he is thus saved. It thus seems as though John’s intervention may have saved N’s life at his point.

Obviously there’s much more to the book than I’ve touched upon. I would strongly recommend that you read this fascinating book if N or his prophecies are at all of interest to you. I found it even more readable than Conversations with Nostradamus Vol. 1. Two negative factors are the author’s lack of astrological knowledge, which makes for irritating errors, and her at times sloppy use of language. ( )
  IonaS | Nov 6, 2010 |
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The second book in the series contains 143 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself. Dolores Cannon has pierced the veil of the space/time continuum by her use of regressive hypnosis, to bring us warnings of events to come. Nostradamus emphasized that humanity could change the future if they knew which of the multiple time-lines they were traveling on, and what the results of the path were. Humanity is not powerless. Through the power of informed minds much of the horror seen by Nostradamus can be averted. These new revised editions of the Conversations with Nostradamus trilogy contain updates of events that have already occurred since the original printing in 1989. Will the others also occur? Fasten your seatbelts, you're in for a mind blowing ride with this one! You're about to take a flight into a place where time doesn't exist. Where the famous quatrains are decoded by no-other than The man Nostradamus himself. These two volumes are an exciting journey into the realms of timeless and metaphysical adventure. "Fabulous reading and extremely well written." - Friends Review. This volume includes: More about the rise and the location of the Anti-Christ, including his horoscope. The correlation of 666 (the mark of the beast) and computers. More about the third world war and what countries will be affected. How AIDS was a planned disease by those in power, and when the cure will be found. Dangerous new technology to control the weather and earthquakes. Maps showing the portions of the continents that will remain after the axis shift and the melting of polar icecaps. Horoscopes estimating the date of the Earth shift, as based on Nostradamus' quatrains. The role of Space Visitors during this time of tribulation. A look at the world of future after the war and the shift.

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