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Mything You

von Greta Buckle

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Theseus dreamed of one day meeting his father, the revered King Aegeus. When that opportunity presents itself, he intends to prove his worthiness, but soon his journey ushers in unexpected distractions. But one such distraction may turn out to be a blessing in disguise... if he's willing to open his heart and give his all to have her in his life.Princess Ariadne never asked for this life, but in her world, her father unapologetically dictates her every move, including who she will marry. But when he sends her to meet her new bridegroom, his direct orders place her in danger.Theseus never imagined that his journey would include rescuing a beautiful princess from a savage attack. With their lives thrown off balance, he and Ari tempt fate and continue on to Athens together. Along the way, they develop feelings neither thought possible, but with so many obstacles against them and no guarantees that their relationship can succeed, is their budding romance doomed for failure or far worse?… (mehr)
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Theseus leaves home to seek fame and acceptance by his father, the King of Athens. Along the road, he encounters and rescues a damsel in distress who turns out to be the daughter of King Midas. Ari is on her way to wed a foreign prince, but unknown to her, he’s been killed and she is meant to be prey for the nasty Minotaur. Various adventures follow Ari and Theseus, who fall in love but are unable to be together. Monsters, legends, Greek heroes, labyrinths, sea voyages—this story has it all. Mything You is a fast-paced romantic fantasy adventure that will have you cheering for the main characters to be together. It has all the ingredients for a breezy, fast read with a strong heroine and a caring hero who lives up to his heritage. ( )
  NancyJCohen | Jan 2, 2014 |
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Theseus dreamed of one day meeting his father, the revered King Aegeus. When that opportunity presents itself, he intends to prove his worthiness, but soon his journey ushers in unexpected distractions. But one such distraction may turn out to be a blessing in disguise... if he's willing to open his heart and give his all to have her in his life.Princess Ariadne never asked for this life, but in her world, her father unapologetically dictates her every move, including who she will marry. But when he sends her to meet her new bridegroom, his direct orders place her in danger.Theseus never imagined that his journey would include rescuing a beautiful princess from a savage attack. With their lives thrown off balance, he and Ari tempt fate and continue on to Athens together. Along the way, they develop feelings neither thought possible, but with so many obstacles against them and no guarantees that their relationship can succeed, is their budding romance doomed for failure or far worse?

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