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Forever, Interrupted: A Novel von Taylor…
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Forever, Interrupted: A Novel (Original 2013; 2013. Auflage)

von Taylor Jenkins Reid (Autor)

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9253023,891 (3.71)10
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

"?Touching and powerful...Reid masterfully grabs hold of the heartstrings and doesn't let go. A stunning first novel."? Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"Have you ever heard of supernovas? They shine brighter than anything else in the sky and then fade out really quickly, a short burst of extraordinary energy. I like to think you and Ben were like that . . . in that short time, you had more passion than some people have in a lifetime."

Elsie Porter is an average twentysomething and yet what happens to her is anything but ordinary. On a rainy New Year's Day, she heads out to pick up a pizza for one. She isn't expecting to see anyone else in the shop, much less the adorable and charming Ben Ross. Their chemistry is instant and electric. Ben cannot even wait twenty-four hours before asking to see her again. Within weeks, the two are head over heels in love. By May, they've eloped.

Only nine days later, Ben is out riding his bike when he is hit by a truck and killed on impact. Elsie hears the sirens outside her apartment, but by the time she gets downstairs, he has already been whisked off to the emergency room. At the hospital, she must face Susan, the mother-in-law she has never met—and who doesn't even know Elsie exists.

Interweaving Elsie and Ben's charmed romance with Elsie and Susan's healing process, Forever, Interrupted will remind you that there's more than one way to find a happy ending.
… (mehr)
Titel:Forever, Interrupted: A Novel
Autoren:Taylor Jenkins Reid (Autor)
Info:Atria Books (2013), Edition: Original ed., 352 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Neun Tage und ein Jahr: Roman von Taylor Jenkins Reid (2013)

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I recently read Taylor Jenkins Reid's backlist and was impressed by how much her writing has evolved over the years. "Forever, Interrupted" is her debut novel, and while it's good, it's not her best work. The story follows Elsie Porter who meets Ben unexpectedly at a pizza place, and they instantly fall in love and elope within the first 6 months of meeting. Unfortunately, Ben dies a few days later while riding his bike, and the story alternates between their love story and Elsie trying to overcome her grief.

Honestly, I don't love a book without a happy ending. Sure, it was happy in the sense that Elsie came to terms with her grief, and she and her mother-in-law found common ground, but I want the couple to end up together at the end, so that's just my preference. I also felt like the instant love was a little cringy, even though I know it happens in real life; it just felt off to me. Despite that, I still enjoyed the book and experienced a fair amount of emotional turmoil while reading it. I would definitely recommend this book to other romance lovers.

3.75 Stars ( )
  srkromer | Sep 6, 2024 |
i liked this so much. it's such an unexpected story - these grieving women finding what they need in each other. each of them with such different loss that is also of course the same because all loss is both different and the same, and learning how to be strong for each other and then for themselves. i do wish elsie, at the end, had offered susan more, but still i loved the relationship that developed between these two as they navigated losing ben and the best friendship between elsie and anna as well. this was really lovely and an impressive first book. (although the title is terrible, but i don't blame her for that.) ( )
  overlycriticalelisa | Jul 6, 2024 |
What I loved best about this book was all the real human emotion. Ben and Elsie have just married when he is killed suddenly - and then Elsie is dealing with a mother-in-law who doesn't even know about her. Discovering that Susan (Ben's mother) also lost her husband to cancer and is grieving herself just added to the sense of tragedy. Watching both women come to terms with their grief - and the fact that after the initial hostility, Susan becomes something of a mentor in the journey of grief - all that was heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. ( )
  tjsjohanna | Apr 11, 2024 |
Lovely book on working through grief, especially if you're a random things/activities that take you back to them sort of griever. ( )
  hellokirsti | Jan 3, 2024 |
We need to talk about Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

I don't read reviews before I read on purpose. I like going into a book with the summary, a general idea of the overall rating (because if there's 80,000 ratings and the average is one... gotta be bad), and that's about it. Sure, I sometimes see a Twitter comment or two, maybe an Instagram collage, but I don't want to be biased. I want to enjoy the book, especially when it's by an author like Taylor Jenkins Reid.

So I read the book and then looked at the reviews and OMG... why so mean? From my understanding, this was one of Taylor Jenkins Reid's first books. Everyone is degrading her for the book being "bad" (which it's not) and how her other books are better. Which... you know... over time your writing should get better. This book isn't bad and was beautifully written, so reviewers... stop being jerks. Seriously. And do some research about when this book was read before saying she's gone "downhill" when this is one of her first books... written before Daisy Jones, Carrie Soto, etc. Geez. Louise.

Anywho, I enjoyed this book but it's so darn sad! It really was a book that made me more sad overall and killed my empathetic soul. Elsie deserved better. Life can suck so bad sometimes. Her husband dying after a week of marriage? Crappy. Not cool.

Now, does that make the book bad? No! Not at all! Taylor Jenkins Reid displayed a pretty honest viewing of grief. I haven't lost a husband, but I know when I lost my Dad I felt similar feelings to Elsie - being alone, not wanting to get rid of stuff, saving their smell, feeling completely misunderstood, etc. It hurts and it sucks BIG TIME. I felt this book really hit that nail in the coffin well.

For me, this book was awful though. I don't do well with sad books - even if it has great theming and things can get better. It made me super depressed and for me as a reader, my books are an escape from the crappy times. I do give Taylor Jenkins Reid all of the love though because the book is so well written and such a gem. I highly recommend it if you can tolerate sad books. I, alas, just can't.

I did finish the book. It was a hard read for me but I did it! It's beautiful. It's heartbreaking. It's haunting. Loss sucks. The romantic chapters were so good and sweet, but the sadness made it hard for me to read them.

Overall, fantastic book by the always wonderful Taylor Jenkins Reid. I'll obviously be picking up more books by her, but man... books need a "SUPER DEPRESSING BOOK TRIGGER WARNING" so poor Briar doesn't almost cry herself to sleep.

Three out of five stars - due to the sadness in this book. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

"?Touching and powerful...Reid masterfully grabs hold of the heartstrings and doesn't let go. A stunning first novel."? Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"Have you ever heard of supernovas? They shine brighter than anything else in the sky and then fade out really quickly, a short burst of extraordinary energy. I like to think you and Ben were like that . . . in that short time, you had more passion than some people have in a lifetime."

Elsie Porter is an average twentysomething and yet what happens to her is anything but ordinary. On a rainy New Year's Day, she heads out to pick up a pizza for one. She isn't expecting to see anyone else in the shop, much less the adorable and charming Ben Ross. Their chemistry is instant and electric. Ben cannot even wait twenty-four hours before asking to see her again. Within weeks, the two are head over heels in love. By May, they've eloped.

Only nine days later, Ben is out riding his bike when he is hit by a truck and killed on impact. Elsie hears the sirens outside her apartment, but by the time she gets downstairs, he has already been whisked off to the emergency room. At the hospital, she must face Susan, the mother-in-law she has never met—and who doesn't even know Elsie exists.

Interweaving Elsie and Ben's charmed romance with Elsie and Susan's healing process, Forever, Interrupted will remind you that there's more than one way to find a happy ending.

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