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Bound: The Dining Club: Part Two

von Marina Anderson

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The Dining Club is more than the name implies. It is a place to discover how far you are willing to challenge your sensuality and discover/expand your sexual horizon. This is erotica at its best.

Our story follows Grace as she discovers David, the man she has fallen in love with, cannot commit to his love for her, unless she is able to discover and participate in the kind of lovemaking that makes him complete. The Dining Club provides a series of tests which will expose Grace to BDSM. If she is able to complete the 4 trials involved, David will be able to finally fully commit to her.

The trials, although not extreme, left me wondering how far could someone go to prove love and commitment. Through this serial novel, we come to know our characters in some depth. This serial novel evolves through 8 different insttallments. We ourselves are placed in the trials with Grace, making us wonder how we ourselves would survive each test.

This story is brilliantly written, with full character development and a great plot line. The ending is good but leaves me wondering if the author is considering a spinoff novel or novels. There are characters in this novel I would love to read more about! ( )
  Gloria.Herrera | Mar 26, 2014 |
ARC given on behalf of the publisher for an honest review.

In part two of the dining club we open with Grace making a decision to be a part of the festivities following dinner with David. Prior to the festivities Grace is introduce to four new characters. These characters seem to be a driving part of the sexual activities following dining.

I really enjoyed Andrew's and Laura's character. They are very nice to Grace. I do not like Amber's character or Amy's character. They are up to something and they both want to be dominated by David.

Andrew seems to have a sexual interest in Grace and he is so kind to her. Grace finds comfort in her interactions physical and non physical with Andrew.

David is extremely bossy and rude. He is still a little distant with Grace.

I feel for Grace. She partakes in this sexual scene because of her love for David but he is still hesitant. He tells her he can not be with her if she does not pass the scene. She must pass each table and activity to be his. Grace does make a valid point by saying to David that he is enough for her and why is she not enough for him. We never get the answer.

Now I am on to book three. ( )
  ChannellingCloretta | Mar 9, 2014 |
You can find this review at My Favorite Things (

Bound by Marina Anderson is the second book in the eight part serial "The Dining Club".

We pick up right where Desire left off. We get to know a little more about Andrew and Amber. I, personally, start to strongly dislike Amber. We also meet two other employees of the exclusive Dining Club, twins Amy and Laura.
Grace gets to experience her first table and take the "test" to see if she can make it to the next part of the initiation.
It turns out that David may be a relationship kind of guy, IF, his partner can handle this erotic side of him. Does Grace really have what it takes? Did I mention I don't like Amber?

I enjoyed what I have read so far and will definitely be reading Crave next.

I want you to discover things about yourself that you’ve never even considered before. You can experience pleasure such as you’ve never imagined if you allow yourself to. It’s only society that’s dictated what should and what shouldn’t feel good to you. ( )
  Lisa.Hines | Aug 31, 2013 |
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