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Seduce: The Dining Club: Part Four

von Marina Anderson

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The Dining Club is more than the name implies. It is a place to discover how far you are willing to challenge your sensuality and discover/expand your sexual horizon. This is erotica at its best.

Our story follows Grace as she discovers David, the man she has fallen in love with, cannot commit to his love for her, unless she is able to discover and participate in the kind of lovemaking that makes him complete. The Dining Club provides a series of tests which will expose Grace to BDSM. If she is able to complete the 4 trials involved, David will be able to finally fully commit to her.

The trials, although not extreme, left me wondering how far could someone go to prove love and commitment. Through this serial novel, we come to know our characters in some depth. This serial novel evolves through 8 different insttallments. We ourselves are placed in the trials with Grace, making us wonder how we ourselves would survive each test.

This story is brilliantly written, with full character development and a great plot line. The ending is good but leaves me wondering if the author is considering a spinoff novel or novels. There are characters in this novel I would love to read more about! ( )
  Gloria.Herrera | Mar 26, 2014 |
ARC provided by NetGalley

Part Four:

We begin were we left off in Part Three.

Grace just finished completing the last item on the menu. Originally she was dining with another couple but during the activities she was left alone. The people who were dining with her chose to not continue with the dining club.

Grace learns more about herself in Part Four. This scares her. Because choosing to stay at the dining club with her love, David, means that there is no way back.

David is in love with Grace and is tired of being alone. He wants someone to share his life with but within in this thought he know that he will tire of his love with Grace, as he has in the past with others. He wants one women who can be his everything. And when he meet Grace he saw that she could be that person.

David and Grace are fighting to be with one another. David needs Grace to complete all the dinners. He needs her in his life.
( )
  ChannellingCloretta | Mar 9, 2014 |
You can find this review at My Favorite Things (

Seduce by Marina Anderson is the fourth book in the eight part serial "The Dining Club". This book was the same length as the last three, and that was OK this time around. If you remember, I was a little miffed at how short the third book seemed. While book four is also short, I felt I got more meat to my story this time around.

This fourth book will leave you excited, and eagerly anticipating reading about Grace's next trial in Touch

I still absolutely despise Amber, and Andrew will make my hit-list if he really does help her in her maniacal scheme to steal David away from Grace. Grace is getting more comfortable with her sexuality and with the things David is into, she feels he is connecting with her on a much more emotional level when they are there, at the Dining Club. My issue is, they barely seem to see each other outside of the club anymore. Add in the public appearance at a charity event with his PA and I wonder how faithful they have agreed to be with each other and if that has even come up. It would bother the crap out of me, but I'm reading about it, not living it so we're cool! ( )
  Lisa.Hines | Sep 12, 2013 |
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