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The Captain's Angel

von Anita Stansfield

Reihen: The Buchanan Saga (3)

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Continuing the Buchanan Saga: A Riptide of Danger, Passion, and Redemption. Following the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, life is good for Ritcherd and Kyrah Buchanan. After navigating a tortuous road to find each other, they are now living their dreams as lord and lady of Buckley Manor. Sudden family tragedy changes their lives forever, hurling Ritcherd into a maelstrom of grief and fury that threatens to rip them apart. Will Kyrah turn to his brother Garret for comfort when her own husband refuses to provide it? As Ritcherd struggles with menacing ghosts from his childhood, another specter raises its head when a treason investigation (focused on their privateering days) threatens to send Garret and Ritcherd to the gallows. It seems that even from his grave, the evil Peter Westman and his unholy alliances have power to undermine the peace of good men's lives. If these brothers can't somehow outwit their accusers, their very survival will hang in the balance.… (mehr)
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Richerd and Kyra Buchanan are safely installed as Lord and Lady of Buckley Manor after the death of Peter Westman, but grief threatens to tear them apart. Garret, the newly found brother, consoles Kyra. As things begin to mend, both brothers are charged with treason. Full of the usual twists and turns in the plot that keep you turning the pages.
  nolak | Jun 5, 2009 |
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Continuing the Buchanan Saga: A Riptide of Danger, Passion, and Redemption. Following the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, life is good for Ritcherd and Kyrah Buchanan. After navigating a tortuous road to find each other, they are now living their dreams as lord and lady of Buckley Manor. Sudden family tragedy changes their lives forever, hurling Ritcherd into a maelstrom of grief and fury that threatens to rip them apart. Will Kyrah turn to his brother Garret for comfort when her own husband refuses to provide it? As Ritcherd struggles with menacing ghosts from his childhood, another specter raises its head when a treason investigation (focused on their privateering days) threatens to send Garret and Ritcherd to the gallows. It seems that even from his grave, the evil Peter Westman and his unholy alliances have power to undermine the peace of good men's lives. If these brothers can't somehow outwit their accusers, their very survival will hang in the balance.

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