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Ame-Comi Girls Vol. 1

von Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray

Reihen: Ame-Comi Girls (1)

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255945,914 (2.6)Keine
AME-COMI GIRLS is based on the best-selling product line from DC Collectibles that brings the distinct Japanese influence of anime and manga to DC Comics' female heroines and their foes. In the new series the heroines must unite to stop an invasionby the female Brainiac, who is aided by a group of 'bad girl' super villains including Duela Dent, Poison Ivy, Catwoman and Harley Quinn.… (mehr)
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Technically, I didn't finish this. I picked it up because it featured all sorts of awesome female superheroes and villains, but the art, you guys. I don't always love lady superhero costumes, but I'm also fairly used to them by now. And I usually like the story enough that the costumes aren't a deal-breaker. BUT. When Wonder Woman's special fancy ambassador outfit she wore to speak to the UN (or whatever the comic equivalent is) was a glorified thong and bandeau top, I rolled my eyes so hard they almost popped out of my head. It's not like her normal costume, as featured on the cover, is drearily demure and modest.

So I flipped forward to see what the other segments featured and discovered some characters with individual breasts larger than their heads and a PMS joke. And then I was like, screw you guys, it's obvious I'm not your audience here.

There may be an interesting story in these pages, but I can tolerate only so much sexist body representation before I decide my time and money is better spent elsewhere. ( )
  bookbrig | Aug 5, 2020 |
I like all the different personalities attributed to the super girls and how their storylines are tweaked to still be their own. Will definitely be reading the rest of it. I do love the artwork as well even if its a little over the top all the time. While all the costumes are uber revealing, the series is based on a set of statues that were released in Japan so you kind of have to just roll with it. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
I like all the different personalities attributed to the super girls and how their storylines are tweaked to still be their own. Will definitely be reading the rest of it. I do love the artwork as well even if its a little over the top all the time. While all the costumes are uber revealing, the series is based on a set of statues that were released in Japan so you kind of have to just roll with it. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
I like all the different personalities attributed to the super girls and how their storylines are tweaked to still be their own. Will definitely be reading the rest of it. I do love the artwork as well even if its a little over the top all the time. While all the costumes are uber revealing, the series is based on a set of statues that were released in Japan so you kind of have to just roll with it. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
I like all the different personalities attributed to the super girls and how their storylines are tweaked to still be their own. Will definitely be reading the rest of it. I do love the artwork as well even if its a little over the top all the time. While all the costumes are uber revealing, the series is based on a set of statues that were released in Japan so you kind of have to just roll with it. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Palmiotti, JimmyHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Gray, JustinHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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Wikipedia auf Englisch (1)

AME-COMI GIRLS is based on the best-selling product line from DC Collectibles that brings the distinct Japanese influence of anime and manga to DC Comics' female heroines and their foes. In the new series the heroines must unite to stop an invasionby the female Brainiac, who is aided by a group of 'bad girl' super villains including Duela Dent, Poison Ivy, Catwoman and Harley Quinn.

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