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Sitcom: A History in 24 Episodes from I Love Lucy to Community

von Saul Austerlitz

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532502,248 (3.42)2
"Obsessively watched and critically ignored, sitcoms were a distraction, a gentle lullaby of a kinder, gentler America--until suddenly the artificial boundary between the world and television entertainment collapsed. In this book we track the growth of the sitcom, following the path that leads from I LOVE LUCY to THE PHIL SILVERS SHOW; from THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW to THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW; from M*A*S*H to TAXI; from CHEERS to ROSEANNE; from SEINFELD to CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM; and from THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW to 30 ROCK. In twenty-four episodes, SITCOM surveys the history of the form, and functions as both a TV mix tape of fondly remembered shows that will guide us to notable series and larger trends, and a carefully curated guided tour through the history of one of our most treasured art forms"--… (mehr)
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Austerlitz explores the sitcom as a form by focusing for one chapter on one significant episode of each of the twenty-four sitcoms he thinks are the most important. He includes some discussion of related sitcoms in each chapter as well, so many shows that don't get a chapter treatment are still mentioned. I enjoyed this thoroughly when I was at least somewhat familiar with the sitcom he was discussing and almost not at all when I wasn't. Which, look--it's hard to explain humor, so I don't necessarily hold Austerlitz strictly to blame for this, but I feel like if you're going to write a book on sitcoms, you ought to be able to describe what makes a show or episode or bit work to someone who hasn't seen it? And mostly he just didn't. The book certainly wasn't a waste of time (I've seen a lot of what he discusses, and when I had, the discussion ranged from fine to great), and I learned some stuff even when I couldn't fully follow him. YMMV, I suppose, especially since Austerlitz is clearly biased (of course he is--how could you not be?) and he and I don't really agree on what's funny. He thinks Seinfeld is amazepants (I know, I know, a lot of people do), and I... so very do not. (I'd be really curious to see whether sitcoms line up in any way with people's Hogwarts houses--do any Puffs like Seinfeld?) The book also already feels dated (it was published in 2014) for what it necessarily leaves out. I mean, shows have premiered, had enviously long runs, and finished since this came out. ( )
  lycomayflower | Aug 17, 2020 |
This was a fascinating and entertaining look at the history of sitcoms, focusing on some of the best sitcoms in history. There are a ton of references to other sitcoms that were left out of the main group, which was really nice to see. For example, Golden Girls is referenced many times in the chapter about Sex & the City. I'd highly recommend this book to any fan of TV! ( )
  DanielleMD | Jun 20, 2015 |
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"Obsessively watched and critically ignored, sitcoms were a distraction, a gentle lullaby of a kinder, gentler America--until suddenly the artificial boundary between the world and television entertainment collapsed. In this book we track the growth of the sitcom, following the path that leads from I LOVE LUCY to THE PHIL SILVERS SHOW; from THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW to THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW; from M*A*S*H to TAXI; from CHEERS to ROSEANNE; from SEINFELD to CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM; and from THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW to 30 ROCK. In twenty-four episodes, SITCOM surveys the history of the form, and functions as both a TV mix tape of fondly remembered shows that will guide us to notable series and larger trends, and a carefully curated guided tour through the history of one of our most treasured art forms"--

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