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von Stephen Edger

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Approximately one hundred and fifty thousand children go missing in the U.K. every year. That's one child every three and a half minutes. Every parent's worst nightmare: seven year-old Natalie Barrett is abducted while walking home from school. The police begin a desperate hunt to find her before it is too late. They fear the worst when a body is located near a golf course. Sarah Jenson is Natalie's teacher. When one of the detectives on the case is suddenly killed, Sarah believes the events may be linked and begins to search for answers. Where were Natalie's parents when they should have been collecting her? Why was Natalie so scared of her Uncle Jimmy? With suspects stacking up, she is in a race against time to discover the true identity of the perpetrator before Natalie winds up as another statistic. Abduction, terror, suspense and sorrow: SNATCHED is a breath-taking crime thriller and Amazon Bestseller. What people are saying about SNATCHED:'Excellent story and the tension builds from page one. Very well written about a subject very close to everyone's heart. Stephen Edger dishes out the thrills in a spectacular manner once again.'(Dorothy Edwards) 'Thoroughly enjoyed this from start to end. The author has written a powerful and emotive story that engages you from the start.'(Annette Watt) 'Keeps you enthralled from the first page. Guessing all the time who did it. An excellent read from start to finish, thoroughly enjoyed it.'(Jane Black)… (mehr)
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Idk how I keep landing on these books with graphic SA scenes. Good grief. ( )
  ellierey | Jul 7, 2024 |
Good story ( )
  tLilly | Oct 21, 2022 |
When a young girl goes missing, the local authorities are right on top of it. However, the local authorities are prepared for the person responsible. As the cops play different scenarios around, a young teacher decides to take things into her own hands and put forth the effort of finding not only a kidnapper, but a murderer as well. ( )
  wndy2011 | May 21, 2016 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Stephen EdgerHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
O'Brien, CatherineErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Approximately one hundred and fifty thousand children go missing in the U.K. every year. That's one child every three and a half minutes. Every parent's worst nightmare: seven year-old Natalie Barrett is abducted while walking home from school. The police begin a desperate hunt to find her before it is too late. They fear the worst when a body is located near a golf course. Sarah Jenson is Natalie's teacher. When one of the detectives on the case is suddenly killed, Sarah believes the events may be linked and begins to search for answers. Where were Natalie's parents when they should have been collecting her? Why was Natalie so scared of her Uncle Jimmy? With suspects stacking up, she is in a race against time to discover the true identity of the perpetrator before Natalie winds up as another statistic. Abduction, terror, suspense and sorrow: SNATCHED is a breath-taking crime thriller and Amazon Bestseller. What people are saying about SNATCHED:'Excellent story and the tension builds from page one. Very well written about a subject very close to everyone's heart. Stephen Edger dishes out the thrills in a spectacular manner once again.'(Dorothy Edwards) 'Thoroughly enjoyed this from start to end. The author has written a powerful and emotive story that engages you from the start.'(Annette Watt) 'Keeps you enthralled from the first page. Guessing all the time who did it. An excellent read from start to finish, thoroughly enjoyed it.'(Jane Black)

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