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Sisters: A Graphic Novel von Raina…
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Sisters: A Graphic Novel (2022. Auflage)

von Raina Telgemeier (Autor), Raina Telgemeier (Illustrator)

Reihen: Smile (2)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
3,600843,681 (4.11)32
Family & Relationships. Juvenile Nonfiction. Sociology. HTML:

Raina Telgemeier's #1 New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-winning companion to Smile!

Raina can't wait to be a big sister. But once Amara is born, things aren't quite how she expected them to be. Amara is cute, but she's also a cranky, grouchy baby, and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years, but when a baby brother enters the picture and later, something doesn't seem right between their parents, they realize they must figure out how to get along. They are sisters, after all.Raina uses her signature humor and charm in both present-day narrative and perfectly placed flashbacks to tell the story of her relationship with her sister, which unfolds during the course of a road trip from their home in San Francisco to a family reunion in Colorado.… (mehr)
Titel:Sisters: A Graphic Novel
Autoren:Raina Telgemeier (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Raina Telgemeier (Illustrator)
Info:Graphix (2022), 208 pages
Sammlungen:Bin 6 4th grade Fiction


Schwestern von Raina Telgemeier

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{My Thoughts} – I haven’t read the first in this series, but I thought it’s just a graphic novel so I don’t think it will be difficult to follow along with the premise of the book. I couldn’t have been more right. I had no problem understanding what was taking place in the book, even without reading the first in the series. I may need to track the first book down and read it, as this was an okay read. I usually stay away from graphic novels because comic like stories/ situations are almost always lost on me.

Raina is an interesting character that knows what she wants and that’s to not be bothered by her sister Amara or their little brother. This book is about a trip that the children and the mother take to go to a family reunion. The bickering in the car between the siblings is priceless. It is spot on to what you’d hear in a car between children of those ages. I have a 10, 9 and 7 year old and some of the things they say, well this book had that stuff written out with a nicely tied bow.

I think that for the most part it is well written. It follows the guidelines of what I think a graphic novel should look like and it was a nice quick and fast read. However, I don’t see myself reading many more books in this style. I do not really find the style to be up my alley. I enjoy having a well built story and I just don’t feel like that is what you get when you read a book like this. I do think it is well written and the author conveyed what they’d needed to in the way they needed to, but like I said, it just isn’t the type of book for me. I’d never read one before and thought I’d give it a try.

If you like to giggle and are into comics, I am sure you will enjoy this book. I did giggle quite a bit, but I just wish there was more, and not quite so little in terms of building the story. I know I know, I always want more! :} ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
I loved this comic about fighting sisters. I think the autobiographical nature came through with the realness of the story. ( )
  mslibrarynerd | Jan 13, 2024 |
I found both of the graphic novels delightful. I can't wait to get my students to read them. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Smile by Raina Telgemeier was an absolute delight, so when I saw this book on a local charity book store shelf I figured it would be worth the read. And man, was I right! Raina tells a fantastic story through illustrations and highlights the ups and downs of being a sister.

Raina was an only child but dearly wanted to be a big sister. And then Amara came... and she's not exactly the sister Raina was hoping for. While she's as cute as the dickens, she's annoying and mean and drives Raina INSANE. The sisterhood doesn't get better as time goes on, and eventually they also have a brother to... Flash forward to a family trip where they are going to have to learn to get along, or bump heads constantly...

This book is sugary sweet and playful. It's illustrations really highlight the dynamic between families well and I'm sure it's relatable to many kids who pick this book up (and even their parents!). Raina manages to tell this story with so much heart but also lots of smiles and drama and giggles along the way (yes, pun intended for Smile if you read the first book... I'm hilarious). I can see this book bringing out many conversations among readers and even make some people feel like they aren't along. Ah, the power of story telling.

Definitely a must read in my books! If you want an incredibly fascinating tale of family dynamics that packs a punch, grab this book! You won't be disappointed.

Four out of five stars. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
Raina always wanted a sister, but when she finally gets one, she has trouble finding common ground with her. As they venture out on a trip together with their mother and young brother, several incidents cause the two sisters aggravation

Sisters is a cute graphic novel that illustrates all of the frustrations caused by a sibling and also the realities in life that force them to look at each other in a new light. The characters in this book are well developed and the graphics are very appealing. The plot is very timely and comes across as realistic. Overall, Sisters is an engaging graphic novel, covering relevant topics. ( )
  ftbooklover | Aug 1, 2023 |
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Family & Relationships. Juvenile Nonfiction. Sociology. HTML:

Raina Telgemeier's #1 New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-winning companion to Smile!

Raina can't wait to be a big sister. But once Amara is born, things aren't quite how she expected them to be. Amara is cute, but she's also a cranky, grouchy baby, and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years, but when a baby brother enters the picture and later, something doesn't seem right between their parents, they realize they must figure out how to get along. They are sisters, after all.Raina uses her signature humor and charm in both present-day narrative and perfectly placed flashbacks to tell the story of her relationship with her sister, which unfolds during the course of a road trip from their home in San Francisco to a family reunion in Colorado.

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