Golden Archer Award
Vergeben durch Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (WEMTA)
Andere Namen: Wisconsin Golden Archer Award (Englisch), Wisconsin Golden Archer Award Nominee (Englisch)
391 Werke / 427 Elemente 2,279,290 Bücher 65,442 Rezensionen 4.2
(Students Choosing Winning Literature Since 1974)
The Golden Archer Award was originally sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. In December of 1994, mehr anzeigen the sponsorship was assumed by the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association (formerly WEMA), who revised the awards program as one of its Leadership activities. Marion Archer and Sally Teresinski, the originators of the award, have been apprised of and approve the changes in the awards program. The awards are now given in three age level categories - Primary, Intermediate, and Middle/Junior High. The nominations list is created by the committee based on titles that are selected and read by students in Wisconsin. The first list was created in the fall of 1995, and the first WEMTA winners were announced at WEMTA's annual spring conference in 1996. The following is the complete list of winners since the beginning of the award. weniger anzeigen
Winner 124
Nominee 377
Top Members
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