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Fried Rice Recipe Cookbook - 20 Easy Dishes (Jeen's favorite Rice Recipes)

von Jeen van der Meer

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This Fried Rice Recipe Cookbook has 20 Fried Rice Recipes from the basics to unique twists. This is an excellent way to incorporate rice into your meal planning without a lot of fuss. Rice is very healthy for the body giving good energy. Most of the recipes call for brown rice, which is the healthier choice because it has the rice bran intact. This is where most of the nutrients are and it gives the rice a mild nutty texture and flavor when fried. The other rice called for is jasmine rice which is "the fragrant rice" found in many Thai dishes.Some of the delicious recipes include Dirty Rice with Pork, Fried Rice with Pineapples, Fried Rice Kimchi Style, Vegetable Stir Fried Rice, Apple Cherry Fried Rice, Lychee Raisin Fried Rice with Cashews, Hawaiian Fried Rice, Italian Fried Rice Balls, Asian Fried Rice, and a lovely Vegetarian Fried Rice. There are recipes to fit every style and flavor. Many are delicious as a main dish or as a hearty side dish. Some make great appetizers and wonderful for buffet style meals. You are bound to find your favorite spice and flavor here, which always goes well with rice. Turn a simple rice dish into a flavor extravaganza with these fried rice recipes.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonMaireG, nospi, jmeer
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This book goes far beyond just one recipe! With 20 different recipes, you can try rice in all of its different formats and ways of eating it. Since brown rice is low on the glycemic index, meaning it releases carbs slowly, as a diabetic I really appreciated the fact that the focus of the book is on brown rice. In fact, as the author mentions in her introduction, there is no reason why you can't use brown rice to cook ANY of the recipes!

Each recipe has an introduction (something I especially appreciate) that tells a bit about the recipe and ways to incorporate it into your meals. The lists of ingredients are clear as are the cooking instructions.

A well-done cookbook, which gave me the information I needed for my first foray into this now "group" of rice recipes. If I had the author's instructions on hand, I know I would have tried making my own fried rice a lot sooner! ( )
  jmeer | May 21, 2014 |
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This Fried Rice Recipe Cookbook has 20 Fried Rice Recipes from the basics to unique twists. This is an excellent way to incorporate rice into your meal planning without a lot of fuss. Rice is very healthy for the body giving good energy. Most of the recipes call for brown rice, which is the healthier choice because it has the rice bran intact. This is where most of the nutrients are and it gives the rice a mild nutty texture and flavor when fried. The other rice called for is jasmine rice which is "the fragrant rice" found in many Thai dishes.Some of the delicious recipes include Dirty Rice with Pork, Fried Rice with Pineapples, Fried Rice Kimchi Style, Vegetable Stir Fried Rice, Apple Cherry Fried Rice, Lychee Raisin Fried Rice with Cashews, Hawaiian Fried Rice, Italian Fried Rice Balls, Asian Fried Rice, and a lovely Vegetarian Fried Rice. There are recipes to fit every style and flavor. Many are delicious as a main dish or as a hearty side dish. Some make great appetizers and wonderful for buffet style meals. You are bound to find your favorite spice and flavor here, which always goes well with rice. Turn a simple rice dish into a flavor extravaganza with these fried rice recipes.

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