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If Kids Ruled the World

von Linda Bailey

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366701,125 (4.04)Keine
Describes a perfect world from a child's point of view, including no bedtimes, no baths, pets of all kinds, tree houses in every yard, and play for everyone.
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If Kids Ruled the World is an imaginative romp through a child's ideal world. The illustrations are mostly two-page spreads, brightly colored and activity-packed. Most kids should be able to identify with at least one or two of the characters depicted, as David Huyck has filled the pages with a diverse, well-rounded cast of characters.

If Kids Ruled the World is sure to be a hit with those speculative children who are always asking "What if...?" or describing "Wouldn't it be funny if..."

Note: I received a digital galley of this book through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
My son loved all the great things that would happen if kids ruled the world but wasn't able to get the other kids at his preschool down to city hall in time to register for the municipal election. I hope when he's a grown-up mayor he won't forget the, uh, little people. Kids rule the world 2054! ( )
  MeditationesMartini | Nov 7, 2018 |
In some ways, If Kids Ruled the World is a pretty predictable children’s book: for example, everyday would be your birthday; your doctor would remind you to eat your birthday cake; there’d be no such thing as bedtime, and you wouldn’t have to make your bed etc. etc. However, there are a few surprises that reflect children’s fears—of monsters, for instance—as well as the influence of fairy tales and movies on children’s minds: everyone could be a prince or princess and could travel to faraway places by pirate ship. Children’s fascination with dinosaurs, tree forts, and treasure also comes up.

This is very light fare with large, boldly coloured (only slightly cartoonish) pictures to pore over. Children’s real fears and more altruistic wishes, their concerns for the people and animals they love don’t really make much of an appearance here, which is rather a shame. This prevents a lively book from being a really great one.

3.5 stars. ( )
  fountainoverflows | Jan 1, 2018 |
Speculations on what the world would be like with kids in charge. ( )
  Sullywriter | May 22, 2015 |
This book is a more playful alternative to "If Kids Ran the World", it included things like giant bubble baths and polka dot sidewalks. My students both primary and lower intermediate enjoyed it as a read aloud. They loved looking at the detailed and colorful illustrations (which supplement the story perfectly). We did an extension activity in which my students created their own visions of what would happen If Kids Ruled the World. ( )
  mmeharvey | Apr 6, 2015 |
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Describes a perfect world from a child's point of view, including no bedtimes, no baths, pets of all kinds, tree houses in every yard, and play for everyone.

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