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Chaperoning Paris

von Victoria Pinder

Reihen: Collins Brothers (1)

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Gigi Dumont never forgot how she walked away from the only man she ever loved. She's a teacher who has led her students to the finals of an international French competition to be help in Paris. The night before the trip, the principal tries to cancel the trip before he, in turn, loses his job to her high school boyfriend, Sean Collins. Sean Collins has survived cancer, a divorce, and Gigi having aborted their child back in high school. He assumed he'd hate her, if they ever crossed paths again. But he discovers she's exactly what he wants. When Gigi and Sean are stuck together for a week in Paris, Gigi feels she has lost all her control. How can she survive her attraction to Sean? The man's sexier now than he was back in the day, and once upon a time, he'd had her heart. She finds herself falling for him, even knowing forever is impossible.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonJerseyGirlBookReview, VictoriaPinder

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Chaperoning Paris is a delightful story about lost love, reconnecting, forgiveness, and getting a second chance at love. Author Victoria Pinder weaves a sweet romantic tale that follows Gigi Dumont and Sean Collins as they chaperone their students on a school trip to Paris, and discover that reuniting and overcoming the trauma and obstacles from their past relationship can bring a reconnection and second chance at finding true love.

This is a wonderful tale that has a nice mixture of romance, drama and humor that easily draws the reader into Gigi and Sean's story. The reader is transported to the beautiful Paris setting as Gigi and Sean are reunited years after their high school relationship has traumatically come to an end. Circumstances puts them together to chaperone Gigi's French class trip to Paris, and along the way they face their past and learn to work through the obstacles that stand in their way to getting a second chance at love. When you add in the humorous antics of their students, this trip to Paris is sure to be a memorable one for Gigi and Sean!

I loved how the author intertwines flashbacks to Gigi and Sean's past with the drama of the present, she captures the essence of their relationship, and the emotional trials and tribulations that they face as their story unfolds. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the author's rich description of Paris and its famous scenic landmarks, it made me wish that I could take a once in a lifetime trip to see the city of light.

Chaperoning Paris is a captivating romantic story of a couple's chance at facing their past, reconnecting with the hope of forgiveness and redemption for a second chance at true love, and getting a happily ever after ending.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours. ( )
  JerseyGirlBookReview | Sep 26, 2014 |
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Gigi Dumont never forgot how she walked away from the only man she ever loved. She's a teacher who has led her students to the finals of an international French competition to be help in Paris. The night before the trip, the principal tries to cancel the trip before he, in turn, loses his job to her high school boyfriend, Sean Collins. Sean Collins has survived cancer, a divorce, and Gigi having aborted their child back in high school. He assumed he'd hate her, if they ever crossed paths again. But he discovers she's exactly what he wants. When Gigi and Sean are stuck together for a week in Paris, Gigi feels she has lost all her control. How can she survive her attraction to Sean? The man's sexier now than he was back in the day, and once upon a time, he'd had her heart. She finds herself falling for him, even knowing forever is impossible.

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