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The War That Saved My Life von Kimberly…
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The War That Saved My Life (2016. Auflage)

von Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (Autor)

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3,2323604,308 (4.57)207
A young disabled girl and her brother are evacuated from London to the English countryside during World War II, where they find life to be much sweeter away from their abusive mother.
Titel:The War That Saved My Life
Autoren:Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (Autor)
Info:Puffin Books (2016), Edition: Reprint, 352 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The War That Saved My Life von Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

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  greer.d | Jul 30, 2024 |
The War that Saved My LIfe is a powerful story set in England during WWII. How can a war possibly save the life of a child who has to be uprooted from her family due to wartime violence? Ada is a child whose life has been excruciatingly tough during her first 10 years of life in London. Fleeing to the countryside with her brother, Jamie, is a reprieve from the cruelty and abuse she has faced from her mother. As readers are swept into this story, details about child relocation, the devastation of London, and civillian war efforts are seamlessly woven into the story. Ada, has spent her life hidden and unloved, other than by Jamie, due to her congenital foot deformation. When Jamie and Ada are taken to their foster home in the countryside there are adjustments to be made for everyone. Is it possible to live a normal life? Can Ada and Jamie be contributing members of their host town? How can it be so hard to be loved? This book is bursting with heartbreak, hope, and history. A must read for middle grade students. ( )
  BrandiAppelgate | Jul 25, 2024 |
I really wanted to enjoy this book, I connected with the characters and it is beautiful story. However, I can't help but walking away with the message that poor people are evil, stingy and abusive. And if you're not evil, you won't be poor/good things will happen to you. I think it also undermined the plight of being a spinster or possibly lesbian in the '40s as well. ( )
  LaPhenix | Jul 8, 2024 |
The War That Saved My Life is a compelling historical fiction novel set during World War II. The story follows Ada Smith, a young girl with a clubfoot who has been kept isolated and abused by her mother in their London apartment. When Ada and her brother Jamie are evacuated to the countryside as part of Operation Pied Piper, Ada finds herself in the care of Susan Smith, a woman who initially resists taking them in but gradually becomes a source of love and stability for Ada and Jamie. As the war rages on, Ada learns to overcome her physical and emotional scars, forging deep bonds of friendship and discovering her own strength and resilience in the process. In the classroom, The War That Saved My Life can be used to enhance students' understanding of history and empathy. Teachers can guide students in researching and discussing the historical context of World War II, including the evacuation of children from London and the experiences of those living in wartime Britain. Additionally, the book offers opportunities for exploring themes such as disability, trauma, and the importance of compassion and acceptance.
  TravisJ | Apr 24, 2024 |
What I appreciated most about this novel was the brilliant way it captured how people (especially children) respond to trauma. Bradley's characters respond in irrational and counterproductive ways, but you completely understand why they do it and where they are coming from. I also really appreciated the perfect balance between ugliness and hope.
  sloth852 | Mar 12, 2024 |

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

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Kimberly Brubaker BradleyHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Entwistle, JayneErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Ada! Get back from that window! Mam's voice, shouting.
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A young disabled girl and her brother are evacuated from London to the English countryside during World War II, where they find life to be much sweeter away from their abusive mother.

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