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The Fishermen: A Novel von Chigozie Obioma
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The Fishermen: A Novel (Original 2015; 2016. Auflage)

von Chigozie Obioma (Autor)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen / Diskussionen
1,1355318,391 (3.85)1 / 126
Fiction. Literature. HTML:A striking debut novel about an unforgettable childhood, by a Nigerian writer the New York Times has crowned "the heir to Chinua Achebe."
Told by nine-year-old Benjamin, the youngest of four brothers, THE FISHERMEN is the Cain and Abel-esque story of a childhood in Nigeria, in the small town of Akure. When their father has to travel to a distant city for work, the brothers take advantage of his absence to skip school and go fishing. At the forbidden nearby river, they meet a madman who persuades the oldest of the boys that he is destined to be killed by one of his siblings. What happens next is an almost mythic event whose impact-both tragic and redemptive-will transcend the lives and imaginations of the book's characters and readers. Dazzling and viscerally powerful, THE FISHERMEN is an essential novel about Africa, seen through the prism of one family's destiny.… (mehr)
Titel:The Fishermen: A Novel
Autoren:Chigozie Obioma (Autor)
Info:Back Bay Books (2016), Edition: Reprint, 304 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Der dunkle Fluss: Roman von Chigozie Obioma (2015)

  1. 20
    Okonkwo oder Das Alte stürzt von Chinua Achebe (pbirch01)
    pbirch01: Mentioned in the book and many similar themes
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 Booker Prize: 2015 Booker Prize longlist: The Fishermen7 ungelesen / 7Deern, September 2015

» Siehe auch 126 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

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Keine mißlungenen Metaphern, kein verkitschtes, literarisches Afrika-/Orient-Bild: aus der Perspektive des 4. Sohnes einer 8-köpfigen nigerianischen Familie der unteren Mittelschicht erzählt der Autor ein Familiendrama biblischen Ausmaßes, das der Unvereinbarkeit von Moderne & prä-christlichem Aberglauben geschuldet ist. Kein Buch zum Kuscheln: das Fremde bleibt fremd bis zum Ende, und Erlösung von den Verhältnissen ist nur ansatzweise in Sicht. ( )
  Burkhard_Schirdewahn | Oct 11, 2022 |
In his exploration of the mysterious and the murderous, of the terrors that can take hold of the human mind, of the colors of life in Africa, with its vibrant fabrics and its trees laden with fruit, and most of all in his ability to create dramatic tension in this most human of African stories, ­Chigozie Obioma truly is the heir to ­Chinua Achebe.
hinzugefügt von ozzer | bearbeitenNew York Times, Fiammetta Rocco (Apr 14, 2015)
Set in 1990s Nigeria against a backdrop of modernisation, westernisation and political upheaval, The Fishermen tells the story of four brothers whose lives are destroyed by a madman’s prophecy. Using myth to great effect, Obioma explores the customs of the community of Akure, detailing how the fates of its people are intricately linked to their beliefs.

The narrator is nine-year-old Benjamin, the youngest of the brothers, whose imaginative world view lends a striking voice to the tale. In a book that is loaded with metaphor, where parents speak in parables to warn their children of danger, many of the chapters start with Ben likening his family to animals: “Ikenna was a python: A wild snake that became a monstrous serpent living on trees, on plains above other snakes.” These comparisons mark changes in characters and presage the dangers to come.
hinzugefügt von avatiakh | bearbeitenThe Irish Times, Sarah Gilmartin (Mar 15, 2015)

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Obioma, ChigozieHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Iwuji, ChukwudiErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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The footsteps of one man cannot create a stampede.


The madman has entered our house with violence
Defiling our sacred grounds
Claiming the single truth of the universe
Bending down our high priests with iron
Ah! yes the children,
Who walked on our Forefathers' graves
Shall be stricken with madness.
They shall grow the fangs of the lizard
They shall devour each other before our eyes
And by ancient command
It is forbidden to stop them!

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For my brothers (and sisters),
the "battalion",
a tribute.
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We were fishermen:
My brothers and I became fishermen in January 1996 after our father moved out of Akure, a town in the west of Nigeria, where we had lived together all our lives.
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:A striking debut novel about an unforgettable childhood, by a Nigerian writer the New York Times has crowned "the heir to Chinua Achebe."
Told by nine-year-old Benjamin, the youngest of four brothers, THE FISHERMEN is the Cain and Abel-esque story of a childhood in Nigeria, in the small town of Akure. When their father has to travel to a distant city for work, the brothers take advantage of his absence to skip school and go fishing. At the forbidden nearby river, they meet a madman who persuades the oldest of the boys that he is destined to be killed by one of his siblings. What happens next is an almost mythic event whose impact-both tragic and redemptive-will transcend the lives and imaginations of the book's characters and readers. Dazzling and viscerally powerful, THE FISHERMEN is an essential novel about Africa, seen through the prism of one family's destiny.

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