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Evolution: Angel (The Evolution) (Volume 1)

von S. A. Huchton

Reihen: The Evolution (1)

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2131,086,983 (3.2)Keine
Candace Bristol has always been obsessed with comic books, but in a world where the nightly news often mirrors these inked stories, her dreams of becoming a real superhero could actually come true. After being rescued by members of the government’s AdvaNced Genetic EvoLution (ANGEL) Project four years ago, getting recruited for this elite team is all she's wanted. Now 18, she's finally reached her goal after years of study and physical training, but little could have prepared her for life as a genetic experiment. As though coming to terms with her new ability to manipulate water isn't tough enough, she never expected to be swept off her feet by one of her fellow recruits. With genetic alteration, the threat of physical and mental instability hangs over every superhero like a shadow. When one of their own tumbles over the edge of madness, Candace will have to choose between protecting the world, and saving the one who holds her heart. -Goodreads.… (mehr)
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So, I don’t think I can say enough good things about this book.

Candice loves everything about superheroes, and she can’t wait until she turns eighteen to sign up for the Angel project. When she’s accepted, it’s the thing of her dreams. Inside the experiment, she learns a lot about herself and those who were accepted alongside her. Her cousin, Gabe, introduces her to her soon to be lover, Adrian, and from there, Candice’s life is beautiful. When her powers start to come in, and she nears graduating from the program, things start to change. Evil isn’t a black and white concept. She’s about to learn just how many shades it comes it.

This story hit everything that I love about a YA book, not to mention the twist of an ending. This book was filled with beautiful characterization that had been wondering if the author based them off real people. The descriptions were well done, and the worldbuilding was fantastic. Not to mention the possible love triangle and real teenage angst. It was all so brilliantly done that I was legitimately sad when the book ended.

Great news though is that this is just the beginning of the series. I will definitely be continuing on to see what else poor Candy Cane will have to endure.

Narration was wonderfully done giving life to each of the characters in a way that further brought the story to life.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.
( )
  Kayla.Krantz | Feb 14, 2020 |
4.5 ( )
  amdase | Nov 4, 2014 |
4.5 ( )
  amdase | Nov 4, 2014 |
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Candace Bristol has always been obsessed with comic books, but in a world where the nightly news often mirrors these inked stories, her dreams of becoming a real superhero could actually come true. After being rescued by members of the government’s AdvaNced Genetic EvoLution (ANGEL) Project four years ago, getting recruited for this elite team is all she's wanted. Now 18, she's finally reached her goal after years of study and physical training, but little could have prepared her for life as a genetic experiment. As though coming to terms with her new ability to manipulate water isn't tough enough, she never expected to be swept off her feet by one of her fellow recruits. With genetic alteration, the threat of physical and mental instability hangs over every superhero like a shadow. When one of their own tumbles over the edge of madness, Candace will have to choose between protecting the world, and saving the one who holds her heart. -Goodreads.

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