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Ride Hard (Condemned Angels MC, #2)

von Heather Leigh

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Jeremy Moretti, son the of the Condemned Angel's President, has always had eyes for Nicole, his baby sister, Roxy's best friend.Nicole has eyes for both Jeremy and Hunter.The Condemned Angels MC is the only family Nicole has left. After a series of events that almost cost Nicole to take her own life, Jeremy was the one to save her.They have both struggled with sexual frustration for years, and have been holding back on each other. Being too stubborn and hard headed, Jeremy decides it's best to push her away. When he doesn't step up to the plate, Hunter is there to break her fall. While Hunter and Nicole's relationship blossoms, Jeremy tries to move on. However, he can't let her go. It always been here, and it always comes back to Nicole.After the death of the rival MC's President, Ryder, has the Devil's MC in a uproar as Ryder's surviving brother, Jax has come to seek revenge. With revenge, Jax brings unknown secrets that pertain to Nicole, which may risk everything, her safety, her MC family, and most importantly, Jeremy.… (mehr)
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I received this arc in exchange for an honest review

After reading the first book, I was anxiously waiting for this book.

I was not disappointed, this is a sexy hot read.

Heather has really outdone herself with this book, the story flowed perfectly and carried on where the first book left off.

Jeremy is a sexy hot biker, Hunter as well.

I really did enjoying reading this book, it's one of those where you cannot put it down until you have finished it.

But that ending Heather, I need the next book now ( )
  Obsessed-by-Books | Dec 7, 2014 |
I received this arc in exchange for an honest review

After reading the first book, I was anxiously waiting for this book.

I was not disappointed, this is a sexy hot read.

Heather has really outdone herself with this book, the story flowed perfectly and carried on where the first book left off.

Jeremy is a sexy hot biker, Hunter as well.

I really did enjoying reading this book, it's one of those where you cannot put it down until you have finished it.

But that ending Heather, I need the next book now ( )
  Obsessed-by-Books | Dec 7, 2014 |
I received this arc in exchange for an honest review

After reading the first book, I was anxiously waiting for this book.

I was not disappointed, this is a sexy hot read.

Heather has really outdone herself with this book, the story flowed perfectly and carried on where the first book left off.

Jeremy is a sexy hot biker, Hunter as well.

I really did enjoying reading this book, it's one of those where you cannot put it down until you have finished it.

But that ending Heather, I need the next book now ( )
  Obsessed-by-Books | Dec 7, 2014 |
I received this arc in exchange for an honest review

After reading the first book, I was anxiously waiting for this book.

I was not disappointed, this is a sexy hot read.

Heather has really outdone herself with this book, the story flowed perfectly and carried on where the first book left off.

Jeremy is a sexy hot biker, Hunter as well.

I really did enjoying reading this book, it's one of those where you cannot put it down until you have finished it.

But that ending Heather, I need the next book now ( )
  Obsessed-by-Books | Dec 7, 2014 |
I received this arc in exchange for an honest review

After reading the first book, I was anxiously waiting for this book.

I was not disappointed, this is a sexy hot read.

Heather has really outdone herself with this book, the story flowed perfectly and carried on where the first book left off.

Jeremy is a sexy hot biker, Hunter as well.

I really did enjoying reading this book, it's one of those where you cannot put it down until you have finished it.

But that ending Heather, I need the next book now ( )
  Obsessed-by-Books | Dec 7, 2014 |
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Jeremy Moretti, son the of the Condemned Angel's President, has always had eyes for Nicole, his baby sister, Roxy's best friend.Nicole has eyes for both Jeremy and Hunter.The Condemned Angels MC is the only family Nicole has left. After a series of events that almost cost Nicole to take her own life, Jeremy was the one to save her.They have both struggled with sexual frustration for years, and have been holding back on each other. Being too stubborn and hard headed, Jeremy decides it's best to push her away. When he doesn't step up to the plate, Hunter is there to break her fall. While Hunter and Nicole's relationship blossoms, Jeremy tries to move on. However, he can't let her go. It always been here, and it always comes back to Nicole.After the death of the rival MC's President, Ryder, has the Devil's MC in a uproar as Ryder's surviving brother, Jax has come to seek revenge. With revenge, Jax brings unknown secrets that pertain to Nicole, which may risk everything, her safety, her MC family, and most importantly, Jeremy.

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