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Things That Go Bump in the Night IV

von Ashleigh Raine (Mitwirkender)

Weitere Autoren: Lorie O'Clare (Mitwirkender), J. C. Wilder (Mitwirkender)

Reihen: Talisman Bay (novella, Twofold Desires), Ellora's Cave Presents Things That Go Bump in the Night (4), Shadow Dweller (novella, Shadow Hunter), Lunewulf (novella: Blue Moon, 7)

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Blue Moon Sandy accepts her widow status in the pack. Her daughter's status as queen bitch gives Sandy the status she needs to lead a good life. Only one thing is missing: the companionship of a mate. Ralph is tired of simply protecting Sandy from a distance. Too many strays chance upon her, hoping for a nibble from the youthful-looking widow. It's time to make his move, show her he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Shadow Hunter Retired Shadow Hunter and were-cat, Ulrik, is forced out of retirement when a rogue werewolf calls for his blood. It's Halloween in New Orleans, and the last thing the Council needs is open warfare. Just when he thought things were under control, Charlene arrives on the scene. Twofold Desires For Halloween flower shop owner Jill Evan's biggest excitement is carving pumpkins and spraying gladiolus orange and black. She attends a Halloween singles bash, looking to add a little fun to her normal, boring life. Leo and Arden have searched eighteen years for a woman to break their cursed existence. With only a few nights remaining until death claims them, Jill dances into their lives, exactly what they're looking for.… (mehr)
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Yay, I liked all three stories in "Things That Go Bump in the Night IV" by Ellora's Cave authors. These tales are set around Halloween, involve sexy paranormal heroes (and one heroine), and smoking hot sex. Even better is that each story will give you a taste of the worlds these authors have created. While I'm betting that reading this one will make you interested in picking up other books by these authors, you'll have to get your own copy cause mine is staying right here!

Blue Moon is set in Lorie O'Clare's Lunewulf world and is a very hot, very sexy story about love the second time around for two werewolves. I'm pretty sure this is my first 'mature heroine' werewolf read and kudos to O'Clare for having a heroine who isn't twenty- or even thirty-something.

Shadow Hunter by J.C. Wilder is set in the Shadow Dweller world in New Orleans. A were-cat finds the woman for him in the midst of a plot to ignite warfare among the supernatural races. After reading this one, I think I need a were-cat of my own!

Twofold Desires is a new Talisman Bay story from Ashleigh Raine. A lion, an eagle, and a gryphon walk into a, no that's not it. But it does involve two men with dual natures and their search for the one woman who can complete them. Blistering menage story with a HEA.

As I said, it's not often I find an anthology where I enjoy all the stories and when I do, I don't let it leave my clutches. Additionally, I've read at least one (if not all) of the stories from each author's different worlds/series and having all three in one book makes that even better. ( )
  jjmachshev | Mar 22, 2009 |
The three stories in this anthology are all very different. They are all based around Halloween which gives them a common thread. The first story is in Loris O'Clare's Lunewulf series and is better read as part of the series, but is an OK read on its own. Shadow Hunter by JC Wilder, the second story, is set in New Orleans and based around the were-cat/wolf struggle. The third story was my favorite, Twofold Desires by Ashleigh Raine. It is a menage story with a twist. I enjoyed the book and was glad to get a chance to read it. ( )
  jena2 | Jun 22, 2008 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (2 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Raine, AshleighMitwirkenderHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
O'Clare, LorieMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Wilder, J. C.MitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt

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Lunewulf (novella: Blue Moon, 7)
Shadow Dweller (novella, Shadow Hunter)
Talisman Bay (novella, Twofold Desires)

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Blue Moon Sandy accepts her widow status in the pack. Her daughter's status as queen bitch gives Sandy the status she needs to lead a good life. Only one thing is missing: the companionship of a mate. Ralph is tired of simply protecting Sandy from a distance. Too many strays chance upon her, hoping for a nibble from the youthful-looking widow. It's time to make his move, show her he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Shadow Hunter Retired Shadow Hunter and were-cat, Ulrik, is forced out of retirement when a rogue werewolf calls for his blood. It's Halloween in New Orleans, and the last thing the Council needs is open warfare. Just when he thought things were under control, Charlene arrives on the scene. Twofold Desires For Halloween flower shop owner Jill Evan's biggest excitement is carving pumpkins and spraying gladiolus orange and black. She attends a Halloween singles bash, looking to add a little fun to her normal, boring life. Leo and Arden have searched eighteen years for a woman to break their cursed existence. With only a few nights remaining until death claims them, Jill dances into their lives, exactly what they're looking for.

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