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The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot

von Liz Dean

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Discover the facts, myth, history, and mystery of the spiritual art of Tarot-reading. Whether you want to learn to read the cards or deepen your Tarot interpretation skills, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot honors the deep heritage of Tarot, while guiding you through practical techniques. Tarot expert Liz Dean offers an overview to all of the important elements of each card from symbols, to links with astrology, kabbala and numerology. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot also includes all the classic tarot spreads - Celtic Cross, Horseshoe, Star and Astrological Year Ahead - plus, a mini-layout to try for each of the 22 major cards. Learn how to combine the three essential ingredients of a great tarot reading: knowing the meaning of the cards, how to lay them out, and trusting the intuitive messages the images often spark within us during a reading. This synthesis is the true magic of tarot. With the authority and confidence this book offers, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot will be the must-have companion for beginner readers and tarot aficionados alike.… (mehr)
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first and foremost, this is for RWS readers or would be readers. it's solely based upon the Rider Waite Smith deck from the images to the symbolism throughout the book. it's a great beginner book, but not so good for advanced unless it's someone new to RWS styles. the book is created with a spread for each of the Majors which is awesome.

the major "fail" in my book is the fact that it gives reference to numerology, astrology, and kabbalah yet it only touches on it in the briefest of ways. IE: Mercury is associated with the Magician and you can see the symbols of this in the *i forgot what exactly*. explaining how Mercury relates to the Magician would be beneficial as it will help you understand the Magician's ability to communicate and make performances grander than anything we experience before. ( )
  tabicham | Jul 22, 2017 |
This is a pretty good introduction to reading tarot cards. The entire book is in full color, with large illustrations of each card, which is helpful. For every card, Dean covers the major symbols, the upright and reversed meanings, and the astrological association. For the Major Arcana, she also includes Kabbalistic correspondences, numerology, and the historical development of the images on the card. Unique to this book, Dean has created a spread for each of the Major Arcana. You probably don't need this book if you've already read other basic books—they pretty much all cover the same territory—but you may still enjoy it and/or learn something new from it. Unfortunately, it needed more proofreading: some of the errors, like mixed-up astrological associations, could confuse beginners. ( )
  Silvernfire | May 25, 2016 |
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Discover the facts, myth, history, and mystery of the spiritual art of Tarot-reading. Whether you want to learn to read the cards or deepen your Tarot interpretation skills, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot honors the deep heritage of Tarot, while guiding you through practical techniques. Tarot expert Liz Dean offers an overview to all of the important elements of each card from symbols, to links with astrology, kabbala and numerology. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot also includes all the classic tarot spreads - Celtic Cross, Horseshoe, Star and Astrological Year Ahead - plus, a mini-layout to try for each of the 22 major cards. Learn how to combine the three essential ingredients of a great tarot reading: knowing the meaning of the cards, how to lay them out, and trusting the intuitive messages the images often spark within us during a reading. This synthesis is the true magic of tarot. With the authority and confidence this book offers, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot will be the must-have companion for beginner readers and tarot aficionados alike.

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