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Valentine - Volume 1

von Vanyda

Reihen: Valentine (1)

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622,699,166 (2.5)Keine
Valentine is a secondary-school student like many others. Her daily life is filled with all the upheavals and self-questioning of adolescence. Self-conscious, she tries to assert herself within a group in which she is the shy one. She spends most of her time with her girlfriends, at school or at parties on the weekend. She also tries desperately to get the attention of Felix, the boy she's in love with and who has no idea she exists. To make things worse, he's in the rival class to her own... Little by little, this young woman learns to express herself and find her place in the cruel and treacherous world of adolescence, from MP3 players and Japanese mangas, to her first parties and her first whiskey and Coke."I really like the choice of camera angles Vanyda uses throughout the book. She mixes it up very well with worms eye views and birds eye views constantly. " Pipeline Comics… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonfernandie, wisemetis, Rivaton, datrappert, CathCD, cecile.sune
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Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
This is part one of a trilogy, which might account for some of the dissatisfaction I felt for this title. Maybe it's a very slow build, but I found it very frustrating. The title character, Valentine, was very passive and was more a background character to her more out-going and domineering friends. (Trust me, I can relate, but it does make for some boring reading.)

Also, Emilie is AWFUL and I can only hope that in a later volume, everybody tells her what a snot she is.

I really did like the art. Vanyda used a lot of simple panels to show Val's isolation and passivity, which I liked. Honestly, if this was in one volume instead of broken up into three, I might have liked it better. As it stands, I feel little desire to continue with the rest of the trilogy

Review copy courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley. ( )
  wisemetis | Sep 13, 2022 |
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Valentine is a secondary-school student like many others. Her daily life is filled with all the upheavals and self-questioning of adolescence. Self-conscious, she tries to assert herself within a group in which she is the shy one. She spends most of her time with her girlfriends, at school or at parties on the weekend. She also tries desperately to get the attention of Felix, the boy she's in love with and who has no idea she exists. To make things worse, he's in the rival class to her own... Little by little, this young woman learns to express herself and find her place in the cruel and treacherous world of adolescence, from MP3 players and Japanese mangas, to her first parties and her first whiskey and Coke."I really like the choice of camera angles Vanyda uses throughout the book. She mixes it up very well with worms eye views and birds eye views constantly. " Pipeline Comics

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