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Gotham By Midnight Vol. 1: We Do Not Sleep (The New 52)

von Ray Fawkes, Ben Templesmith (Illustrator)

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Reihen: Gotham By Midnight [2015] (1)

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"Spinning out of Batman Eternal, Detective Jim Corrigan aka The Spectre stars in his very own series Gotham By Midnight! Normally Batman and the other caped protectors of Gotham have the streets of the city covered. But when monsters, ghosts and other supernatural beings enter the mix, even the Dark Knight needs help. Enter Detective Jim Corrigan aka the Spectre to prowl the streets of Gotham, solving the unsolvable supernatural crimes the city can muster. Collects Gotham By Midnight #1-6"--… (mehr)
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Probably not the best thing I've read, but most certainly not the worst. The art, while perfect for this tale, is off putting at times. And the story felt a bit lacking. ( )
  ennuiprayer | Jan 14, 2022 |
Really enjoyed this a lot - Fawkes weaves a compelling supernatural story in the volume with a bigger story to come. Characters are all intriguing and he provides just enough for readers to get a sense of who they are but still wanting to learn more about them. Lots of hints and secrets without being too obtuse. Templesmith's artwork is perfect for this series. ( )
  scout101 | Sep 15, 2020 |
I received this from Edelweiss and DC Comics in exchange for an honest review.

Now THIS was INCREDIBLE! This was a spin-off of the Batman Eternal weeklies, and it captured the spiritual wickedness that was released into Gotham City when Arkham Asylum collapsed into oblivion. Seriously, what else can make this city any worse? Sins buried deep in the swamp around the city, that's what.

The story was simply well-written, delving into topics not normally seen in DC Comics: sin and judgment, prayer and sacrifice. It was presented well, with a exceptionally high creepiness factor. The artwork contributed to this, a style I normally don't like. In this rare case, it was essential to the book.

I was going to say that DC needs to keep this series going after the whole Multiversity event, but apparently the series is already cancelled. Bad decision, if you ask me. ( )
  ssimon2000 | May 31, 2016 |
This TPB was a weird combination of stuff. It was partially a cop book, it’s about a division of the GCPD that’s been nicknamed the Midnight Shift. But then the cases that they take on are a curious mix of religious and supernatural cases all rolled into one.

And then there’s Detective Corrigan and the Spectre. I haven’t read a lot about either of them so I did find the TPB new as well as interesting.

The five demon monster things, where they came from, etc. Unfortunately I didn’t like the art at all, it was too scratchy and dark for my taste.

But, overall I thought it was a good TPB.

I got this advanced galley through Netgalley on behalf of DC Entertainment. ( )
  DanieXJ | Aug 25, 2015 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Fawkes, RayAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Templesmith, BenIllustratorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Burnham, ChrisIllustratorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Sorrentino, AndreaIllustratorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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"Spinning out of Batman Eternal, Detective Jim Corrigan aka The Spectre stars in his very own series Gotham By Midnight! Normally Batman and the other caped protectors of Gotham have the streets of the city covered. But when monsters, ghosts and other supernatural beings enter the mix, even the Dark Knight needs help. Enter Detective Jim Corrigan aka the Spectre to prowl the streets of Gotham, solving the unsolvable supernatural crimes the city can muster. Collects Gotham By Midnight #1-6"--

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