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Reasonable Doubt Full Series (Reasonable Doubt, #1-3)

von Whitney G.

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Reihen: Reasonable Doubt (Volumes 1-3)

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852327,067 (4.08)Keine
The complete New York Times Bestselling serial, now available in one book! My cock has an appetite. A huge and very particular appetite: Blonde, curvy, and preferably not a fucking liar...(Although, that's a story for another day.) As a high profile lawyer, I don't have time to waste on relationships, so I fulfill my needs by anonymously chatting and sleeping with women I meet online. My rules are simple: One dinner. One night. No repeats. This is only casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing less. At least it was, until "Alyssa"...She was supposed to be a 27 year old lawyer, a book hoarder, and completely unattractive. She was supposed to be someone I shared law advice with late at night, someone I could trust with details of my weekly escapades. But then she came into my firm for an interview--a college-intern interview, and everything fucking changed...… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonRellwood_74, jkaline2, mrThisledr, DramPan
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Andrew & Alyssa are both liars and pretending to be someone else. Texting and talking for months without meeting each other has him wanting to meet so they can have sex. He's a one night no repeat lawyer with no friends and a mysterious past and she's a law student and ballerina that has horrible parents. This is all SLOWLY revealed through three books. Andrew is rude and demanding and hates liars and really just wants sex. Alyssa wants a relationship. They finally meet under funny circumstances and begin what can be described as an office affair. Domineering and demanding, Andrew takes charge and makes all of the rules and Alyssa is kind of weak and goes along and then throws fits when things don't go her way. Lies come to fruition and identities are revealed and the book becomes disjointed. ( )
  LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
Review for audiobook - 2 stars story ♫ 2 stars audio. Well.... it just wasn't for me. There were some pretty amazing reviews out there so I'm in the minority for sure. I didn't find the story all that appealing... The beginning 20% was the best and then it just went downhill from there for me. I wish I could have loved it... but I didn't, it was just an okay read for me.

The narration started out amazing until the female narrator joined in... I had to turn the volume down super low as she did a hitch in her breath after EVERY sentence (even the most mundane). I suppose this was an attempt to sound seductive and that would work if it was reserved for the sexy parts.... just not every sentence. Also, this is first time I've listened to a dual-narration where they spoke each others parts when they were telling the story from their POV which was just weird. So, if Andrew was talking he "voiced" Aubry's parts... vice-versa which I didn't much enjoy. I figured with dual narration, they would speak their own parts. Oh well. The male narrator had an awesome voice and I could listen to him all day long. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
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G., WhitneyHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Williams, Whitney GraciaAutorHauptautoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Reasonable Doubt (Volumes 1-3)
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The complete New York Times Bestselling serial, now available in one book! My cock has an appetite. A huge and very particular appetite: Blonde, curvy, and preferably not a fucking liar...(Although, that's a story for another day.) As a high profile lawyer, I don't have time to waste on relationships, so I fulfill my needs by anonymously chatting and sleeping with women I meet online. My rules are simple: One dinner. One night. No repeats. This is only casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing less. At least it was, until "Alyssa"...She was supposed to be a 27 year old lawyer, a book hoarder, and completely unattractive. She was supposed to be someone I shared law advice with late at night, someone I could trust with details of my weekly escapades. But then she came into my firm for an interview--a college-intern interview, and everything fucking changed...

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